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{{quote|-- '''Senator Vreenak''', "In the Pale Moonlight"}}
[[The Captain]] (though actually only ranked Commander until late Season 3), with a touch of the [[Warrior Poet]] thanks to his role as the Emissary, a (reluctant) [[Crystal Dragon Jesus|religious icon]] to the Bajorans. In addition, he was a widower (from the infamous Wolf 359 battle in [[Star Trek: The Next Generation|TNG]]) with a young son, Jake.
* [[A Father to His Men]]: Throughout the series Sisko shows great concern for the people under his charge.
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** {{spoiler|Emphasis on "unspecified": the Prophets are non-linear beings outside time.}}
* [[Badass]]: Takes on several Jem'Hadar on his own and also leads several of the fleet battles.
* [[Bald Black Leader Guy]]: Current trope image holder. Though he did have hair in earlier seasons he eventually went bald with a goatee.
* [[Bald of Awesome]]: Sisko looks far more badass once he goes bald.
* [[Blackmail]]: How he usually keeps Quark in-line or gets him to do something for the good of the station. Usually leads to [[Blackmail Is Such an Ugly Word]].
* [[Captain Smooth and Sergeant Rough]]: Sisko's a pretty irritable guy in own right, but he's more likely to treat you to a [[Death Glare]] and then storm out because he has more important things to do. That's when his Doberman (Kira) comes into the picture.
* [[The Cast Showoff]]: The moment in "Far Beyond the Stars" when Sisko briefly breaks into song seems designed to showcase that Avery Brooks' voice is sexy both speaking ''and'' singing. And then, in "Badda Bing Badda Bang," they do it again.
* [[Commanding Coolness]]: For three seasons.
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* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: He was this close to his mentor and best friend, Curzon Dax. Then Curzon died and Dax became Jadzia Dax, with whom he was still [[Heterosexual Life Partners]], to the point of still calling her "Old Man". The Jadzia died and Dax became Ezri Dax, who was a neurotic mess after an unexpected Joining that she had never prepared for, and they were [[Heterosexual Life Partners]] ''again'', only this time he was Dax's mentor.
* [[Hot Dad]]: Yates thinks so.
* [[Important Haircut]]: Sisko grows a goatee and loses the buzz cut after he's promoted. It's around the same time the series started to get dark.
* [[The Kirk]]
* [[Men Don't Cry]]: Averted in the very first episode. Reliving the memory of your beloved spouse dying would be enough to make anyone cry.
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{{quote|'''Sisko (smiling politely):''' Go over my head again and I'll have ''yours'' on a platter.}}
* [[Second Love]]: Kasidy is Sisko's, after Jennifer, who was killed in the pilot (at Wolf 359).
* [[Smart People Play Chess]]: Several times throughout the series.
* [[Stop Worshipping Me!]]: Feels this way about being the Emissary initially, but mostly keeps it to himself. He stays rather humble about the position even after he accepts it as part of his identity though
* [[Team Chef]]: He claims his dad taught him everything he knows, and his dad is the owner and operator of a restaurant, so in a 24th century where cooking is mostly a hobby, he's a hobbyist (and a good one, we are told).
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* [[Combat Pragmatist]]: Fair tactics do not keep you alive in the Bajoran Resistance. Kira, therefore, doesn't use them.
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]: Cardassian Occupation. In other words, she is a [[A Nazi by Any Other Name|Holocaust survivor]].
* [[Defrosting Ice Queen]]: At the start of the series Kira is always all business and is suspicious of Starfleet. She calms down after Sisko saves her life and proves that he's willing to defend the Bajorans.
* [[Deuteragonist]]: Initially. Demoted to Tritagonist after the arrival of Worf. Nana Visitor, to her credit, knew that her early prominence wouldn't last, and very much took it in stride. She still remains a critical character, although more of her adventures take place off-screen during the Dominion arc.
* [[Establishing Character Moment]]: The first time we meet her, she's in the middle of a screaming match with the Bajoran provisional government, and when she sees Sisko the first words out of her mouth are a rather tart "I suppose you'll want the office." About the only thing we ''don't'' see in those first thirty seconds is her soft side - it takes us half a season to see ''that''.
