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* No [[Real Life]] examples, including [[Executive Meddling]]. That is just asking for trouble.
* No ASSCAPS, no bold, and no italics unless it's the title of a work. We are not yelling the DMoSs out loud.
== Subpages ==
== Other Examples ==
* ''[[Haruhi Suzumiya]]'':
** Episode 2 (Chronologically) of Haruhi Suzumiya. The SOS Brigade needs a computer, so what does Haruhi do? She forces the president of the Computer Club on Mikuru's breast and takes a photo. She threatens to tell everyone that it was a gang rape. Want to know the worst part? [[Karma Houdini|Haruhi got away with it]]. I officially stopped watching the series after that. I don't care if [[It Was His Sled|Haruhi is god]], someone should have smacked her across the face (Kyon actually could have, but nope, he was too busy being a tool. It's worse in the light novel: he was the one taking the photos.)
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** The kiss. Just...the kiss. Lucy actually has the ''gall'' to kiss the boy whose family she cruelly and horrifically murdered and whose life she's ruined? And said boy actually ''kisses her back?'' Pretty much [[Easily Forgiven|forgiving]] [[Karma Houdini|that monster?]] And even if we ignore that she did the above for a moment, wouldn't it still be better for him ''AND'' her if he [[Mercy Kill|puts the poor crazy girl out of her misery instead?]] But no, he [[Strangled by the Red String|looooves her too much.]]
* The final battle in ''[[Gundam Seed Destiny]]'', a one sided [[Curb Stomp Battle]], that has ZAFT getting their asses kicked and hardly scratching the Three Ship Alliance. It ruins the characters of Rey, Talia, and Shin.
** The absurd love story between Shinn and Lunamaria? Sorry, was I supposed to cheer for such a poorly done, nonsensical and [[Strangled by the Red String]] relationship? I don't care what people say about Shinn and Stellar, at least that pairing had a logical base instead of "Shinn, you killed my sis and my boyfriend... [[Wall Banger (Darth Wiki)|HOLD ME!]]".
** The duel between Kira and Rey. What the hell was that about? They were freakin evenly matched before their little argument on their ideology! All it took was one (cheesy) line from Kira, and Rey was basically one-shot killed immediately after that. Sure, in-battle chat is always a constant in Gundam battles, but that scene almost tainted that concept as a way to force your opponent into submission. You don't win fights with heroic speeches!!
** [[Char Clone|Neo. Freaking. Roanoke]]. More specifically, from Episode 33-ish onwards. Up to that point he'd been a fairly typical [[Char Clone|Mysterious Masked Man]] - kind of a less crazy and better-dressed version of his predecessor Rau Le Creuset. Then they made him Mwu La Flaga, who in [[Heroic Sacrifice|one of Gundam Seed's most memorable moments]] had sacrificed himself to save the lives of his teammates by throwing himself into the path an antimatter weapon that had literally vaporized the entire cockpit block of his mobile suit...with no explanation. To add insult to injury, the finale recycles that entire scene again, minus the [[Heroic Sacrifice]] part.
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*** Seconded. It was a'prime example of [[They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot]]. If the world peace plan had actually been allowed to happen, and then somehow get devastatingly crushed, it would have been really interesting, and it would have given {{spoiler|Euphemia}} plenty of [[Character Development]] to go through in response to her dream being dashed like that. But no, she gets cruelly [[Stuffed Into the Fridge]] instead and the plan never really gets off the ground. [[Angrish|Gaaah!]]
** The Black Knights deciding to {{spoiler|join Schneizel}} after learning the truth of Lelouch's past in R2 should definitely qualify, if only because it makes them all come across as treacherous and stupid, and, in the case of {{spoiler|Ohgi}}, completely hypocritical. The fact that [[Karma Houdini|all of them get happy endings]] while Lelouch, the guy who made them what they were and led them to victory after victory, {{spoiler|dies}} does not help one bit.
* I have had friends who swore off ''[[MaiMy-HiME]]'' because of the pointless, inappropriate [[Panty Thief]] fourth episode. In some cases their viewership was saved by jumping straight to the [[Growing the Beard]] moment. In others... irredeemable.
** The ending, a dark depressing series, where nearly the entire cast is either dead or insane, and then everyone comes back to life, everyone's mental trauma is gone, and everyone including Nagi, and Shizuru are instantly forgiven. Way to ruin the entire series in one episode, Sunrise. The worst part is that the entire thing is played for laughs, the troublemaker becomes a Nun, and Shizuru's actions are portrayed as comedy. If you don't have the balls to kill people off than don't try to make a dark depressing series.
