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Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann/WMG: Difference between revisions

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== Viral has had Spiral power ever since the beginning of the series ==
* Lets see, earliest example was when Viral saved Adine by catching Dai-GurrensGurren's foot and threw it on its ass. He came up underneath it (drills maybe?) and caught a giant foot that probably weighed somewhere over three tons. Then he survived the explosion Adine's sub. In the penultimate episode, Viral gets caught in the dimensional labyrinth with everyone else, because it was a trap that targeted creatures that could produce spiral energy, and later; during the final fight, the show flashes to Viral saying something, and then Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann pulls out two katanas; weapons that Viral has been using throughout the series. Also, in the second movie, he gets a tengen toppa (spiral energy flames and all) with a design that reminds this troper of shiva and uses a sword in each hand.
* This may explain why, despite not being that high up in the chain of command, Viral is almost completely human.
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== The Opening Sequence of Episode 1 is the [[Bad Ending]] for the series. ==
The introductory sequence of episode 1 prior to the title card, featuring Captain Garlock about to take on all the heavenly lights in the sky, is the bad ending for the series, wherein Simon, instead of listening to the pleas of the Anti-Spiral, goes on to continue his space travels and becomes the Spiral Nemesis. The last shot of the scene before the series title and episode title is the last moments in the universe before Simon destroys everywhere and everywhen in Space-time with Chouginga Gurren Lagann and its Maelstrom Cannon.
* [http://www.animenewsnetwork.comcc//interview/2008-07-28/gainax-on-gurren-lagann This interview] says that the opening was originally supposed to foreshadow the ending. Along the way, it was [[Retcon]]'d into an [[Alternate Universe]] where Simon does become the Spiral Nemesis.
* The obvious trigger of his action is {{spoiler|[[Love Makes You Crazy|Nia's death]]}}. How can he give up his power and authority now—now that only he can set things right! Even if it means amassing enough mass and energy to risk the gravitational collapse of the universe. Even if it means leading the Dai-Gurren-Dan into war with every living being. [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|NOTHING is impossible to the truly audacious!]]
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**** [[Two Words: Obvious Trope|Three Words]]: Giant Naked <s> Rei</s> Nia
** Zen Survivor dark figure/father of a protagonist: Gendo and Lord Genome, both of whose goals are tied to their "hell": Gendo to continue abusing the power to revive the dead, Lord Genome to keep others from following his path.
* Similar plot points: The creation of the prototype (Gurren Lagann), and the copies being inferior. [[Heroic BSOD]] of the main character after the death/near death of a close friend. Splitting into alternate universes and coming back. The only difference is that Shinji ends up numb, broken and on the verge of suicide, while Simon snaps out of it, [[Took a Level Inin Badass|Takes A Level In Badass]], and becomes even more awesome than Kamina.
** Does the Instrumentality sequence at the end of ''End of Evangelion'' happen in reverse in episode 26 in ''[[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann]]'', where the spirit of Kamina rescues the characters bodily from the Anti-Spiral's illusory world?
** The Anti-Spirals already created giant robots of their own to fight against... something (not sure what). They slowly realized that the more they fought, the faster they doomed themselves. They gave in to dispair and Instrumentalized themselves, becoming an all-powerful being that could bend the very fabric of reality.
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* There's no telling how deep this rabbit hole goes: [http://i421.photobucket.com/albums/pp298/BlueJoshi/kidgenome.jpg Lord Genome had a Pikachu].
** There's also Nidorino/Nidorina, Mew, and possibly Pidgey in that photo.
* If Pikachu is a direct-line male heir to Boota, and Squirtle is Kamina, what does that say about Ash?! [[Kid Hero]], [[Idiot Hero]], able to tell [[Screw theNew Rules Ias Havethe Plot Demands|the rules of reality]] to fuck off whenever he and Pikachu want to do something, he must be Simon reincarnated. Squirtle/Kamina came to Ash at the beginning of his adventure, when he needed help, and left (this time without the [[Heroic Sacrifice]]) when Ash no longer needed him around. The glasses worn by the other Squirtles around him must have been references to Simon's goggles, in an attempt to get closer to their [[Crazy Awesome]] leader.
