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Star Trek V: The Final Frontier: Difference between revisions

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With a brand-new ''Enterprise'', Kirk and crew set out to resolve a hostage situation only to discover that they've been suckered as part of a grander scheme. Who's behind it? Why Spock's [[Long-Lost Relative|long-lost half-brother Sybok]], of course! Sybok commandeers the ''Enterprise'', winning over most of the crew by using his [[Telepathy|telepathic]] [[Epiphany Therapy]] on them. Failing to realize that there is [[No Such Thing as Space Jesus]], Sybok makes them set a course for the [[Sci-Fi Writers Have No Sense of Scale|center of the galaxy]], where he believes [[God]] is waiting. With the bulk of his crew now working against him, Kirk must [[Die Hard on an X|John McClane]] his way up the ''Enterprise'' armed with his wits, a pair of rocket boots... and ''Trek's'' very first fart joke.
Now it should be noted the [[Mis Blamed|movie's failings aren't all Shatner's fault]]. We can also thank [[Executive Meddling]] for all the forced "humor" and the [[TV Strikes|1988 WGA strike]] for short-circuiting the screenwriting, and the infamous [[Special Effect Failure]] was due to ILM being too busy with other projects to work on the film.
Still, the concept ''was'' Shatner's idea, and he knew about the studio's humor requirements before he even began work. Gene Roddenberry himself had expressed strong reservations about the pitch; He had good reason to be concerned, as he had previously written [http://www.well.com/~sjroby/godthing.html his own story] about the crew meeting God and hated the result. But Shatner persisted with the idea of [[Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny|Kirk coming up against God and winning]]. ''[[Star Trek]]'' and religious topics have always been uneasy bedfellows; ''[[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine|Deep Space Nine]]'' is the only series to pull it off, and Trekkies are divided on even that. (Of course, considering that Roddenberry's counterproposal was, as usual, having the ''Enterprise'' crew go back to 1963 so Spock could be the second gunman on the grassy knoll, Shatner's idea was still probably the better one.)
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* [[Agent Mulder]] & [[Agent Scully]]: Sybok and Kirk, respectively. McCoy goes from Scully to Mulder when they meet "God" and back to Scully when "God" starts being a dick.
* [[The Alcatraz]]: That brig was, [[Informed Ability|or so we were told]].
* [[All There in the Manual]]: The [[Novelization]] by J.M. Dillard does a lot to redeem the movie's [[Idiot Plot]], adding considerable backstory to Sybok and his mother, and explaining that "God" had telepathically sent Sybok a formula for configuring a starship's deflector shields to penetrate the Barrier. After Sybok orders Scotty to set up the ''Enterprise'''s shields in this way, Klaa's Bird-of-Prey copies the same shield configuration in order to follow the ''Enterprise''.
* [[Agent Mulder]] & [[Agent Scully]]: Sybok and Kirk, respectively. McCoy goes from Scully to Mulder when they meet "God" and back to Scully when "God" starts being a dick.
* [[Amazonian Beauty]]: Vixis. As Chekov put it: "She has wonderful muscles" (by which he meant [[Male Gaze|gluteus maximus]]).
* [[Armor-Piercing Question]]: 'What does [[God]] need with a starship?' Easily one of the most famous examples of this trope.
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* [[Fake Static]]: Done twice, once [[Rule of Funny|for laughs]] when Chekov pretends that there is a blizzard to avoid admitting he's lost, and once [[Rule of Drama|for drama]] when the ''Enterprise'' broadcasts static to delay talking to Sybok.
* [[False Innocence Trick]]: The Enterprise passes through the barrier around the heart of the galaxy and finds the legendary planet Sha Ka Ree, believed to be the home of God. When the protagonists find God he's apparently imprisoned there, and tries to trick them into helping him escape. A subversion, because Kirk figures out there's something funny going on and manages to get "God" to reveal his true evil nature before he gets away.
* [[PowerFreudian Trio]]: Kirk, Spock, and McCoy, obviously. Notable as, while an important part of all of the movies and the show, this movie focuses on them as a trio more than any of the other movies.
* [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]]: Literally, and proving that the ''Enterprise'' DOES have toilets. Just before Scotty's jailbreak, look at the stencil on the "chair" Kirk is sitting on. "WARNING: DO NOT USE WHILE IN SPACEDOCK".