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* [[Reassigned to Antarctica]]: She first ended up on Deep Space Nine because she had annoyed her superiors.
* [[Religious Bruiser]]
* [[The Revolution Will Not Be Civilized]]: Her backstory as a leader of the Bajoran Resistance.
* [[The Revolution Will Not Be Bureaucratized]]: Subverted. She has a hard time adapting to peace and annoyed her superiors(see [[Reassigned to Antarctica]] above) but in the end she knew when the time for fighting had ended and the time for rebuilding was begun.
* [[Second Love]]: Odo is arguably this for her, after {{spoiler|Vedek Bareil}}, who {{spoiler|was tragically killed}} early in the series.
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* [[Always Save the Girl]]: He ''rewrote history'' to save Kira. Kira, however, wasn't pleased.
* [[An Odd Place to Sleep]]: In a bucket. Beat ''that'', Worf.
** After {{spoiler|losing and then regaining his shapeshifting powers}}, he tried to keep to sleeping in a bed (as he rather enjoyed it) but kept sliding off when he reverted to his gelatinous form.
* [[And Another Thing]]: A staple of his investigative/interview technique, in the great tradition of [[Columbo]].
* [[By-The-Book Cop]]: With a dash of [[Cowboy Cop|cowboy]]. He follows the rules to the letter, but isn't above letting the small fish go free in pursuit of a bigger offender. Contrast with Worf, who doesn't share Odo's discretion and bungles a few cases.
* [[Character Tics]]: The short, businesslike nod he gives to acknowledge orders from his superiors. It's basically series shorthand for 'this is now guaranteed to happen'.
* [[The Comically Serious]]
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* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: When he's not being [[The Comically Serious]]. Quark is his principal victim, naturally.
* [[Does Not Like Guns]]: Prefers to use shapeshifting whenever possible.
* [[Expressive Hair]]: Odo's hairstyle communicates his obsession with tidiness and order. Very rarely does Odo's hair fall past his face; when it does, it signals that he is figuratively and literally 'coming apart'.
* [[Guttural Growler]]: Harumph!
* [[Hates Small Talk]]: Inevitably leading up to making small talk with Worf about how they hate small talk.
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* [[My Greatest Failure]]: Allowing Dukat to execute three innocent Bajorans as retribution for a bomb attack. There was enough evidence to at the very least arrest, but had Odo dug deeper, he would have been able to find them innocent, instead of the amount needed to satisfy the Cardassian judicial system.
* {{spoiler|[[My Species Doth Protest Too Much]]: The Founders protest ''far'' too much}}.
* [[Neat Freak]]: Is very upset after Dax shifts all the things in his room by ''centimeters.''
{{quote|'''Odo:''' "You humanoids are all alike, you have no sense of ''order!'' And Dax is the most humanoid person I know."}}
** Unfortunately, without realizing it, by being ''this'' much of a neat freak, he's being a stereotypical Changeling.
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** As part of his objectivity, he did it to both teams. Though he clearly enjoyed doing it to Solok.
* [[Shapeshifter Baggage]]: In the third episode, he transforms himself into a ''rat''.<ref>Anyone know if this got more "realistic" later on? I vaguely recall them saying he couldn't do X or Y because it would be too small, but I also recall him covering another human like a new skin.</ref>
* [[Show the Forehead]]: His hairstyle is modeled after the Bajoran scientist who studied him for much of his life.
* [[The Snark Knight]]: Always manages to have something snarky to say about ''everything''.
* [[The Spock]]: At first.
* [[Token Heroic Orc]]: Inverted. Until Season 3, nobody has the slightest inkling that {{spoiler|1=DS9's lowly security chief is a relative of the Dominion's [[Shadow Dictator|Shadow Dictators]]}}.
* [[Unwanted False Faith]]: To those Dominion devotees he encounters.
* [[Uptight Loves Wild]]: He's the much more sedate one, next to the fiery Kira.
