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* [[But Not Too Foreign]]: William is part-Irish, which explains his accent as well as his affinity to Saoirse, a Gaelic Guardian Spirit. This is in contrast to real life, as he's born a full-blooded Englishman.
* [[Distant Prologue]]: Sort of. The game's opening starts off in 1598, two years before the main plot begins.
* [[Childhood Friends]]: Saoirse has been William's Guardian Spirit since he's a child. It's also evident that the two are close.
* [[Crossover Cosmology]]: Downplayed. But in addition to Buddhism and [[Japanese Mythology]], there are also elements of [[Celtic Mythology]] and Western European mysticism in relation to alchemy.
* [[Distant Prologue]]: Sort of. The game's opening starts off in 1598, two years before the main plot begins.
* [[Government Conspiracy]]: A secretive cabal led by Edward Kelley {{spoiler|and Sir John Dee}} has not only been using Amrita to win England's battles against the Spanish, but has also sets its sights on Japan ostensibly for [[Elizabeth I|Queen]] and Country. With Kelley trying to further stoke the flames of war there.
* [[Gratuitous Foreign Language]]: In addition to the use of English and Japanese, there's also Irish Gaelic.
* [[Historical Domain Character]]: Many of the human characters in the game, including [[Hattori Hanzo]], [[Tokugawa Ieyasu]], and the actual William Adams.
** [[Historical Hero Upgrade]]: While William did indeed become one Japan's few Western samurai and an advisor to Tokugawa Ieyasu in real life, he definitely wasn't locked up in the Tower of London nor fought demons.
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* [[Nintendo Hard]]: The game, even at its ''Alpha'' state, quickly gained notoriety for being incredibly hard, easily being on par with if not ''surpassing'' the likes of ''[[Dark Souls]]'' and Team Ninja's own ''[[Ninja Gaiden]]''.
* [[And Now for Something Completely Different]]: The prologue is noticeably different from the rest of the game, given how it starts off at the Tower of London in ''England'' rather than in Japan.
* [[Omniglot]]: Hattori Hanzo is revealed to be this, being one of the only Japanese characters who could actually converse with William in English.
* [[Shown Their Work]]: Even with the fantastical elements and creative licenses in the game, it's clear that Team Ninja had done a lot of research.
** The [[Historical Domain Characters]]' personalities are nigh identical to their real life counterparts, including antagonists Edward Kelley {{spoiler|and Sir John Dee}}.
** The outfits and armor worn by guards in the Tower of London are based on the actual Tudor-era uniforms of the Yeoman Warders. In fact, the Tower doubled as a prison at various points in British history.
** Saoirse, William's Guardian Spirit is based on the mermaid-like Celtic Merrow; notably she even speaks entirely in Irish Gaelic.
** The small fleet of ships William was a part of on route to Japan all have Dutch names, reflecting how they belong to the Dutch East India Company. And like in real life, only one of those ships, the ''Liefde'' ("Love") actually made it to Japan.
* [[Surprisingly Good English]]: In addition to the good voice acting, it's justified in that the English heard is largely spoken by European characters, though this also extends to a couple of Japanese ones like, Hattori Hanzo.
* [[Unobtainium]]: Amrita, which is equated to the Philosopher's Stone among the Europeans. It's also why the likes of Edward Kelley are so interested with Japan, as it has enough Amrita to allow them to defeat England's enemies and [[Take Over the World]].
* [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness]]: It's mentioned that England had been using pirates and privateers to scour the known world for Amrita. By 1598 though, William is shown imprisoned at the Tower of London and slated for execution due to Kelley wanting to dispose of potential loose ends and deeming them unnecessary.
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