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** At the end of the eighth movie, Lucario needs to use his Aura power to heal the [[World Tree]], but the amount of Aura required would be fatal to him. <br />'''You'd Expect''' Lucario to ask Ash, who has recently been revealed to have Aura power, to help him heal the tree, thus preventing a [[Stupid Sacrifice|senseless loss of life]]. <br />'''Instead''' Lucario does it himself and dies a tragic, pointless death.
** In ''[[Pokémon: The Movie 2000]]'', the villain Gelarden has just captured Moltres and Ash & co accidentally.<br />'''You'd Expect''': The villain to keep Ash and friends imprisoned, or just for kicks, dump them into the sea.<br />'''Instead''': ''He lets them go as he [[Just Between You and Me|monologues]].'' A few minutes later, his flying base is in ruins and the two birds he captured have escaped. Nice work, moron.
** During the three-episode [[Enemy Mine]] tournament arc where Ash and [[The Rival|Paul]] are forced to work together, Ash comes across Paul's [[Training Fromfrom Hell|intense]] training methods and how injured Chimchar was, all in the name of harnessing Blaze - the whole reason Paul caught Chimchar in the first place and kept him as long as he did, and the whole reason he's even in the tournament in the first place ([[Griefer|this is already a big strike against him]]). Keep in mind that this is the night before their next match. Chimchar is taken to the Pokémon Center, and Paul is explicitly told by [[The Medic|Nurse Joy]] that Chimchar would be far too worn out to battle tomorrow and would need rest. He is also aware that his next match involves a Zangoose, and that Chimchar fears this particular species.<br />'''You'd expect''' Paul to take her advice and have Chimchar sit this one out. You know, since she IS a doctor for Pokémon and knows what she's talking about. Not only would this give Chimchar a chance to physically and psychologically recover, it would also ease Ash off his case. And who knows - maybe Blaze could come out the following round?<br />'''Instead''' Paul ignores Nurse Joy's warning and uses Chimchar in their battle the next day. Not only that, he then has Chimchar attack [[Jerkass|knowing that his moves would end up hurting Ash's Turtwig as well]] and finally, fed up with its '[[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?|weakness]]', [[Rage Quit|leaves Ash to finish the battle solo]]. After the fight, he abandons Chimchar without a second thought, just like several other Pokemon he once handled.<br />'''Taking the stupidity even further''', [[Stop Having Fun Guy|the kind of trainer Paul was meant to represent]] would ''know better'' than to send into an important match a Pokemon that clearly needs bench time, professional opinion or otherwise. Furthermore, anyone with even a shred of empathy would know that throwing a Pokemon against something it flat-out fears is more likely to petrify it than to trip [[Super Mode]]. And yet, despite [[Stupid Evil|such flagrant disregard for both his Pokemon and his teammate, especially in front of such a massive audience]], [[Karma Houdini|Paul was not reprimanded one whit, either on-the-spot or in hindsight]]. Were it not for his [[Draco in Leather Pants|leather pants]] and [[Creator's Pet|the author's favoritism for him]], this would be the moment that [[Moral Event Horizon|destroyed any sympathy he deserved]].
** In [[Pokémon: The First Movie|Pokémon the First Movie]], Mewtwo, having been persuaded to work with Giovanni, is still wondering what his purpose is. <br />'''You'd Expect''': Giovanni would keep in mind Mewtwo is the strongest Pokémon ''ever'', and can take down multiple opponents all at once, AND that prior to this, he destroyed an entire laboratory and all those inside in a fit of rage over the scientists not caring about him, just what he is. Thus he should be careful not to offend/anger Mewtwo.<br />'''Instead''': He tells Mewtwo that, as Mewtwo was created by humans, his purpose is to serve them and not question it. Mewtwo promptly causes an explosion and takes off.