* I'd say that Spoink is probably the closest strain to Boota - not only are they pigs, but they're attached to a spiral!
** With Black/White having just hit, we have further links. Boota's lineage still includes Piloswine and etc- but [http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Drilbur_%28Pok%C3%A9mon%29 Drillbur and Excadrill] are his most direct descendants (well, aside from Pikachu somehow). They even get [http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Drill_Run_%28move%29 GIGA DRILL BREAKER], for Arceus' sake. Also, Skyla is Yoko's direct descendant. This isn't even a question. [http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Skyla Seriously.] [http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Golett Golett] and [http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Golurk_%28Pok%C3%A9mon%29 Golurk] are powered by Spiral Energy directly and may even be related to Ganmen; perhaps they're tsukumogami of the forgotten mecha? Also, there's the bit where the oldest ruin in Unova is the Dragon*Spiral* tower. This may be less relevant, of course, but it's at least worth noting.
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* Or Guame as the little armidillo was, like Boota, a source of spiral energy and evolved ''himself'' into a humanoid in the same way that Boota did.
== The events of the prologue are part of the God-Emperor of Mankind's ridiculously long-term plan - and hence part of [[Warhammer 4000040,000]]. ==
Alt!Boota's "All the lights in the heavens are our enemies", with a bit of [[Darker and Edgier|GRIMDARKNESS]] re-phrasing, sounds awfully like the standard Imperium of Man xenophobic creed. The raising of Captain Garlock was carried out by Custodes under the orders of the God-Emperor far from Imperium-controlled space. The Gunmen are a type of Titan designed by the God-Emperor separate from the Adeptus Mechanicus. Someday in the future, Captain Garlock and the Dai-Gurren Brigade will return to use the TTGL to [[Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny|put the smackdown on the Chaos Gods and the C'tan]] and then revive the God-Emperor.
* Or ''Simon'' is the God Emperor of Mankind. He's about to kick off the first great crusade that will render Man lord of the galaxy and trample thousands of 'lesser' spiral races. Little does he know that this will realise the Antispirals' greatest fear: the vast upheavals of Spiral Energy during the crusade will drive the gods of 'super-spiral space' to never before seen levels of power, empowering them to corrupt several of his Dai-Gurren-Dan against him. The rest is (future) history.
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== The Anti-Spirals are Tragic Heroes against the Expansionist and Racist Species Humanity ==
Post-timeskip, we see that humanity keeps expanding without limit, much like a virus; the persecution of the beastmen that follows shows their intolerance. That may have been the tip of the iceberg as far as humanity's conquests went, and they possibly left hundreds or thousands of worlds barren or burning and their inhabitants dead or enslaved simply because they believed they could go anywhere and do anything - much like the Imperium of the [[Warhammer 4000040,000]] universe. The Anti-Spirals may be [[Sufficiently Advanced Alien]]s that have watched humans from the beginning of their prehistory and hoped they would learn tolerance, self-control, and moderation; when they could no longer bear to see world after world be conquered, they decided to intervene. The downside was that confinement and despair only made humans more aggressive, and now they may spread farther and more ruthlessly simply to avoid being confined again.
* Except we see that there's quite a few beastmen living with all the humans with no problem. There's no evidence that beastmen are somehow persecuted othe that the prison apparently being full of them; we can always rationalise that many of them are violently anti-human, refusing to give up the war they just lost) and are kept separate for the human criminals' safety. That Simon was put there is either a sign that they felt he could take care of himself or a sign that his jailers were angry at him.
* This may be the backstory behind Parallel Works #4.
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{{spoiler|Viral's wife}} exists in the proper ''TTGL'' universe beyond {{spoiler|a figment of a wishful dream}} and in the Parallel Works: {{spoiler|she's}} seen onboard the Cathedral Terra/Chouginga Gurren Lagann {{spoiler|with her husband}} as the ship sets off for its diplomatic mission. [http://i373.photobucket.com/albums/oo174/tvtropesttglcomparison/viralswifesightings.jpg See and decide for yourself].