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: With Quark, eventually.
* [[Voluntary Shapeshifting]]
* [[What Measure Is a Humanoid?]]: Kira's not ''human'', but close enough.
* [[Will They or Won't They?|Will They Or Won't They]]: Almost a decade's worth with Kira before [[They Do]].
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{{quote|''"You may be inside my head, but you don't know me half as well as you think you do. Take Dax. I do have feelings for her. But the important thing is, she's my friend. You know? Friend? Hm? And I wouldn't exchange that friendship for anything. As far as my career is concerned, I may have been a good tennis player, but I am a great doctor. Maybe I could have been first in my class; but it wouldn't have changed anything in my life. I still would have chosen this assignment. This is where I belong."''}}
Starts off alternately drooling after Dax, being painfully naive, or being an all-round [[Casanova Wannabe]], and also coming off as a bit of an [[Upper Class Twit]] (prattling eagerly about frontier medicine gets up the locals' noses). Later his behavior gives way to some dark personal secrets. Notable as the first time that a US TV show recognised that [[A Touch of Class, Ethnicity, and Religion|not all English people are white]].
* [[Adorkable]]: How much of the cast feels about him later in the series.
* [[Always Second Best]]: On purpose.
* [[Ambiguously Brown]]: Though the name is clearly Arabic, nobody ever mentions where Bashir hails from - a fact which Siddig was personally proud of.
* [[Bio Augmentation]]: Not by choice, and kept secret for most of the series.
* [[Casanova Wannabe]]: His attempts to be suave always fail horribly.
* [[Cerebus Retcon]]: The revelation about his genetic enhancements casts a much darker light on his initial [[Upper Class Twit]]-ish behavior.
* [[Combat Medic]]: Holy cow, the medic just stabbed his captor in the neck! Justified, given the stakes, but somewhat unexpected.
** Gives a good showing of himself in "The Siege of AR-558" as well.
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* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: Julian claims that Miles likes him more than Miles ''loves'' Keiko. Although Miles would like to deny this, he does admit to sometimes wishing that Keiko was more like Julian.
* [[Hospital Hottie]]
* [[Good with Numbers]]: He's able to do very complex calculations in his head.
* [[Insufferable Genius]]: He tends to brag about beating a Vulcan in a racquetball match and his many medical miracles. Ironically, this is toned down after his augmentation is revealed.
** Siddig has revealed that he deliberately made Bashir jerkish because he knew the show would run for years and he wanted to show [[Character Development]]. This turned out to fit well with the later idea that it's because of his genetically enhanced origins.
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* [[The Medic]]: Even if it doesn't make any sense for a station doctor to be out in the field.
* [[Multiple Choice Past]]: His reasons for going into medicine change from person to person. One of the reasons people thought the writers planned the reveal of his augmentations from the beginning, instead of a last-minute change.
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]: Unsatisfied with the audiences' response to "bumbling" Bashir, the writers outed him as a genetically-enhanced über genius who has been operating under the radar.
* [[Odd Friendship]]: With Garak.
* [[Prophetic Name]]: The meaning of the name Bashir is "well-educated; wise".
** Among the original names for the character was "Dr. [[Punny Name|Amaros]]", which is a bit on the nose.
* [[Romantic Runner-Up]]: to Worf. ''Worf!''
* [[Satellite Character]]: Nope, not O'Brien. To ''Garak''. Without his spy intrigue, Bashir wouldn't be included in some of the more interesting arcs (including Section 31).
* [[Stupid Sexy Flanders]]
* [[That Man Is Dead]]: He refuses to go by his childhood nickname 'Jules', insisting that Jules died on the operating table, and is now Julian.
** A bit of clarification: Julian is his birth name, while Jules was an affectionate nickname. At fifteen, when he realized what had been done to him, he stopped going by it, to the point where, when he has a moment in private with his parents, he lashes out at them for using it.
* [[Transhuman]]: A jarring 180 to the [[No Transhumanism Allowed]] usually employed in ''[[Star Trek]]''.