** Barry is battling Ash. Ash's Chimchar defeats Barry's Staraptor.<br />'''You'd expect:''' Barry to send out his Empoleon, taking advantage of [[Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors]] ''and'' the fact that Empoleon is a fully evolved Pokémon with powerful attacks, unlike Chimchar.<br />'''Instead:''' He sends out his Roserade, giving ''Ash'' [[Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors]] advantage.<br />'''However:''' His Roserade is also powerful, taking out Chimchar [[Curb Stomp Battle|in a matter of seconds]]. Plus, defeating Chimchar despite type disadvantage may have been Barry's way of showing off.
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* In the Watanagashi arc of ''[[Higurashi no Naku Koro ni]]'', Keiichi narrowly manages to escape from his friend's [[Torture Cellar]] after almost having [[To the Pain|nails hammered into every joint in his hands]]. Before he escapes, however, she warns him not to come near her if he sees her again. She manages to escape as well and a few days later throws stones at Keiichi's window in the middle of the night.<br />'''You'd Expect''': Keiichi would lock all of the doors, stay inside, and call the police, since at this point, she's a full-blown [[Ax Crazy]] who's responsible for the murder of four different people.<br />'''Instead''': He goes outside and talks to her to find out if she's okay. After giving a few good [[Evil Laugh]]s, she shows him why this was so stupid and stabs him in the gut. Ironically, this isn't even the thing that does him in this arc. He finally dies from psychological trauma from all the abuse he racked up.
** In Onikakushi-hen, Rena and Mion (though mostly Rena) suffered from this. For Rena: Keiichi has been screaming at her and avoiding her for days now.<br />'''You'd expect''': For her to stay away from him at the next sign of a threat.<br />'''Instead''': She goes up to him, most likely with her signature machete in hand, and starts talking to him. Also, this is after he ''banged'' her hand into a door at full force.
* ''[[MaiMy-HiME]]'': Episode 13, "Night of the Tamayura": Yuuichi and Shiho are out on a date, and they bump into Mai and Reito just as they're [[Will They or Won't They?|about to kiss]]. He's [[Cannot Spit It Out|still struggling to decide]] whether or not he actually likes Mai "in that way".<br />'''You'd expect:''' Yuuichi to keep his mouth shut and wait until the end of the festival to ask Mai about what happened...or perhaps confronted her about his feelings, maybe...''eight episodes ago'', when Reito wasn't around.<br />'''Instead:''' He picks the [[Moment Killer|worst possible time]] to blurt out Mai's name, and breaks two cardinal rules of dating in the process: 1. Never cockblock another guy just as he's about to get some action, and 2. Never confess/imply that you like another girl ''in front of your date''. Now, Shiho's mad at Mai and refuses to talk to her; and Reito, usually a calm and collected guy, is mad at Yuuichi because ''he'' suspects something's going on between the two of them. [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|Nice job breaking them up, "hero".]]
* ''[[Full Metal Panic!]]'':
** In the third season, Mithril's intelligence department put down a report stating that Sousuke is being wasted as Kaname's bodyguard, causing the South Pacific fleet commander to order captain Testarossa to recall him to full service as [[Super Prototype|the Arbalest's]] pilot.<br />'''You'd Expect:''' Mithril to consider the fact that Sousuke has spent the last six months integrated into civilian society and has been solely responsible for a VIP's well-being, and include forewarning and a sensible recall schedule followed by a thorough psychological debriefing and a monitored return to active service to ensure he doesn't break down from the ensuing stress.<br />'''Instead:''' Over the course of the next 24 hours, Sousuke is promptly ordered out of the mission and permanently banned from contacting Kaname. Once back in Mithril's fold, his CO proceeds to verbally lambaste him because she's [[Clingy Jealous Girl|jealous]] and he is assigned a new superior officer who further belittles him and uses [[Training Fromfrom Hell]] to retrain him, followed by immediate deployment into an active terrorist attack without any kind of follow-up. To the shock and awe of no one watching, Sousuke suffers a [[Heroic BSOD]] shortly after from the resulting stress. What's worse is that The Lambda Drive is dependent on the user's emotional and mental stability to even work, and since this is precisely what Sousuke was recalled for...
