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So You Want To/Write a Hard Science Fiction Story With Space Travel: Difference between revisions

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* [[Faster-Than-Light Travel]] / [[Time Travel]]. Example: The [[Xeelee Sequence]] by Stephen Baxter implements this with [[Sufficiently Advanced Technology]].
* [[Techno Babble]]. Example: Orion's Arm implements this with such phrases as "hyperdenebola collapse" to refer to the de-assimilation that tends to happen when a colony's communications with [[The Assimilator| the Amalgamation]] are cut off. According to Wikipedia, Denebola is Beta Leonis, a star in constellation Leo about 43 light-years from Earth. What this star has to do with "hyper", "collapse", and the Amalgamation is not actually obvious.
* [[ClicheCliché]]s, especially [[The Grand List of Overused Science Fiction ClichesClichés| science fiction cliches]]. Even if these are technically possible in a hard-SF setting - which is itself by no means whatsoever guaranteed - then they still tend to be unrealistically common in science fiction, and it is common for them to be unrealistically portrayed. And as detailed above, hard SF audiences tend to be intelligent. So no cliches.
* [[Did_Not_Do_the_Research| Inaccuracies]] that aren't, strictly speaking, about math, natural sciences, microeconomics or futurology, liberties that are not painstakingly [[Deconstructed]] or [[Reconstructed]] or [[Rule of Index| are revealed to be just too implausible by their deconstruction or reconstruction]], and [[Acceptable Breaks From Reality| breaks from reality without regard to how acceptable they are in other genres]]. Inaccuracies that are not about these topics are liable to be confused with inaccuracies that are about these topics, and hard SF is all about [[Consistency]] and [[Shown Their Work| accuracy]], so even if inaccuracies are not confused topic-wise, inaccuracies are still kind of wrong for hard SF.
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