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{{quote|'''Q:''' This must sound like a lot of technobabble to you. In layman's terms: ''The shit had hit the fan.''}}
* [[Aubrey-Maturin|Stephen Maturin]] invokes this trope, due to the highly technical nature of running large sailing ships: "Your mariner is a splendid fellow, none better, but he is sadly given to jargon."
* [[L. Sprague de Camp]]'s [[Historical Fiction]] novel ''The Arrows of Hercules'', set around 399 B.C., has a passage of Techno Babble used to convince a [[Pointy-Haired Boss]] to not interfere with the two inventors. [[The Emperor's New Clothes|He isn't willing to admit that what he heard made no sense to him]], so he says, "I see what you mean. Funny I never thought of that." and lets them get on with their work. Part of the humor is that almost all the "jargon" is words de Camp's modern readers won't consider even remotely technical:
{{Quote|The trouble with the pivoted model is that in the hootnanny position, the gadget interferes with the thingamajig, and that throws the doohickey out of line. The only way to prevent this is to parallax the gimmick, and ''that'' keeps the thingumbob from equalizing. So whichever way we approach the problem, the result is always the same: it doesn't work. You follow me, don't you, sir?}}
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