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* [[Urban Legend Love Life]]: Even the actor is amazed at Bashir's amazingly bad luck with women. The two early objects of his affection end up with ''Rom'' and ''Worf'' respectively. Ouch.
** Which is potentially why he ends up with Ezri, in all her tiny, cute awesomeness. After all those tough breaks karma owes him big time.
* [[What Could Have Been]]: Alexander Siddig was originally considered for the role of ''Sisko'' because the producers had seen him in a movie where he was playing a much older man (with makeup to age him up). When they found out how young he actually was, he was cast in the Bashir role instead. Incidentally, "Julian Bashir" was initially named "Julian Ambrose," but the name was changed when Siddig was cast to reflect his Arab heritage.
* [[What Measure Is a Non-Human?]]
* [[Why Couldn't You Be Different?]]: As a small child, Bashir had several severe learning disabilities, so his parents had him undergo an illegal and extremely dangerous genetic treatment. Since then, it is implied that they were [[Stage Mom|Stage Parents]], pushing him towards a high-profile, high-status occupation, instead of letting him make up his own mind, as well as constantly monitoring his behavior so as not to end up in prison. This is the cause of Bashir's resentment and estrangement towards them.
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* [[Action Girl]]
* [[Battle Couple]]: With Worf.
* [[Bi the Way]]: When you're a [[Gender Bender|gender-bending]] alien whose life keeps criss-crossing with past lovers who are ''also'' gender flipped, you're bound to be confused.
** This led to ''[[DS 9]]'' airing what was (incorrectly) claimed to be the first lesbian kiss on network television, between Dax and "his" former wife Kahn. ([[wikipedia:Lesbian kiss episode|It was actually the fifth.]])
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* [[Interspecies Romance]]: With Worf.
* [[The Nth Doctor]]: The eighth host of Dax.
* [[Older Than They Look]]: Sort of. Jadzia is actually exactly as old as she looks but through Dax she has the memories and some of the personality of a much older being. A century old Bajoran magistrate said (paraphrasing) "When I started this hearing I didn't know if you were as young as my great-granddaughter, or three times as old as I am. Now I'm starting to think you're both."
* [[Omnidisciplinary Scientist]]
* [[Proud Warrior Race Guy|Proud Adopted Warrior Foreigner]]: A Trill who is more Klingon than most Klingon.
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* [[The Spock]]
** Though generally rational she is to emotional to be a classic spock. She is more [[The Kirk]].
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: particularly after Curzon's Klingon-loving personality came to the forefront during her ''zhian'tara''.
* [[Uptight Loves Wild]]: With Worf. Three guesses on who is which.
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* [[Shipper on Deck]]: As the station's eyes and ears ([[Obligatory Joke|Ha!]]), Quark comments on the pairings occurring all around him. Even some that [[Ship Tease|never actually took off]], such as Sisko/Jadzia.
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]
* [[The Unfavorite]]: His mother always preferred Rom, partly because Rom takes a lot after his late father. Quark and his mother have a lot in common, but are on opposite ends opinion-wise.
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: Feels this way about Odo. Even in the second episode, he defends Odo against accusations of murder.
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* [[Battle Couple]]: With Jadzia
* [[The Big Guy]]
* [[Bruiser with a Soft Center]]: Miles' baby can go to sleep in his arms.
* [[The Comically Serious]]
{{quote|'''Garak''': Mr. Worf, you're no fun at all.
'''Worf''': ... good. }}
* [[Determinator]]: Famously stood his ground against '''ten''' Jem 'Hadar warriors in a [[Forced Prize Fight]]. When he finally does hit the mat, it's his ''opponent'' who calls it quits.
{{quote|'''Ikat'ika:''' I yield. I cannot defeat this Klingon. I can only kill him, and [[Worthy Opponent|that no longer holds my interest]]."}}
* [[Deuteragonist]]: Essentially becomes this when he joins the cast; the entire Klingon War arc was more or less built around bringing his character onto the show.
