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== Jokes ==
* A joke in 2009 uses the Rule of Three to explain the three close celebrity deaths that year.
{{quote|[[wikipedia:Farrah Fawcett|Farrah Fawcett]] died and went to heaven. Saint Peter said "You were very good on Earth, so you have been granted one wish." Farrah thought for a bit and said "I wish for the safety of all children on Earth." Half an hour later, [[Michael Jackson]] arrived in heaven.
Michael Jackson was surprised to find himself in heaven, but even more surprised that he was once again black. "Saint Peter," he said, "I worked pretty hard to lighten my skin over the years. Can you fix it?" Half an hour later [[Billy Mays]] arrived in heaven with some OxiClean. }}
* Jokes in general tend to make very heavy use of the Rule of Three, especially those following the "Blonde/Brunette/Redhead" or "Nationality/Nationality/Nationality" formula.
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** This tendency wasn't lost on the writers of ''[[Mystery Science Theater 3000]]'', who'd spoof it on a regular basis.
{{quote|'''Crow (in Kirk's voice):''' We have had many wars like this in our own history. Our Civil War of Earth. Our World War one and two. Our Krinkleganglium Wars of Kromulon Thirteen...}}
*** One episode of ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation|Star Trek the Next Generation]] features this joke from a man claiming to be a historian from the 26th century. Talking to Geordi, he mentions several blind artists by surname, ending with (Stevie) Wonder. On rewatching this episode, one realises that this is meant to be a clue that he isn't from the future but from the 200 years in the past.
*** When ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation|Star Trek the Next Generation]]'' the Enterprise got caught in a time loop, [[Groundhog Day Loop|reliving the same day over and over]]—and that day always ended with the destruction of the Enterprise. Eventually they caught onto this and decided to program a message into Data's brain to be sent back into the rift on the next iteration, and hopefully help them avoid the collision that got them caught in the rift in the first place. During the next go-round, the number three continually appeared throughout the day (Data was subconsciously repeating the pattern) until the time of the collision came again. Left with two choices about how to avoid the accident (one suggested by Data, and one by Commander Riker), they noticed that ''three'' could refer to the number of rank insignia on Commander Riker's lapel. Therefore Riker's was the right idea, not Data's.
** The main [[Power Trio]] of [[The Kirk|Kirk]], [[The Spock|Spock]], and [[The McCoy|McCoy]] in the Original Series.
** And to top it off in the grand finale of [[Star Trek: Enterprise|Enterprise]] has the three Enterprise Captains speaking the "these are the voyages" narration while the three Enterprises appear on the screen.
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You just have to see her
You just have to see her
[[Subverted Trope|You just have to see her]]
You just have to see her
You know that she'll break you in two }}
* ''Party In The USA'' by [[Miley Cyrus]]:
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* ''[[Heavy Weapon]]'' gives you three lives per level, allows you to have a maximum of three [[Smart Bomb|Nukes]] and three levels of [[Deflector Shields]], and you can upgrade your equipment to a maximum of three levels.
* ''[[Portal 2]]'' gives us this example:
{{quote|[[G La DOSGLaDOS]]: Well, this is the part where he kills us.
Wheatley: 'Ello! This is the part where I kill you!
Chapter title shown: The Part Where He Kills You. }}
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{{quote|Tic-Tacs! Bag of Dice! Some...third thing!}}
* Played straight in [[Harry Partridge|Harry Partridge's]] ''Stephen the Lesbian''.
{{quote|"[[Makes Just as Much Sense in Context|All hail Stephen, king of the Lesbians]]!"
"All hail Stephen, king of the Lesbians!"
"All hail [[Stephen King]]! *[[Beat]]* Of the Lesbians!"
"[[Flat What|What-?]]" }}
* Hewy in ''[[Hewy's Animated Movie Reviews]]'' reviews ''[[Toy Story]] 3'' for the third episode of his third season.
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* In one episode of ''[[Freakazoid]]'', the titular character is picked up by a holographic pterodactyl and dropped from an extreme height, and he screams for help every time he falls. Lampshaded the third time when he and the Lobe fall together:
{{quote|'''The Lobe:''' Freakazoid, why is it taking us so long to fall?
'''Freakazoid:''' [[Rule of Funny|Cuz it's funny!]]
'''The Lobe:''' No it's not, it's just stupid! It's as dumb as that Handman episode! }}
* ''[[South Park]]'': "Biggie Smalls. Biggie Smalls. Biggie Smalls."
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