** In the novels following End Of Day By Day (TSR), it's revealed that the chief of the Intelligence Department was in fact an agent of Amalgam. It's strongly implied that Sousuke's abrupt removal was in fact his idea, intended to leave Kaname alone and vulnerable, under the "protection" of an agent like Wraith, who preferred to not get involved, and who bore a personal grudge against Sousuke. It was probably meant to clear the way for Leonard Testarossa. Until Gauron's pupils got in the way. Once you start adding all this together, it's clear that the odds are being deliberately stacked against Sousuke, no matter how much Tessa might think it was only her decision. Oh, and in case you missed this, the Amalgam agent mentioned is the general Sousuke smacks down at the end of TSR. (He is finally discovered and captured in the "Dancing A Very Merry Christmas" novel.)
** The first series also has a grand example of this kind of mistake. After participating in a massive joint military operation to capture [[Ax Crazy|Gauron]], the team proceeds to imprison him aboard their high-tech super submarine.<br />'''You'd Expect:''' Since Mithril is explicitly stated to be a MERCENARY ORGANIZATION, the two individuals who should have guarded this man would be the only two who wouldn't be motivated by anything other than personal vendetta or duty, particularly Sosuke and either Kalinin or Kurz, whose partner was just injured in battle against him. As long time members of the organization, it is likely they could be trusted to, at the very least, not help [[For the Evulz|Gauron]] in any way.<br />'''Instead:''' Sousuke is not put on duty guarding this guy, and instead the job is relegated to two nameless guards who, surprise, surprise, work for the [[Screw the Rules, I Have Money|very financially well off]] Gauron. Because they're MERCENARIES.
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** Speaking of Inuyasha's transformation, Naraku eventually finds out about this little development.<br />'''You'd Expect:''' for him to spy on the heroes to find out exactly when Inuyasha turns into a human and use this information to launch a sneak attack.<br />'''Instead''' Naraku never follows up on this, throwing away a perfectly good opportunity to kill Inuyasha and his friends.
* In ''[[The Daughter of Twenty Faces]]'', Chiko accompanies the Twenty Faces gang on a trip with a submarine.<br />'''You'd Expect:''' The captain of the submarine has Chiko frisked just like the grown-ups and makes her leave behind the conspicuous basket she's carrying. Better still: he leaves her ashore, since a submarine is no place for children. Yet even better ''still'' would be to only take the people who are needed for the mission, since a submarine tends to be crowded pretty fast.<br />'''Instead:''' He lets her enter the submarine unchecked. That's really stupid, since Chiko might be a kid, but she still accompanies a troop of known hoodlums.
* In ''[[Clannad (visual novel)|Clannad]]'', Sunohara has to endure ridiculous amounts of abuse at the high school soccer club.<br />'''You'd Expect:''' Sunohara takes this up with the school authorities and at least ''tries'' to make clear how messed up the soccer club is. Failing that, he could simply join another club outside school, since every Japanese town worth its salt has at least one or two. In the unlikely case that there are none in his town, he could try in a neighboring one. And failing ''that'', he could even try to found his own club. Anything for the love his sport, right?<br />'''Instead:''' He causes a fight at the high school club, gets thrown out and then even gives up soccer ''completely'', sulking about it for most of the series.
* In ''[[Tokyo Mew Mew]]'', Kish figures out that Aoyama can only transform into Blue Knight if Ichigo is in danger.<br />'''You'd Expect:''' Kish would attack Aoyama, and Aoyama only, since he is in a "I want to have my revenge on the Blue Knight!" rampage.<br />'''Instead:''' He ignores that vital fact and attacks Ichigo. Failure Ensues.
* In ''[[Ef a Tale of Memories|Ef: A Tale Of Melodies]]'', Mizuki sends Kuze a "letter of challenge", urging him to meet on the school roof in an effort to get him out of his self-inflicted isolation since he discovered he suffers from a [[Soap Opera Disease|terminal heart condition]]. He indeed shows up.<br />'''You'd Expect:''' She challenges him ''in words only'' to try to make him understand she really loves him and wants to be with him, despite his condition.<br />'''Instead:''' Mizuki actually pulls off a surprise attack and kicks Kuze hard in the chest, telling him that he "died once" already. Sure enough, Kuze gets a heart attack shortly after.