*** And let's not forget Alissa being alive and well again as well, even though there is no logical reason that the Get-out-of-afterlife-free card the rest of the cast got would apply to her, and in fact hadn't been shown to come back until she simply walked into church. If I were Mai or Natsuki, I'd have called the hospital to see if their respective mothers were alive and well again as well, as it wouldn't have amazed me anymore at that point.
* For me (and for many other Italian fans), the lowest moment of ''[[Mai-Otome]]'' was the 8th OVA special, where Mai tells Natsuki how she disappeared. Not only does it make Mai look like an idiot for getting lost in a forest she should know very well - and, lest we forget it, she's a trained Otome! - but it also felt to many like a silly excuse to write Yuuichi out of the continuity, pander to his haters who just wanted him gone, and somehow pair up Mai and Mikoto. In fact, when reading the ''[[Mai-Otome (manga)|Mai-Otome]]'' manga, I was glad to see that {{spoiler|Yuuichi actually has a substantial role there, even as a posthumous character, and is/was married to Mai.}}
** As one of the handful who took ''[[MaiMy-HiME]]'''s bizarre ending in stride, I almost gave up on ''[[Mai-Otome]]'' at around episode 20. Lots of [[Off-Model|animation issues]] (and to think, the previous series rarely ever had such problems), Arika as a mopey mess, "that" Tomoe/Shizuru kissing scene, Natsuki still being treated like a [[Butt Monkey]]...and twenty episodes in, and still no Mai (even though all of the other major HiME characters had shown up in some capacity at that point). Ow, ow, ow, ow.
* In the manga version of ''[[Flame of Recca]]''. [[The Smart Guy|Mikagami Tokiya]]. Drugged by a minor villain so easily. So much for being a genius!
* ''[[Yu Yu Hakusho]]'': the low point for the manga was when much of the Three Kings Saga builds up how powerful Yomi is and that he could be planning to take over all three worlds, only to turn the fight against Yomi into an anticlimax when Yomi apparently gives up on his ambition after Yusuke starts the Demon World Unification Tournament, and reduces the fight against Yomi to the opening moves.
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** Episode 97 "Departing Living World" is where I lost my interest in Shizuru when she beats up Kuwabara for not going to school. As a fangirl who loves Kuwabara, I sometimes like Shizuru because of her [[Cool Big Sis]] personality. However, I would've likened Shizuru more if it weren't for the [[Double Standard Abuse (Female on Male)]] she inflicted on her baby brother. The way she treated him in that episode would make ''[[South Park]]'''s Shelley Marsh feel ashamed of what she always done to her little brother Stan. Yes, I know these abuse are meant to be [[Played for Laughs]], but [[Fridge Horror|the way Shizuru treated Kuwabara was where Kuwabara's desire to never fight with women probably comes from]] seriously makes me want to write an angry letter to the anime director, Noriyuki Abe, demanding him to please remove that scene of Shizuru abusing Kuwabara permanently.
* In ''[[Bleach]]'', while Starrk's end was disappointingly sudden, he's technically second to {{spoiler|"0 Espada" Yammy Rialgo}}. That reveal is in an of itself a Dethroning Moment of Suck for this series- I thought the spoiler with it was a joke, especially since {{spoiler|Yammy}} had seemed quite weak and incompetent until then and {{spoiler|the Espada ranks go from 1 to 10}}.
** Ulquiorra's battle with Ichigo, which had huge amounts of hype for practically the whole arc with his parallels to Byakuya driving it up more. And after waiting ages after start for the fight to really begin, it managed to somehow become the single most shining example of everything that is wrong with Bleach fights since the SS arc began. Right after Ulquiorra releases it begins a complete beatdown, followed with an expected but still incredibly annoying [[Ass Pull|Plotkai]] in order for everything to be turned COMPLETELY around, and now it's Ulquiorra getting his ass kicked. This even after he'd released again, effectively shooting any semblance of making an accurate powerscale during that battle to hell. Worse still, it even added in DBZ style energy clashes, which effectively made it rank second in the worst overhyped battles I've ever seen. And don't even get me started on that [[Anticlimax|ending]]. Suffice to say there's a reason there are so many [[Wall Banger (Darth Wiki)|Wall Banger]] examples made of this entire fight, and practically the entire ending, is a pretty damn good clue why.