* Note that while he did say {{spoiler|Beastmen were infertile, so there's no way he had the kids}}, there's nothing keeping him from {{spoiler|knowing or finding a woman that looks like the one from the dream}}.
** This particular guess is completely, completely just plain wrong. While it is entirely possible that {{spoiler|He could find a woman who looks like her}}, a higher-quality image shows that [https://web.archive.org/web/20210328153118/http://img.imgcake.com/Suri/not!wife404.pnghtml not only are those horns and not ears, but appears to be male and has a beard.]{{Dead link}}
* Now that is a {{spoiler|very interesting}} use of {{spoiler|spoiler tags}}. Don't {{spoiler|you}} agree?
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* another possibility why he could not beat them is that he could not beat them because spiral power runs on your self determination, and the anti-spiral lost heart when he saw just how powerfull the gurren brigade got. notice how every line he says after Lordgenomes CMOA sounds a little more scared and panicked?
== [[Warhammer 4000040,000|Orks]] know how to harness Spiral Energy ==
They can make things work that shouldn't work through sheer willpower, can make things faster through sheer willpower, etc. In short, they can make the impossible possible.
* This Troper now knows what he has to do: He must make a Gurren Lagann-themed Ork army, complete with a Boss wearing Kamina's sunglasses, cape, and blue wig.
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== The Anti-Spirals are running a large part of the video game industry ==
* Continuing from the above, the Anti-Spirals were responsible for the death of the Dreamcast. But during Sega's decline in [[The Nineties|the mid-to-late 1990s]], and especially after they were out of the market, gaming took on a decidedly [[Darker and Edgier]] slant. First with [[Grand Theft Auto]]-style sandbox games set in [[Crime-Time TV|crime-ridden cities]], then with [[Real Is Brown|realistic]] [[First-Person Shooter|First Person Shooters]] where the player is not an individual hero but a single soldier who may or may not have any real effect on the outcome of the war, games are going [[Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism|down to the cynical end of the scale]], very much fitting with the Anti-Spiral motive of creating cynicism and despair. Nintendo and Sega, makers of decidedly more idealistic games that gave gaming actual "faces" like [[Super Mario Bros.|Mario]] and [[Sonic the Hedgehog|Sonic]] (remember the ''faceless'' Anti-Spiral robots? And the "faceless" corporations they're using to take over gaming?), pissed off the Anti-Spirals to no end, so they directed their hate at those companies. Sega went down with their [[Dreamcast]], leaving the console market. Their niche was filled by Microsoft, a company even further divorced from "idealism" than Sony. It seemed like Nintendo, too would fall: the Gamecube was the bottom of its generation, and Anti-Spiral puppet corporation Sony was poised to enter the handheld market. It would supposedly destroy Nintendo there. All seemed dark, like the Spirals would fade from gaming altogether, until... '''[[Wii|ROW ROW]] [[Nintendo DS|FIGHT THE POWAH!]]''' You want even more proof? [https://web.archive.org/web/20121002140311/http://malstrom.50webs.com/birdman.html Go ahead, Ctrl+ F and search "Spiral".] Nintendo's "User Satisfaction as King" business strategy is called a Spiral! The "[["Stop Having Fun!" Guys|hardcore]]" FPS gamers, who by now are ''de facto'' Anti-Spirals, are pissed at Nintendo's strategy of expanding the market to all for fear that it will cause the gaming Spiral Nemesis, destroying video gaming's special niche in the culture. Oh, and [[Shigeru Miyamoto]] is Simon.
** [[Shigeru Miyamoto]] is Simon? '''''BADASS!!!''''' [[Tropers/Zelenal|I]] subscribe to this theory!
** Before taking over gaming, the Anti-Spirals took over the American comic book industry. The result was much the same: see [[Dark Age]].
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If it wasn't already self-evident, [[This Troper]] has confirmed it.
