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* [[Difficulty by Region]]: R-Type II was so hard, Irem had to tone it town for the American arcade release. Just to get a taste of how bad R-Type II was, the first two levels once featured enemies that strike from behind, including the [[Goddamned Bats|kamikaze]] [[Flying Seafood Special|fish]] from the second stage. The second stage once made the [http://rtype.wikia.com/wiki/Lady Ladies], slow-moving enemies that home in on you and are [[Goddamned Bats|VERY durable in the second loop]], spawned a few seconds apart from each other rather than all at once like the American version, which allowed them to strike from behind. The fifth stage's [[Demonic Spider|enemies that created often-unbreakable blocks in ther wake, shoot in the Japanese version]]. All the stages had bosses with somewhat more health and less useful powerups. Even better, the PSX compilation that contained both this game and the original used the Japanese versions, so there's been no legal way of getting the easier version until Dimensions, unless you find one of the few arcades that still contained this game.
** Leo's Japanese version can't be credit-fed as easily as the American version, since it takes you back to a checkpoint if you die. However, it does have a LOT of checkpoints for each stage, though, and its stages are barely even longer than the original games, which either provided NO checkpoints or just one.
* [[Downer Ending]]: In R-Type Delta {{spoiler|if you play as the Cerberus you don't escape the Bydo dimension and end up trapped in a Bydo plant}}. In R-Type Final {{spoiler|1=there's only one way to beat the game that doesn't result in killing the player character, and it's [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ng0Jwp6tz44 ''stupidly'' hard]}}. And just in case you thought the series was going to give you a glorious finale in which peace is restored, several ship entries in ''Final'' more or less state outright that humanity is preparing to get back to [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters|the old business of killing each other again]] once the Bydo are gone (and ''R-Type Command II: Operation Bitter Chocolate'' confirms this). Entries on the two last fighters, Curtain Call and Grand Finale, also hint that Earth pretty much exhausted its natural resources in the Bydo Wars. The human ending in R-Type Tactics shows the {{spoiler|Heimdall sunk into the Bydo dimension}}, while the Bydo ending has {{spoiler|your fleet [[Despair Event Horizon|realizing what they've become]] and getting chased off Earth by the Space Corps. The same thing happens to your human fleet in Tactics II. For those who wish to know what happened in Tactics II, the two human sides that were fighting each other joined forces to stop another Bydo invasion, which has been headed by the admiral of Tactics 1. After defeating the invasion, you human fleet encounters the Amber Eye, the new Bydo Core. After defeating it, the human fleet gets broken down completely into bits and become Bydo. After fighting an unknown civilization, a human fleet, reaching Earth and leaving, the Bydo fleet goes to the sun and encounter what seems to be a Bydo Recycler called the Solar Envoy. The Bydo fleet repels the first atttempt by the Solar Envoy to recylce you into Bydo, them commit suicide by going into the sun.}}
* [[Dynamic Difficulty]]: The difficulty of the first two games increases when you get a Force, and increases some more every time your Force upgrades.
* [[Earthshattering Kaboom]]: It's implied that even in the time the Bydo traveled back to, destroying planets is so routine that most large spacecraft can do it. In fact, it's also implied that the Moritz-G in ''Delta'', a vehicle that fits on a standard highway, could ''completely depopulate the planet Earth''. Subatomic, the rebirthed form of Dobkeratops in ''R-Type II''/''Super'', is also said to have enough firepower to destroy planets.
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[[Category:Arcade Game]]
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