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Canada, Eh?: Difference between revisions

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(added Champions Online's so-called "Canadian Wilderness" zone)
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** While [[Chris Benoit]], in the latter period of his career when he usually played a face, was often described (truthfully) as "residing in Atlanta, Georgia", shows in Canada always reverted to describing him as being from Canada. Benoit himself tried to hide his Canadian accent on the mic (usually straining to say "uh-BOUT" rather than "uh-boat").
** Happened with [[Chris Jericho]] too. He was born in New York (his father Ted Irvine played for the NY Rangers), raised in Manitoba, and then moved to Orlando. He was billed from "Manhasset, New York" during the Y2J era, wasn't billed at all during the first few years of his return as the "Saviour of WWE", and then was billed from "Winnipeg, Manitoba" circa 2010.
* Canadians tend to have their own stereotype within [[Professional Wrestling]] involving superior in-ring skill and charisma ranging between "average" and "a wet slab of concrete." This is likely due to the fact that most notable Canadian wrestlers came from the infamous [[Training Fromfrom Hell|Hart family Dungeon]] whose graduates tended to fall into this stereotype. Notable exceptions include [[Edge]] and [[Christian]], who are from Ontario, and Chris Jericho, who did train with the Harts but is simply a straight-up subversion.
** In his autobiography, Chris Jericho mentions during his run as a heel in [[WCW]], he'd play up his Canadian-ness heavily, including putting strong emphasis on certain words to sound more Canadian, such as the "ain" part of "again".
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* ''[[Spinnerette]]'' has the Legion of Canadian Superheroes. Their big entrance features [[Catgirl|Katt o' Nine Tails]] providing a French translation of Green Gable's big speech. Green Gable himself is [[Legacy Character|the first male in the costume]], making him a [[Wholesome Crossdresser]], and the third member of the team is a wolfman in a [[Nice Hat]] known as [[Warren Zevon|The Werewolf of London, Ontario]] (London for short).
* [[Subnormality]] may not explicitly be set in Canada, but there are enough maple leaves and hockey references imply that it is.
* [[Bibliography (web comic)|Bibliography]] is set in the fictional town Tiltstone, in Canada. So far, it seems to be averting most of the stereotypes.
* ''[[Manly Guys Doing Manly Things]]'' has [[Boisterous Bruiser|Canadian Guy]], who dresses like a lumberjack, speaks with a ludicrously exaggerated Canadian accent that contains practically no consonants, and constantly does stereotypically Canadian things like living in a specially cooled area of the office, wrestling moose, riding moose, gutting deer and hunting beavers. According to Commander Badass ([[Sitcom Arch Nemesis|who arguably isn't the most objective judge of Canadian Guy]]), this is the basic state of all Canadians and the soft-spoken people the Americans see in Canadian cities are red herrings to throw them off from the 'true' nature of the nation.
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{{quote|'''Shake:''' They should focus more on the natural beauty instead of the horror.}}
* From ''[[Dan Vs.]]'' "Canada":
{{quote|'''Dan''': Here's what I know about Canada. [[Anthropomorphic Personification|England and France had a baby out of wedlock, and that baby was Canada]]. Now, as for Canadians, first, they drink maple syrup directly out of the bottle. Second, most canadians are at least [[Half-Human Hybrid|half-bear]].
'''Chris''': I don't think they're actually half-bear, Dan.
'''Dan''': What do you know about it?
'''Chris''': A little bit, actually.
'''Dan''': Okay, Prime Minister, you tell me.
'''Chris''': Canadians thrive in cold climates. They live in the shadow of a massive glacier, blissfully unaware of the horrific fate that would befall them, should the glacier ever collapse. [...] You could put a Canadian in a line up with a bunch normal people, and you wouldn't be able to tell. You have to wait until they drop "eh" or an "aboot," or (this is a good one) they say "sor-y."
'''Dan''': You're right! Normal people never apologize! }}
* ''Bob and Margaret'' (a cartoon series made in Canada), originally set in London, moved to Toronto during a corporate switch to air the show on [[Can West]] Global networks. The rather neurotic and stereotypically British titular couple began a new [[Fish Out of Water]] life with the "colonists". Canadian characters on the show are portrayed as varied individuals, some who exhibit these Canadian tropes and many who subvert them. Bob also learns that Indo-Canadians are just as plentiful, and make as good a take-away curry, as Anglo-Indians.
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* Rutt and Tuke from ''[[Brother Bear]]'' play this trope like there's no tomorrow.
** Seeing as they're based off of (and even voiced by) ''SCTV'''s most notable characters, Bob and Doug, this is to be expected.
* ''[[The Fairly Odd ParentsOddParents]]'': [[Evil Teacher|Crocker's]] Uncle Albert is from Canada, eh?
** Also, from a comic story in which Timmy wishes for Cosmo and Wanda to conjure up a cousin for him to justify a lie he told:
{{quote|'''Vicky:''' How come I've never met [him] before?
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