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* [[My Greatest Failure]]: In "Let He Who is Without Sin...", we learn that Worf's uptight nature is the result of a childhood soccer match, when young Worf accidentally headbutted an opposing player. Klingon foreheads being what they are, the kid died. This tragedy convinced Worf to reign in his Klingon passion.
* [[Number Two]]: Is First Officer of the ''Defiant''. In practice, he and Kira share this role, which is [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshaded]] in "Apocalypse Rising".
* [[An Odd Place to Sleep]]: Right from Day One, Worf has trouble adjusting to the morally-grey atmosphere on the station. Following a string of disasters, he decides that the only way to adjust to life aboard the station is to live outside it, and makes the ''Defiant'' his crib.
* [[Offered the Crown]]: After his killing of {{spoiler|Gowron in "Tacking Into the Wind"}} he basically earned the right to rule the Klingon Empire. He chose wisely instead to hand it Martok. A [[Running Gag|bit of running theme with Worf.]] When ever he got involved with leadership of the Klingon people someone ends up dead and someone ends up a new leader.
* [[Proud Warrior Race Guy]]
* [[The Stoic]]
** [[Not So Stoic]]: See [[Heartbroken Badass]]
* [[Warrior Poet]]: Loves Klingon Opera, Klingon legends, and Klingon traditions.
* [[The Worf Effect]]: [[Averted Trope|Starting to wane]] by this point, thank goodness.
* [[Uptight Loves Wild]]: With Jadzia. Three guesses who is which.
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* [[Stepford Snarker]]: She frequently makes sarcastic comments and uses [[Self Deprecating Humor]] to cover her real anxiety. The episode focusing on her family implies Ezri did this before she was joined.
* [[The Cobbler's Children Have No Shoes]]: She's tasked with Garak's ''very'' difficult case when she is in desperate need of therapy herself.
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: Well, at least a half-level, especially after a particularly scathing [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]] from Garak; they squeeze in a little character development for her in the single season she's on the show, and she ends up hunting down a Vulcan serial killer.
* [["Well Done, Son" Guy|Well Done Daughter Girl]]: Somewhat. When she realized she would never get this, she joined Starfleet and didn't look back. (Until O'Brien goes missing on her home planet and she ''has'' to.)
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* [[Informed Ability]]: Comedic version. He's quite the blabbermouth. You'd never know from watching.
** He's also referred to as the resident [[Boisterous Bruiser]] on a couple of occasions and apparently has a tremendous singing voice.
** Apparantly aslo a lady's man. See [[Kavorka Man]].
* [[Kavorka Man]]: If you pay attention, every appearance where he isn't drinking usually has him with a lady (sometimes two) in his arms. Dax admitted to being attracted to him but she figured he was way out of her league.
* [[Momma's Boy]]: A vital message that changed the course of the Dominion War only got through because he smuggled it in one of the many presents he was rushing home to give his mother for her birthday.
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* [[Spanner in the Works]]: Her appearance frequently throws Starfleet for a loop. {{spoiler|And she deliberately disrupts the Reckoning, a battle between the Prophets and Pah-Wraiths that has been prophesied for thousands of years}}.
* [[The Unfavourite]]: In a religious sense. Despite her Kai title and obstination, the prophets will never give her an audience, even if she's using orbs, that were created so Bajorans could have access at any time to their Gods. It's particularly noticeable because everyone else who try will get one. Hell, even ''Quark'' had it on his first try. Even worse, when she finally meets one, even kneeling before it to show her devotion, it proceeds to ignore her spectacularly.
** Such a treatment gives us a good example of [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]. It plays a good part in her {{spoiler|[[Face Heel Turn]] against them}}.
=== Vedek Bareil Antos (Philip Anglim) ===
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A Cardassian tailor (and [[Magnificent Bastard]]) with a [[Mysterious Past]] as a top-notch spy, field agent and torturer for the feared Cardassian Obsidian Order; his moral ambiguity, unique skills and network of shady contacts become rather important in later seasons.
* [[Almighty Janitor]]: This lowly tailor is plugged into more resources than the whole of Starfleet '''combined'''.
