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The next book, titled ''The Heroes'', came out in January 2011. It tells the story of the war between Union and the North, or, more precisely, the decisive battle between the sides, which lasts several days. Like the one before, it also mentions and makes use of many previously established characters.
The author continues writing stories set in this world: He has announced that he's signed a contract for 4 more stories, which at present he predicts will be a third stand-alone story followed by another trilogy, though he notes he might change his mind. The first of these contracted books—[https://web.archive.org/web/20120115140328/http://www.joeabercrombie.com/2011/03/01/can-you-tell-what-it-is-yet/ some sort of fantasy western]—will likely be out in mid-2012, and is titled ''(A) Red Country'' (America isn't getting the "A" part for some unknown reason). In addition, none of the following novels will feature the same cast (at least not in main character roles <ref> Though ''A Red Country'' may or may not be the exception as one major character is suspected to be none other than the very-much alive Logen Ninefingers; it is possible he is just in a big supporting role, however</ref>) and each story is set several years after the last, so the next trilogy may be more than a decade ahead of ''The First Law'' trilogy.
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* [[Karma Houdini]] - Characters that at first seem like a [[Complete Monster]] end up being quite sympathetic by the end of the novels, whereas one or two that appeared good are revealed to be acting on very sinister motives.
* [[Kick the Dog]] - Our heroes, Logen and Glokta, are determined to do this at least once every chapter. West as well, when he smacks Ardee around. {{spoiler|Bayaz, at the series' end.}}
* [[ReplicantKill Snatchingand Replace]] - {{spoiler|Yoru Sulfur}} most notably {{spoiler|impersonating High Justice Marovia and The Tanner}}.
* [[The Kingdom]] - Subverted, as Midderland isn't a very nice place to live.
* [[King on His Deathbed]] - King Guslav.
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* [[The Magic Goes Away]] - Slowly but surely. At present, though, both magi and Eaters retain quite a bit of power.
** It's not very clear that [[The Magic Goes Away]] affects the [[Powered by a Forsaken Child]] Eaters (the contrary is implicit in Mammun's words). And the Maker's work is stated not to fade with time. So it's a subverted trope, really.
*** Not quite, since Bayaz at least seems to consider the Maker's work as [[ClarksClarke's Third Law|sufficiently advanced science]]; magic is explicitly power drawn from The Other Side, and the Maker's work is explicitly ''not'' from The Other Side. And Mammun states that the magic ''is'' going away even if he and his fellow Eater's are not affected by it (yet). And given how [[Ax Crazy]] [[I'm a Humanitarian|Mammun]] is, he could be an [[Unreliable Narrator|unreliable source]], either outright lying or too insane to notice his slowly fading power. But even if they are the exception, the trope is still otherwise in effect.
* [[Magic Versus Science]] - A war not particularly desired by anyone whose torch is nonetheless carried valiantly by Morveer. And even then, the lines are blurry. {{spoiler|As the magic is supposedly leaking from the world, Bayaz seems to have no problem turning to science. If it can help him crush his enemies, he's all for it.}}
* [[Master Poisoner]] - Morveer
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* [[Perfectly Arranged Marriage]] - Calder and his wife Seff were promised to each other since they were babies, yet they truly love each other, even despite [[Ugly Guy, Hot Wife|Ugly Wife Hot Husband]] thing.
* [[Perky Female Minion]] - Day, to Morveer.
* [[ThePlatonic StraightLife Will and GracePartners]] - Curnden Craw and Wonderful in ''The Heroes''.
* [[The Quest]] - the focus of most of the second volume, subverted when {{spoiler|they do not find the [[McGuffin]] at the end of their journey.}}
* [[Quirky Miniboss Squad]] - Goyle's circus of practicals.
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* [[Red Right Hand]] - Yoru Sulfur has mismatched eyes, one blue, one green. It's mentioned every time he appears.
* [[Reliable Traitor]] - Cosca's been on more or less every possible side of every conflict in Styria. Simultaneously, in some cases.
* [[Replicant Snatching]] - {{spoiler|Yoru Sulfur}} most notably {{spoiler|impersonating High Justice Marovia and The Tanner}}.
* [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]] - ''Best Served Cold''.
* [[Satisfied Street Rat]] - Ferro Maljinn.
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* [[Son of a Whore]] - {{spoiler|Jezal}}.
* [[The Stoic]] - Harding Grim, also an [[The Archer|Archer]]. Shivers after his... ''accident''.
* [[The Straight Will and Grace]] - Curnden Craw and Wonderful in ''The Heroes''.
* [[Sociopathic Hero]]: - Ferro, Black Dow, The Bloody-Nine, eventually, {{spoiler|Shivers}}, although the "hero" part is <s>debatable</s>practically non-existent.
* [[Super-Powered Evil Side]] - Logen Ninefingers, as it's gradually revealed that 'The Bloody Nine' isn't quite him. Implied that it may lead to [[Split Personality Takeover]] if he lives.
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[[Category:Fantasy Literature]]
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