** Like the person above, the Ichigo vs. Ulquiorra fight was my moment, but for somewhat different reasons. I was really looking forward to that battle, and it was utterly disappointing in every aspect possible, but especially in the way Orihime's role was dealt with. I was [[Death Is Cheap|hoping against hope that Ichigo was actually dead]] (or at least permanently out of the fight) so that Orihime could live up to her determination not to be protected by Ichigo anymore and start protecting him, but of course she fell miserably short, becoming a broken record who could only repeat Ichigo's name. What? What happened to her [[Reality Warper|powers that could supposedly defy the will of God if she got determined]] and [[Character Development]]? What happened to the girl who slapped her captor for talking badly about her friends even though he could have killed her quite easily? I was hoping for something along the lines of [[Fullmetal Alchemist (manga)|Riza Hawkeye]]-esque [[Berserker Tears]] and a pain-fueled attack against her tormentor and the one who had just killed the boy she loved. Instead, I get a desperate girl screaming for a dead man to save her, and Ichithing responding to [[Fan Nickname|Strawberry-kun]]'s [[Chronic Hero Syndrome]] in order to [[Curb Stomp Battle|curbstomp]] Ulquiorra in an utterly boring, pointless battle. This isn't about [[Real Women Never Wear Dresses|her pretty white dress]]; it's about portraying one of the heroines, who has endless possibilities as a unique and powerful character, as a wishy-washy mess who doesn't even attempt to live up to her own goals. Great job, Kubo. You're on your way to becoming just as bad as [[Naruto]] when it comes to ruining potentially great female characters.
** I'm not 100% sure where to put the precise moment, but for now, I'll put it when Yamamoto's powers got sealed by Wonderweiss. At that moment, I realized that the series has become nothing more than "shocking" plot twists, Aizen had become a [[Villain Sue]] to the point that he doesn't even need the freaking hygoukou (however the fuck that's spelled), the Espada (all of them!) were massively over-hyped, and that Ichigo is somehow expected to win against Aizen, despite the fact that Yamamoto's raw power, Urahara's intelligence, and even a Urahara/Yoruichi/Isshin team isn't able to bring him down.
** The aftermath of the fight against Aizen when it finally ends. The only permanent injury the good guys suffered (besides Ichigo losing his shinigami powers, but I have a feeling he'll get them back) is Yamamoto, who's missing an arm, and even he's walking around as if he lost nothing (keep in mind that this is a day after the fight). And Hiyori got sliced in half and they can completely heal her, yet they can't bring back Yamamoto's arm? This is never explained. Also, we never even got to see the rest of Kenpachi and Byakuya's fight against Yammy. We're just told that it was easy.
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*** The last five minutes of the last TV Episode retroactively piss all over the point of the show (which was supposed to be about hope of some sort, right?), and manages to [[Up to Eleven]] (fitting, given the show) in subverting it. First off, Nia dies, even after that was a perfectly good chance to save her but it wasn't taken for some bullshit reason. Boo. And then the [[Distant Finale]] manages to make everyone (save Viral, Boota and Leeron, though the first is justified) look like they just let themselves go and they aged horribly (Rossiu and Simon pretty much lost all their good looks in their middle age), Yoko got it even worse (and her face isn't even shown, mostly because it most likely probably looks like her badly aged figure, and the dark, dreary colors in most of the scenes [[Sarcasm Mode|really give one a feeling of hope.]] As if one's gut needs more punches, Viral has a wife (but he can't have kids and he'll outlive her, which is just cruel given his circumstances), and Simon is essentially robbed of one final chance to be awesome and pretty much admits he's useless. And, as the cherry on top, the above could've been cut and the show ended as Simon was walking into the distance after the wedding, and the hope and optimism would've been retained, but some jackass added five minutes of the deplorable crap outlined above, and it pretty much retroactively poisoned all the awesome I watched in the last 27 episodes.