== The Spiral Nemesis is the creation of a new [[Warhammer 4000040,000|Eye of Terror]] ==
Of course! It's so obvious! Love, hope, will, fighting spirit, all of the things that make humanity powerful and important are all fundamentally linked to the Ruinous Powers! The Anti-spirals are Eldar; using space-distortion, mind trickery, and techno-sorcery in an attempt to oppress intelligent life to prevent their mistakes! [[How Did We Miss This One?]]? Oh, and spiral power is warpcraft.
* I imagined a crossover like that once, and it was awesome. And would explain Ork's belief powers... Except that, unlike Spiral beings, they don't reproduce sexually, as they don't have genders.
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** Or does letting the [[300]] Spartans fight in '''Tengen Toppa''' Gurren Lagann -like Mecha and having them proceed to kill an army of [[Eldritch Abomination|Eldritch]] [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|Abominations]] ''[[The Matrix|in bullet time]]'' while accompanied by every [[Memetic Badass]] count?
*** How about the TTGL turn into a pocket universe shaped like a merger of Kamina and [[Memetic Mutation|the goddamn Batman]], with the voice of Mr T, holding a big f***ing sword composed of a thousand burning quasars, and whose ''skin cells'' are supernova continously going off. All while shouting "THIS!IS!SPIRAL NEMESIS!"
*** Nah, I'm thinking something else. I'm afraid it'll cause Spiral Nemesis just by describing it, but here goes. What about a massive flaming hole being torn through the universe straight through to the afterlife, through which Kamina, wearing a flaming crown and a flaming version of his cape and shades, sprouting [[Go Nagai Sideburns]], and [[Dual-Wielding]] [[Flaming Sword|Flaming]] [[Chainsaw Good|Chain]][[Warhammer 4000040,000|swords]], rides out on top of the head of his own Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, piloted by Kittan, Lord Genome, his generals, and everyone else on the non-Anti-Spiral side, which proceeds to gattai with the one used by Simon and the rest of the team, which is joined by [[Chuck Norris]], [[Mr. T]], [[Axe Cop]], [[The Adventures of Dr. McNinja|Dr. McNinja]], [[Batman]], [[Avatar (film)|Colonel Quaritch]], [[300|Leondias and the Spartans]], [[God of War (series)|Kratos]], Bruce Ironstaunch, [[Daniel Remar|reallyjoel's Dad]], [[Star Wars|Boba Fett, Darth Vader,]] [[Mobile Fighter G Gundam|Domon, Master Asia, his horse]], [[Brian Blessed]], [[Theodore Roosevelt]], [[Firefly|River Tam]], [[Problem Sleuth]], [[Homestuck|Bro, Equius, Mr. Egbert, Grandpa Harley]], [[Dragon Ball|Goku]], [[Team Fortress 2|Saxton Hale]], [[Dwarf Fortress|Morul, Captain Ironblood,]] [[Shin Mazinger Shougeki! Z-hen|Kouji]], [[Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden|Charles Barkley,]] [[Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff|Hass the Rock]], [[F-Zero|Captain Falcon]], [[The Man Your Man Could Smell Like]], [[GaoGaiGar|Guy]], [[Segata Sanshiro]], [[Power Rangers|Tommy Oliver]], [[Commando (film)|John Matrix]], everyone else listed on the [[Memetic Badass]] page, and anyone not already listed who has appeared in [[Manly Guys Doing Manly Things]] to form a new mecha, which is the size of the ''entire'' universe, made of Spiral Energy, is shaped like Kamina in his aforementioned equipment, plus Lord Genome's beard and Simon's visor, both made of fire, with a Powerthirst-spewing fountain in its chest, flaming wings made out of lightsabers, and is riding an appropriately scaled-up [[Axe Cop|Wexter]] in his rocket-winged dragon form while wielding [[Thirty Hs|Fuckslayer and a flaming groinsaw]], then proceeding to perform a Super Tengen Toppa Giga Drill Breaker with each limb, plus the head, and t
**** Throw [[wikipedia:Jack Churchill|Lieutenant Colonel John Malcolm Thorpe Fleming "Jack" Churchill]] somewhere in there.