* [[Getting Smilies Painted on Your Soul]]: Sybok's telepathy, which makes everyone he "treats" euphoric and immediately ready to join his cause.
* [[Glowing Eyes of Doom]]
* [[A God Am I]]: "One voice, many faces."
* [[God Test]]
* [[Glowing Eyes of Doom]]
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: Sybok, when he tries to mind meld with "God" so the others can escape.
* [[Hollywood Tone Deaf]]: Of the three schlubs failing to sing "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" in sync, Kelley's singing got him into acting, Nimoy [[wikipedia:Leonard Nimoy discography|recorded a few albums]], and... [[William Shatner|oh]]. Well, okay, ''one'' of them has an excuse. At least Spock is in tune.
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* [[More Than Mind Control]]: Anyone who is "helped" by Sybok tends to follow him around like a puppet.
* [[Multi Boobage]]: The [[Incredibly Lame Pun|Cat Dancer]].
* [[Nobody Poops]]: Averted, at very least whenever the ''Enterprise'' is not in spacedock.
* [[No One Gets Left Behind]]: Kirk orders McCoy and Spock to beam out first when the transporter conveniently can only beam up two at a time.
* [[No Such Thing as Space Jesus]]
* [[The Only One]]: A twofer. As well as Kirk being supposedly the best person to send in for hostage negotiations, the ''Enterprise'' is apparently the ''only'' ship available to take him to Paradise. That's despite Kirk starting on Earth, home of one of Star Fleet's largest bases, and ''Enterprise'''s construction not actually being finished.
* [[Nobody Poops]]: Averted, at very least whenever the ''Enterprise'' is not in spacedock.
* [[The Nose Knows]]: In the turbolift as Kirk and crew return from their camping trip.
{{quote|'''Kirk:''' I could use a shower.
'''Spock:''' Yes. }}
* [[No Such Thing as Space Jesus]]
* [[Not the Fall That Kills You]]: Kirk falls several thousand feet down El Capitan only to be caught by Spock about a foot away from the ground.
* [[The Only One]]: A twofer. As well as Kirk being supposedly the best person to send in for hostage negotiations, the ''Enterprise'' is apparently the ''only'' ship available to take him to Paradise. That's despite Kirk starting on Earth, home of one of Star Fleet's largest bases, and ''Enterprise'''s construction not actually being finished.
* [[Path of Inspiration]]: Sybok's offer of internal peace.
* [[Pillar of Light]]: How "God" first appears.
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* [[The Pollyanna]]: You just get that vibe from Caithlin Dar.
* [[The Power of Friendship]]: (or [[The Power of Love]] if you [[Ho Yay|so desire]]) Refusing to desert Kirk is what keeps Spock and McCoy from being brainwashed by Sybok.
* [[Power Trio]]: Kirk, Spock, and McCoy, obviously. Notable as, while an important part of all of the movies and the show, this movie focuses on them as a trio more than any of the other movies.
* [[Precision F-Strike]]:
{{quote|'''Spock:''' General, I require your assistance.
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* [[Redemption Equals Death]]: {{spoiler|Sybok}}'s remaining lifespan goes down to about 15 seconds once he [[The Atoner|realizes the error of his ways]].
* [[Remember the New Guy?]]: Sybok
** Not really. Kirk is actually surprised that Spock even has a brother.
* [[Sci-Fi Writers Have No Sense of Scale]]: At least they didn't go with Shatner's original idea of going to the ''center of the universe''.
** Not necessarily an example of the trope. Ships were a lot faster in the original series and other movies set in the same time frame than they were in later material. They could travel to the edge of the galaxy and back in a very small amount of time or map every gas anomaly in the Beta Quadrant in a few months.
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* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: After having been blasted with a photon torpedo, "God" come out of it as this [[Narm|rather goofy]] distorted face exclaiming '''''"[[You!|YOOOOOUUUUU!]]''''' while floating after Kirk.
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: Probably the saddest thing about Sybok is that he's sincere. He honestly wants to help people, he honestly wants to do good, and he actually stands up to what he believes is God to demand to know why his "friends" are being hurt.
* [[Wretched Hive]]: Nimbus III is a godawful hellhole.
* [[What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?]]: The film's rather mundane opening scene.
* [[Wretched Hive]]: Nimbus III is a godawful hellhole.
* [[You're Insane!]]: Kirk tells this to Sybok, who replies "Am I?", apparently genuinely considering it.
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