** Well, except Section 31, but he gives them a run for their money.
* [[Ambiguously Gay]]: According to his actor he initially played Garak as being Omnisexual.
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{{quote|''That's why you came to me, isn't it, Captain? Because you knew I could do those things that you weren't capable of doing.''}}
* [[Strange Bedfellows]]: The fate of Cardassia and the Alpha Quadrant ends up requiring Garak, Kira and Damar to put aside their three-way loathing of each other and work together. By the end of series, there are even signs of a [[Fire-Forged Friends]] beginning to form between Garak and Kira.
* [[Token Heroic Orc]]: [[Inverted Trope|To an extent]]. Garak doesn't mind Cardassia's military expansionism, per se. The tipping point is when his homeworld is overrun by the Dominion due to a couple short-sighted opportunists, like Dukat.
* [[Token Evil Teammate]]
* [[That Man Is Dead]]: Claims to be responsible for the death of his best friend, Elim. This is then revealed to actually be Garak's ''first'' name.
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* [[Insane Admiral]]: Briefly promoted to Legate, the Cardassian equivalent of Admiral. Dukat requested to be bumped back down to Gul (despite [[Just the First Citizen|reigning as de facto dictator of his homeworld]]), apparently as a gesture of modesty. It might have also been a snub at his superiors for ignoring his abilities for so long.
* [[Jerkass Dissonance]]: This became a problem. Eventually, even the actor got in on the act; Marc Alaimo believed that Dukat was essentially good, and was saddened when he had to punch an old guy in Season 7.
* [[Kavorka Man]]: Among Bajoran women, anyway.
* [[Kicked Upstairs]]: At the start of the series. It's his frustration at his inability to fix this that drives Dukat toward the Dominion.
* [[Magic Plastic Surgery]]: While masquerading as "Anjohl Tennan", a Bajoran farmer.
* [[No Name Given]]: Dukat's first name is never stated in canon, though the non-canonical first name of "Skrain" has been adopted by many fans. At one point he identifies himself as "Dukat, S.G." though it's been suggested by [[Word of God]] that this is a title (like Ph.D., M.D., or R.N.).
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* [[Sinister Minister]]: As leader of the Pai-Wraith cult.
* [[Troll]]: His behavior in "Civil Defense". When Cardassian security programs take control of the station, he teleports in purely to be as smug as possible before teleporting out. {{spoiler|Then he finds out that he can't.}}
* [[Tyrant Takes the Helm]]: Manages to re-take Deep Space Nine with Jem'Hadar help.
** Amusingly, Dukat even takes over the [[Captain's Log]].
* [[Visionary Villain]]: Dukat assumed his post on Bajor with the firm intention of offering more carrot, and less stick. However, rather than shower affection on their new shogun, the Bajorans raised their heads (to Dukat's astonishment) and overthrew the Cardassian forces. [[Word of God]] says that Dukat's deep-seated hate for the Bajorans is rooted in the fact that they refused to love him.
* [[Unholy Matrimony]]: With Kai Winn.
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* {{spoiler|[[Killed Mid-Sentence|Died Mid-Sentence]] Damar died trying to give a rallying speech to his troops. [[Word of God]] is that originally he was simply going to die; but Casey Biggs decided he should say something. He still has no idea what the rest of sentence was going to be.}}
* [[Heel Face Turn]]
* [[La Résistance]]:
* [[Mook Promotion]]
* [[No Honor Among Thieves]]: With Weyoun. It's hinted that Damar tried bumping him off via a "[[Make It Look Like an Accident|transporter accident]]". Vorta being what they are, though, it didn't take.
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* [[Morality Pet]]: Is this for Dukat. {{spoiler|Ultimately, this ends ''badly''.}}
* [[Nonhuman Humanoid Hybrid]]: Half-Cardassian, half-Bajoran.
* [[The Other Darrin]]: ''Twice''. There was a little drama about this behind the scenes, evidently - then-22-year-old Cyia Batten played her brilliantly in Ziyal's debut appearances, but was replaced when they wanted someone "older" to pair up with Garak (despite Ziyal canonically being all of 19 years old when rescued).