* Despite being a mostly excellent show (in this tropette's humble opinion), the penultimate episode of ''[[Overman King Gainer]]'' contains a very infuriating moment - when {{spoiler|[[Eldritch Abomination|the Overdevil]] possesses [[The Hero|Gainer]] and [[Ninja|Gauli]], their respective love interests [[Plucky Girl|Sara]] and [[Cool Big Sis|Adette]] both try to make them snap out of it through a [[True Love's Kiss]]...}} but it turns out, {{spoiler|only Adette manages to, while Sara fails and gets possessed as well}}. Now, {{spoiler|the common [[Hand Wave]] is that Gainer and Sara had gotten distant, and that's why Sara's kiss didn't work on him...}} but then, [[Fridge Logic]] kicks in: {{spoiler|Adette and Gauli [[Strangled by the Red String|barely had any interaction]] before declaring their love to each other, and furthermore, only 2-3 episodes before, Gainer and Sara had had a [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]] / [[Ship Tease]] moment together in King Gainer's cockpit}}. So, exactly, why are we supposed to believe that {{spoiler|Adette and Gauli have a stronger, more significant connection}}? The whole thing felt like it was only done for the sake of cheap drama, and to make sure the series lasted another episode ({{spoiler|because when Gainer came back to his senses, the Overdevil got [[Curb Stomp Battle|Curb Stomped]]}})...
* In ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist (manga)|Fullmetal Alchemist]]'''s climax, some parts of the underground fight right before they move above ground. For instance, May really didn't add anything to the plot by being there. She did something important above ground, but underground it seemed like she was there just to make Al look good (by shielding her from Father's attacks). I know she helped guard against Father's attack from the ground, but I see no reason why Hohenheim couldn't have done that in addition to blocking the attack from the ceiling. There's also when Ed defeated Pride with Kimblee's help. I know most people thought of it as a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|CMOA]], but it just felt like an [[Ass Pull]] to me.
** For me, it was {{spoiler|Greed's 2nd death}} in the manga. It just felt like nothing more than a major [[Ass Pull]], especially since {{spoiler|Greed}} had just gotten a major dose of [[Character Development]] in the previous chapter when he stated he wanted {{spoiler|friends above anything else}}. Oh, and just to rub salt in the proverbial wounds, they let Pride live...but use the flimsy excuse of "Amnesia". Why couldn't Arakawa just pull a [[Scanners]] and make it ambiguous as to whether or not {{spoiler|Greed was still inside Ling}} at the end instead of killing him off?
*** I'm just going to say I absolutely agree with you. Those were both definite [[Ass Pull]] moments. However, since the series was basically done at that point, it didn't ruin the series. But {{spoiler|the Second Greed/Greedling}} was my favorite character at the time (and still is), so I'm a bit miffed with Arakawa for that one.
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* The dub of the last episode of ''[[Digimon Tamers]]'' screwed up the emotional scene between Henry and his dad as the Digimon had to leave, it made it so that it seems Henry would forever resent his father when the original Japanese had Johnu telling Henry that he doesn't deserve his son's forgiveness but Henry assures his dad that he does forgive him.
* Manwiththeplan: The [[Grand Finale]] of [[Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters Leaping Through Time]] is worse than the ending of ''02'' and the Royal Knights arc of ''Frontier'' put together. {{spoiler|It turns out that all the past Digimon heroes coming together was overglorified [[Fan Service]] for the anniversary of the franchise, since they're all rendered useless by the final battle. Taiki, the hero of the past ''Xros Wars'' seasons, gets knocked out by a cheap shot from Ryouma and Astamon once Ryouma reveals he's working for Quartzmon, so he gives his goggles to [[Creator's Pet]] extraordianaire Tagiru, in order for him to take his place. Then Astamon is revealed to have been Quartzmon all along, something that was barely foreshadowed and causes Ryouma to make a [[Heel Face Turn]] because he realizes Quartzmon was using him all along. (Uhh, weren't you concioussly choosing to help Quartzmon anyway, Ryouma? Shouldn't your partner digimon being Quartzmon all along make things more convieniant?) The past heroes then all give their power to Tagiru so he fights the final battle wih Quartzmon alone. It gets to the point where Quartzmon has Xrossed himself with the entire earth and has absorbed the souls of every living thing, so it's up to Tagiru to save the universe on his own, making him an outstanding example of a [[God Mode Sue]] and [[Black Hole Sue]]. And his motivation in all this? "Defeating and hunting Quartzmon will make him a true superstar?" WHAT ABOUT ALL YOUR FRIENDS, LOVED ONES, AND THE WHOLE WORLD YOU SELFISH LITTLE SHIT? And after Quartzmon is defeated, the series ends abrubtly with no true sense of closure and a few things left hanging too!}} So basically, [[They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot]] in order to show off this flat, unlikable character reminiscent of a self-insert fanfic [[Mary Sue]], and secured ''Young Hunters'' place as the worst [[Digimon]] series ever.