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** In Chapter 6, Ed and Al are being attacked by Scar, who has just blasted apart Al's left flank, and almost destroyed Ed's arm, thanks to his powers using his arm<br />'''You'd Expect''': Ed to pick a strategy that involves staying the hell away from Scar's reach at all costs.<br />'''Instead''': He charges Scar with a Blade Edge on the side of his automail. It goes about as well as you can imagine.
* ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha (anime)|Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha]]'': [[Mad Scientist]] Sorceress Precia Testarossa needs all 21 Jewel Seeds (or, by her own estimates, at least 14) to activate a successful dimensional transference to Al-Hazard. Once she sees that her {{spoiler|cloned}} daughter, Fate, has lost her battle with Nanoha for control of '''all 21 Jewel Seeds,''' she zaps her and takes back the nine Jewel Seeds she had in her possession.<br />'''You'd expect''': Precia to ''also'' zap Nanoha and swipe the remaining Jewel Seeds, which were on her person at the time. '''Or''' even earlier than that, send Fate to TSAB as [[The Mole]] to get her hands on the rest of the Seeds.<br />'''Instead''': Neither thought occurs to her. Her subsequent attempt to use the nine Jewel Seeds to achieve dimensional transference ends catastrophically, and she perishes along with her lair.
* In ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha AsA's|A's]]'', {{spoiler|it's eventually revealed that the entire plot is the machinations of one [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|Admiral Gil Graham]], attempting his own secret plan to destroy the [[Artifact of Doom|Book of Darkness]] for good. It's taken roughly nine years to set up, and is rather convoluted and intricate}}. A significant part of the plan involves sending his familiars, {{spoiler|Lotte and Aria}} out to aid the Wolkenritter (the Book of Darkness' defense programs) against the heroes several times, before finally {{spoiler|killing them in front of their young master, driving her over the edge to justify using extreme measures}}. Naturally, since they're somewhat well known, disguises are employed. Not a problem, magic can be used for that.<br />'''You'd expect''': Them to take disguises that, well, look like nothing, which shouldn't be that hard. Something that wouldn't stand out to anyone. They could even take different disguises each time, just to keep people guessing.<br />'''Instead''': They take on forms heavily implied to be [[The Ace|Chrono Harloawn]]'s dead father, who died working on the Book of Darkness case the last time it appeared. Naturally, this ''can't'' be a coincidence, and the list of potential suspects is narrowed significantly. Before long Chrono has defeated the familiars easily, arrested their master, and confiscated the Device meant to accomplish the plan. [[Rousseau Was Right|It wouldn't have worked anyway]], but if you spend nine years on something, it's hard to believe a weak point like that would slip through.
* In ''[[Kimi ni Todoke]]'', our heroine [[Shrinking Violet|Sawako]] looks like it has finally gotten into [[Extreme Doormat|her head]] that [[Nice Guy|Kazehaya]] ''does'' like her too. Valentine Day approaches.<br />'''You'd expect''': Sawako gives Kazehaya chocolate. Even if it is just "duty" chocolate.<br />'''Instead''': She gives chocolate to ''everyone'' but Kazehaya. You see, she's so honest that she couldn't give him just "duty" chocolate, but [[Extreme Doormat|too humble]] to dare to give him "love" chocolate. So she doesn't give him ''any''.<br />'''Result''': Kazehaya is left absolutely confused. Does she like him or not? [[Poor Communication Kills|Their relationship is now worse]] than it was at the beginning of the story.