* [[Unlocking the Talent]]: Tragically subverted. She was receiving mentoring off-screen for a rare artistic gift that she was deliberately keeping secret so she could earn a prestigious university place by merit rather than through her father making connections on her behalf. Experts consider her art to be a callback to both a great Bajoran artist and a great Cardassian artist. She intends to use her mixed culture and the fact people can see both Cardassian techniques and Bajoran techniques in her work as a way of trying to bring the two worlds together and the university professors thinks her talent is good enough for her dream. And then she's murdered.
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* [[Role Reprisal]]: John Colicos portrayed Kor in ''[[Star Trek: The Original Series]]'' and returned to portray Kor in DS9.
* [[No Hero to His Valet]]: Martok despised him because he refused to allow him into military service because Martok was low-born. Having a Dahar Master saying no to him basically put him on the military blacklist and only got into the military by performing some heroics after signing up as a civilian auxiliary.
* [[Shrouded in Myth]]
* [[Hero of Another Story|Villain Of Another Story]] : Rival of Kirk's in TOS.
* [[Warrior Heaven]]: Promises Worf that he will say hi to Jadzia when he [[Suicide Mission|gets to Sto-vo-kor]].
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* [[Just the First Citizen]]
* [[Moral Myopia]]/[[It's All About Me|It's All About Us]]
* [[Paranoia Gambit]]: A favored tactic, often seeking to provoke [[Divided We Fall]] among the Alpha Quadrant.
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]: They usually keep to themselves and delegate the running of the Dominion to the Vorta, but occasionally they act as spies and infiltrators.
* [[Scary Dogmatic Aliens]]
* [[Shadow Dictator]]
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* [[Big Bad]]
* [[Definitely Just a Cold]]: After Odo unwittingly acts as carrier to a virus cooked up by Section 31. The Female Changeling does her best to disguise her symptoms, but eventually starts to visibly rot away.
* [[Everybody Calls Him Barkeep|Everybody Calls Her Founder]]
* [[The Vamp]]: To Odo.
=== Weyoun ([[Jeffrey Combs]]) ===
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* [[Ascended Extra]]: First appeared in "To the Death" and was promptly killed off. The concept of Vorta cloning was created solely to bring Combs back as Weyoun.
* [[Bandwagon Technique]]: One of the arguments he uses when trying to persuade people over to the dark side- I mean, the Dominion.
* [[The Chessmaster]]: Oh, my god.
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]: Of the more strategic type than actual throw-downs, but... yep.
* [[Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette]]
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* [[Too Dumb to Live]]: How his clones usually die. Questioning a Jem'Hadar's loyalty to the Dominion? Getting too close to Worf? Mocking the widespread destruction across Cardassia to ''a Cardassian''?
** Damar burst out laughing when Worf killed him, and mocked the next clone about it as well.
* [[The Unfettered]]: Most definitely qualifies for his often frightening devotion to the Founders and their cause. He would do ANYTHING for them... the only 'right' or 'wrong' that exists for this character is whether or not something will serve the Founders.
* [[Villains Out Shopping]]: He gets a few of these moments. There's one where he is analyzing (or trying to analyze) a painting, and even asks Major Kira (a good guy who is under an occupation force that is under his command) what she thinks of it... genuinely, with no sinister undertones whatsoever, [[Your Mileage May Vary|making it extra creepy to some, yet creepily cute to others]]. There's also a clip from the final montage of the fabulous episode "In The Cards", showing Weyoun thoroughly enjoying the crack-pot "Cellular Regeneration And Entertainment Chamber". Like I said. Fabulous.
* [[Your Favorite]]: When a holo-image of Weyoun says to Bashir, [[Ho Yay|"Do you remember the first time I brought you scones?"]] in that magnificent voice of his, after delivering said scones on a tray (with jam and tea, just the way Bashir likes it!) to a flustered and freaked out Bashir.
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