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Kyonyuu Fantasy/Heartwarming: Difference between revisions

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** Shamsiel's route is a return trip to the forest temple, and on the way, Shamsiel protects Lute from some soldiers that the Prime Minister had sent along to kill Lute, and then the duo teamed up to wipe Prince Bobon off the face of the earth, the two then decided to marry and stay together in the forest away from humans forever.
** Princess Lucien's route ends with Lute marrying the princess, and the king surviving to help Lute adjust and take over the throne properly.
** The Harem route undoubtedly has the biggest amount of heartwarming moments, but one particularly touching one comes along for Emeralia when she ends up racked with guilt for {{spoiler|framing Lute for murdering the king}}, and after being {{spoiler|continuously rejected by those around her including her own father, the Prime Minister}}, she takes it upon herself to {{spoiler|personally go to the dungeon and use her magic on the guard and attempts to free Lute. She gets caught, but it is actually Lute who is able to convince their captors not to execute either of them on the spot. Then, once they've left them alone, she tries to apologize to Lute for everything, but he instead thanks her for introducing him to the princess. She tells him that when she died she assumed she would go to Hell, but Lute tells her that in that case, then he would send an angel from heaven to get her. He then tells her that she had been so strong to endure so much in her life. Cue the well-deserved waterworks as she is finally openly expressing her feelings as Lute holds her.}}
* The Harem Route is full of awesome for everyone in the cast save the villains. The various harem members do their parts to save Lute {{spoiler|with Roxanne even serving as a decoy for the Princess so she can help Shamshiel get into places she cannot}}. General Schlamm and even Motaire [[Heel Face Turn]]. Gladys pulls a [[Big Damn Heroes]] and saves Lute from execution, while Emeralia [[You Bastard|calls out the Prime Minister for his crimes and confesses to being his accomplice]], Felzen cuts off the escape of Bonbon and executes him, but not before revealing King Hagel had confided in him he always assumed his own son was a [[Devil In Plain Sight]]. The Prime Minister makes it back to his own room, where tries to {{spoiler|use an actual gun to}} kill Gladys, who cornered him. Shamshiel shows up to screw that plan up {{spoiler|by tricking the panicked Prime Minister into wasting all his ammo on her}}, so he jumps into a magic portal to escape to the audience chamber. Around this time, Lute finds the portal and gives chase, only for the Prime Minister to attempt to kill him, only to be stopped by {{spoiler|Motaire}}, who finally decided [[To Be Lawful or Good|he'd rather follow his conscience than the Prime Minister]] and deflects the blow. The Prime Minister then, finally out of options, tries to appeal to Lute's sense of mercy to spare him, but [[Asshole Victim|Gladys and Felzen kill him before he can get the chance to try, and Lute doesn't even give a shit about his life regardless]].
** Lute keeps his word to Motaire in the Harem Ending, and makes him [[Redemption Promotion|Captain of the Royal Guards]]. Motaire is later shown to have taken the humbling of his former [[Pride]] to heart and treats Lute like an equal, and not only are they speaking like friends at the end of the Harem Route, Motaire basically serves as Lute's speechwriter for the Knight Academy Graduation ceremony, with Lute thanking Motaire for his speech suggestions.
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