* In ''[[Girls Bravo]]'', Koyomi and Tomoka, natives of the planet Seiren, come Earth to find a husband for Maharu. Once they find a suitable match, they intend to return to Seiren using their Aqua Lamps (two tiny silver beads).<br />'''You'd expect''': Them to keep the Aqua Lamps somewhere where they can't easily be stolen. After all, without the Aqua Lamps they're trapped on Earth. At the very least, you'd expect them to keep an eye on their magical items.<br />'''Instead''': The antagonist steals their Aqua Lamps with no trouble at all, and days (possibly weeks) elapse before they even become aware of the theft.
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* This also showed up twice in the ''[[Little Lulu]]'' anime episode where Tubby gets captured by the Westside Gang. Lulu and the gang come up with Plan A, which was to hide a saw inside a pie for Tubby to use to escape. However, since none of them knew how to make a pie, they decide to substitute the real thing with a mud pie. Lulu and Annie then bring the mud pie over to the Westside Gang's territory and give it to Tubby.<br />'''You'd Expect''': Tubby to listen to Lulu and for her to tell him that there's actually a saw hidden inside the mud pie so that he can escape to freedom.<br />'''Instead''': When Tubby finds out that the pie was actually mud, he becomes angry, saying that he cannot eat it then kicks it so hard that it sails out the window of the RV he was imprisoned in and onto the ground, revealing the saw in front of the Westside Gang.
** Then later on in the same episode, after Willy and Iggy have also gotten captured by the Westside Gang, it is then up to Wilbur to come to the rescue with a shovel that he intends to use to tunnel into the RV to save Tubby and the others. Once on the other side, Wilbur then proceeds to carry out his mission.<br />'''You'd Expect''': Wilbur to lightly tap on the side of the RV and quietly let Tubby, Willy, and Iggy know that he was going to dig them out and for them to be ready when he did.<br />'''Instead''': He just goes ahead and starts digging next to the RV, causing Tubby, Willy, and Iggy to become worried, thinking that a bear is coming to eat them, then promptly alert the Westside Gang that they hear a weird noise, resulting in Wilbur's capture after that.
* ''[[Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai!|Oreimo]]''. In one scene in episode 3, Kyosuke explicitly tells Kirino to keep her DVDs and games out of sight while she's not in her room.<br />'''You'd Expect''': Kirino to be extra cautious about her collection, since she's a siscon fan.<br />'''Instead''': She leaves one of her games in the open on the very day her father comes into her room during her offline meeting, sparking a chain of events that ends with her hobby almost endangered and ''both'' Kousaka siblings injured (Kirino gets a minor injury because she tried to attack her own father with a crystal ashtray, but she was lucky compared to Kyosuke, who first gets his arm twisted for blocking his father from entering her room and then gets punched in the face after [[Taking the Heat|claiming ownership of all the adults only material in the house]]).
* ''[[Battle Athletes|Battle Athletes Victory]]'': Kris has vowed to her family that she'd return to the moon the day she turns 18 to become a priestess. Then she meets Akari and falls hopelessly in love with her.<br />'''You'd Expect''': Kris either hides or controls her feelings for Akari ''or'' she decides to break her vow to be with the one she loves.<br />'''Instead''': She relentlessly pursues Akari, and when Akari finally starts returning her feelings she tells her that she has to leave, causing Akari quite some heartbreak.
* ''[[Puella Magi Madoka Magica]]'': The show has it's main characters competing for Grief Seeds produced from the Witches they kill. As they use their magic, their Soul Gems begin to [[The Corruption|fill with darkness]], which is then transferred into the collected Grief Seeds.<br />'''You'd expect''': Someone to question the nature of the dark substance that appears inside a Soul Gem, especially since it requires a Grief Seed of all things to remove, a Grief Seed that can regenerate the Witch if left alone too long. Read that again: A Magical Girl's power source produces something unusable to themselves, but compatible with the monsters they fight, and can revive said monsters.<br />'''Instead''': No one seems to make the connection, most likely assuming that this "dirtiness" will make them no longer able to use magic. To drive the point home, fans questioned this from the very beginning and speculated the results until the moment they were confirmed in [[Wham! Episode|episode 8]].\\
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