***** Describing it in the actual universe will destroy it. Preforming it will [[Apocalypse How|trigger a Class Z]], probably even beyond. Perhaps that's the reason {{spoiler|the TARDIS exploded}}-this event occured, and space-time commited suicide because it could not handle the awesomeness. If creation has a God, He commited suicide as well. The Season 5 finale of Doctor Who is an attempt to prevent this suicide. Whoever's truly behind it wants ''all existence'' to have a [[Dying Moment of Awesome]].
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== Portal takes place in the TTGL universe ==
* And Aperture Science was developing Spiral power (look at their logo, it's kind of a spiral itself). Chell is a budding Spiral Warrior, and the Portal Device is a perceptual teleportation unit. [[G La DOSGLaDOS]] has either been controlled by or defected to the Anti-Spirals, and is desperately trying to prevent the spread of Spiral Power by the Anti-Spiral's usual methods, disheartening and discouraging Chell, which forces her to go further and further [[Serial Escalation]] in her attempt to escape.
** So Cave Johnson is Kamina and Spiral Power comes from Combustable Lemons? Neato torpedo.
** This theory would explain why [[The Cake Is a Lie]]; to goo thrhough such hardships only to be disapointed would indeed be crushing.
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== TTGL takes place in Real Life.. ==
Where an accident from the Large Hadron Collider created an interdimensional warp and released what would be Spiral Energy, forcing humanity to move underground.
* That explains the [[Four Chan4chan|ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWAH combined with Large Hadron Collider memes]].....
== The TTGL universe is connected to [[Real Life]]. ==
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== Nia is TTGL 's equivalent of [[Super Mario Bros.|Princess Peach]] ==
Starts off as a [[Moe Moe]] -esque [[Damsel in Distress|Distressed]] [[Everything's Better with Princesses|Princess]] who after spending time with the protagonist [[Took a Level Inin Badass|Takes A Level In Badass]] and becomes as [[Hot-Blooded]] as the protagonist. They even look alike.
* So, Bowser = Lordgenome?
** The Anti-Spirals (specifically the Grand Zamboa) might be the closest equivalent of Bowser. It is even more obvious with [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvsvvTPYn20&feature=related Parallel Works #1].
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== Kamina and Simon ''are'' actual brothers ==
* [http://gurennlagann.wikia.com/wiki/File:Kaminaandsimon26.jpg Look at them]{{Dead link}}. Nearly the same hair, facial expression, [[Walking Shirtless Scene]]... Whether Kamina knows this or not makes no difference.
** The resemblance isn't more than two unrelated people who took clothing and stance habits from each other. However, Adult Simon and Old Simon ''do'' look suspiciously like Kamina's father... Which is not to say that Simon is Kamina's father's only son, just that there is other evidence that they are (at least half-)siblings.
** At the very least, could they be very distant cousins?
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** The Daleks and the Cybermen have the same intentions as the Anti Spirals. They just found their own ways to prevent any TTGL-esque insurrection : [[Omnicidal Maniac|Exterminating Everyone]], or [[You Will Be Assimilated|Upgrading Everyone]]
== Show takes place in a distant future of ''[[Shinkon Gattai Godannar]]'' ==
Mimetic Beasts were created by Anti-Spirals - they were first attempt to exterminate Spirals, together with Insania Virus. That's not a coincidence that it was using exactly the same thing that fuels Spiral Power - fighting spirit - to fuel itself and turn infected against their friends. However, when Anti-Spiralrs realized that they only accelerated evolution of Spirals, they launched full-scale campaing against them. Also, Kamina is descedant of Shizuru and Kouji. Really, try to mix Kouji's [[Hot-Blooded|hot bloodness]] and [[Large Ham|hamminess]] with her [[Catch Phrase]] and you'll get Kamina. Yoko may be great-great-great granddaughter of Go and Anna.
== Suigetsu from ''[[Naruto]]'' is Viral. ==
No, wait, hear me out!