* ''[[Futakoi Alternative]]'' is a pretty good show that starts as an [[Crazy Awesome|over-the-top]] [[Rule of Cool|action]]-[[Rule of Funny|comedy]], [[Genre Shift|quickly drops the action]], [[Rule of Drama|then shifts to character drama]]. Surprisingly, it somehow manages to do all of this very well. And then the end of episode 10 pretty much ruins the show. The preceding episodes are intensely dramatic, melancholic, and realistic, with decreasing amounts of comedy. The end of episode 10 marks the reversion of the show to action-comedy, and it comes literally out of nowhere. This is [[Mood Whiplash]] at its finest; the dark nature of the preceding story arc makes the over-the-top-ridiculous action seem [[Wall Banger (Darth Wiki)|very, very out-of-place]], while the over-the-top-ridiculous action makes the dark, realistic drama (which at this point still needs to be fully resolved) [[Narm|impossible to take seriously]].
* ''[[Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water]]'' was one of my favorite anime, and while I have problems about the Island arc, I found episode 31 to be really good (It progresses the story, gave more development to the title character and introduces the Red Noah). But that's not why I put it here. The three next episodes (AKA The Africa Arc) were, for me, a three part [[Big Lipped Alligator Moment]] where 1) it introduces a second [[Love Interest]] who was already fiancéfiancée to someone else (which was never explained or lampshaded), 2) derails the character of Nadia where not one episode ago she says that Jean was more important to her than her Blue Water, 3) derails the character of Grandis to fall into the same trap who ruined her family in the first place (with the same person to boot) and 4) gave us a [[BLAMNon Sequitur Episode]] where Jean tries to express his love for Nadia in form of a song. The only thing it gave us is a closure to Grandis' character arc (which is pointless after all).
** I concur. The Island/Africa arc is genuinely terrible, but those three episodes were the worst. [[Canon Discontinuity|They're even disregarded when the show gets back on its feet again.]] And yes, the way they destroyed Nadia's character was absolutely unforgiveable; they also did quite a bit of damage to her in the island arc by having her be psychotic and idiotic. (Stealing food from her friends? Smashing cans with boulders? Kissing Jean while he's stoned and expecting him to remember it? HELLO! This is SO not like Nadia's character in the first 22 episodes!) [[Word of God|It's no wonder Anno disowned ten of these twelve episodes.]]
** The worst part, IMO, is in episode 23 when Nadia said Grandis, Hanson and Sanson are evil and deserved disappear in the sky in episode 21. WHAT. No only that [[Out of Character]] for Nadia since she was friendly with Grandis in many episodes, but at this point of the series they did more heroic things than Nadia.
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* [[Puella Magi Madoka Magica]] Episode 3. The major [[Wham Moment]] of the episode, you know the one. {{spoiler|Mami getting decapitated and devoured.}} After the series spent the last two and a half episodes pretending to be [[Lighter and Softer]] than it really is, this moment arrives for the sake of pure shock value. Not only was three episodes too soon to care about this character, but up until this point, said character came off as [[Poor Communication Kills|ignorant]] and [[Holier Than Thou]].
** I agree that this show felt stupid and pointlessly dark, but the one thing I really liked in it was Kyouko. That's why the ending of episode 9 annoyed me so much. So she starts the show as somewhat psychopathic, but one single [[Wham! Episode]] - which she really has no excuse for being blind-sighted by, considering everything she already knows - causes a complete change in her personality, to the point where she seems completely focused around Sayaka. This all culminates in her suddenly deciding to {{spoiler|kill herself to beat Witch!Sayaka}}, rather than, oh I don't know, asking Homura for help! Why is she suddenly worth {{spoiler|dying for}} when you can't have known her for more than two weeks? This was where the show officially lost that last shred of interest I had in it, because if that is what passes for good writing in this series...
* ''[[Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai!|Ore no Imouto]]'' pleasantly surprised me by not being the tasteless incest anime I expected. The only moment in the anime so far that made me facepalm came during the climax of episode 4. Kirino receives a package from Saori, unaware that there's an eroge game inside. Knowing what's inside thanks to a call from Saori herself, Kyosuke barges in and steals it before she can expose her secret to her two friends. A chase and struggle ensues, ending with the two falling over and Kirino's shirt somehow flying all the way up, with Kyosuke's hand conveniently on her chest, just in time for said two friends to see this. These kinds of [[Accidental Pervert]] moments were never convincing, or entertaining.