Okay, so, nobody in Gurren Lagann (excluding [[Badass|LordGenome]]) has managed to manifest Spiral Power without the aid of a machine or some other item (i.e. the Core Drill). Sometime in the future, humanity creates techniques to manifest Spiral Power sans an external aid. This is the root of Jutsu. Eventually there's another war or something, and humanity once again finds itself nearly wiped out. They are forced to rebuild again, however, this time they retain the core of what would become Jutsu. Viral survives, and in the Naruto universe he calls himself Suigetsu (I mean [https://web.archive.org/web/20150530192729/http://media.animevice.com/uploads/0/572/23001-suigetsu_super_strenght_super.jpg look at him]!). This conveniently explains the spiral motif in Naruto's character (i.e. the Rasengan, his seal) and why Naruto keeps being able to do crazy stuff despite whatever beating he might take (it only fuels his hotbloodedness, which fuels spiral power i.e. chakra). This Troper also likes to dream about how the ultimate form of the Rasengan will be the Lazengann.
* ......It is logical, though you should see the Naruto guess that Kamina is the [[So SP]]. And I feel the same about the Rasengan-Lazengan thing.
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* Simon's player was the [[Only Sane Man]], although by the time skip he had gone just as crazy as the rest of them.
== The Dai-Gurren has existed in a previous form long ago: [[Fight Club (novel)|Fight Club]] ==
Fight Club is a group/cult built on the foundations of testosterone and chaos. Many years later, a young Kamina stumbles upon long-lost evidence of Project Mayhem. He misinterpets it and is inspired by what he saw to form a group of his own based upon the tenants laid down by Tyler, only molded to a much more idealistic format. Specifically the opposition of authority and forgoing of reason.
* Alternatively, [[Calvin and Hobbes/WMG|he founded Team Dai-Gurren based on his prior involvement in Fight Club.]]
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== The Anti-Spirals are still out there. ==
Not the Anti-Spiral race our heroes fought. No. Unknown to our heroes,the Anti-Spirals had allied with the only race they could trust - [[Mechanical Lifeforms|a race of machines.]] When the Anti-Spirals were beaten, said robots decided, after watching the [[Ax Crazy]] [[Large Ham]] of the Anti-Spiral leader, that ''all living things'' could lead to Spiral Nemesis, and as non-living things, [[Kill All Humans|they must wipe out life]] [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|so it cannot occur.]]
* [[Warhammer 4000040,000|Necrons]]?
* However, not all of these [[Mechanical Lifeforms]] seek the destruction of life. Some - some will come to protect the Spirals, and refused to ally with the Anti-Spirals. Most will come to destroy them. They were the dream - [[Mechanical Lifeforms]] able to [[Transforming Mecha|transform]] their bodies into [[Cool Car|ve]][[Cool Plane|hi]][[Tank Goodness|cl]][[Cool Starship|es]]; a last line of defense against the [[Omnicidal Maniac|all who oppose Spiral life]]! They are at war, heroic Autobot pitted against evil Decepticon, both on their homeworld of Cybertron and throughout the universe! They are the universe's last hope, they are - '''[[Transformers]]'''!
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== Spiral Power ''doesn't'' violate [[Equivalent Exchange]] ==
What we witness as "creating matter and energy out of nothing" is just tapping the powers of [[Another Dimension]] (or dimensions) whose immense energies then spiral out into our universe and then transformed into matter by manipulating Einstein's Mass-energy equation (E=MC^2), said matter is assimilated into Lagann's drills. "Spirals" are just psychic humans with a lot of testosterone and [[Id, Superego and Ego|Id]], and when they "produce" spiral power, they are just subconsciously "calling" this dimension, and the energy can then spiral out through the transmission point (in other words, [[Summon Magic]]). Of course, if the transmission comes from a lone Spiral it would be too weak and too subtle, so spiral technology amplifies this transmission (think of the drills as antennae). Spiral Nemesis will come when because there are so much Spirals the real universe and the high-energy dimension will merge, transforming the universe into an [[Eldritch Location]], ala [[Warhammer 4000040,000|Eye of Terror]].
== Lordgenome once had a daughter, who died at the age of fourteen. ==
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== Purging yourself of spiral energy (like the Anti-Spirals) will drive you to insanity. ==
[[Category:Wild Mass Guessing/Anime and Manga]]
[[Category:Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann]]
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