* Episode 263 of [[Detective Conan]] had the infamous scene where [[Abusive Parents|Heizo]] [[Kick the Dog|struck Heiji]] for "getting in the way." First, everyone objects to it ([[Even Evil Has Standards|even Kogoro, who has no problems striking children]]), [[Karma Houdini|but then everyone just calls it "Tough Love."]] Umm, no. Tough love is [[Dope Slap|smacking your children for doing something stupid]]. What Heizo did was full-blown child abuse. The chief of police more than anybody should know that striking your children until they bleed is abuse.
* The ending to the [[Shugo Chara]] manga. Peach-Pit, [[Sarcasm Mode|thanks for telling your audience that you care more about]] [[Strangled by the Red String|pairing up your characters]] [[Romantic Plot Tumor|than wrapping up the story up in any way]].
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* Don't get me wrong, I love [[FUNimation]]'s [[Gag Dub]] of ''[[Axis Powers Hetalia]]'' and I [[Gushing About Shows You Like|gush at the dubbed accents of every nation, especially Germany who happens to be my favorite character]]. But one thing that pushed me into writing this entry is the dubbed short "Let's Play Soccer!" in episode 48. Basically, Germany is trying to read, but Italy continues to interrupt him by asking to play soccer. Then, Italy starts to bat Germany's hand between his own hands (to imitate a soccer ball) and suddenly makes a strange gesture. And what does Germany respond back in aggravation? He shouts at Italy, [[Dude, Not Funny|"Are you vanting me to gas you?!"]] [[Beat|Excuse me for a moment...]] the character Germany, as we all remember in the original Japanese ''Hetalia'' canon, [[Punctuated! For! Emphasis!|would! Never! Say! Such! Thing!]] Look, [[FUNimation]], aside from the fact that your dubbing/distribution company is based in a bigoted U.S. state -that is, y'know, Texas-, I praised you for replacing [[Four Kids Entertainment|4Kids']] horrible bowdlerized dub of ''[[One Piece]]'' with your accurate uncut dub and for giving me the hilarious gag dubs of ''[[Crayon Shin-chan]]'' and ''[[Sgt Frog]]''. But when you combined the character Germany with [[All Germans Are Nazis]] stereotypes, you're not only offending some several ''Hetalia'' fans who are probably Jewish but you're also destroying the reputation of Germany fans, including me. Thank god the [[Gag Dub]] script was toned down in later ''Hetalia'' dubbed episodes.
** You think that's bad? What about Germany's comment to South Italy earlier in episode 7? Basically, Romano (South Italy) is constantly trying to get Germany's goat. At one point he says that he's "got something for [Germany]". Germany's response? "Great. Vhat is it, another Jew?" Okay, wow. [[Dude, Not Funny|Just...wow.]] That...I don't even need to explain why that's offensive. I will give them points for historical accuracy (yes, [[Truth in Television|in real life Southern Italy did provide Nazi Germany with prisoners]]), but that doesn't excuse the offensiveness of the so-called "joke".
* AustinDR: So far, ''[[Higanbana no Saku Yoru ni]]'' has been good. The short stories were great and the characters Marie and Higanbana were interesting. However, the chapter involving Nonomiya is, in my opinion, the worst chapter. Why? Well, I explain from the beginning. A boy named Nonomiya is blamed for the destruction of school equipment in which a girl named Yoko inadvertently blamed him for. He spent his day trying to find the "truth" to who blamed him. When Higanbana refreshes his memory about Yoko, he decides to take vengeance. How? By taking stalker photos of her, that's how! He is shown to very much enjoy taking the photos of her. Soon, the entire school go against, and make her their play toy. Things get so bad that she [[Driven to Suicide|kills herself]] and her soul is eaten by the Principal Youkai. The DMoS in question is that if someone ever does you wrong, humiliate them, turn their friends and every else against him/her, and they would ultimately commit suicide. Though, he doesn't remember the guilt because the Principal erases his memory of the stalking. Still, this is so far the absolute worst chapter in the manga.
* As far as I'm a huge fan of ''[[Space Dandy]]'', episode 7 "A Race in Space is Dangerous, Baby" [[Fanon Discontinuity|never existed]]; {{spoiler|[[The Un-Reveal|we never found out who won the race]]}}. I understand that [[Gainax Ending]]s can always happen in every bizarre anime, but this one was just ridiculous!
[[Category:Dethroning Moment of Suck (Darth Wiki)]]
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