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== Anime ==
* In a first-season episode of ''[[Ranma ½]]'', Nabiki gives aspirin to Ryoga in the middle of his first on-screen challenge fight with Ranma, and tells him that they're basically instant steroids. Ryoga, who is not the sharpest spoon in the drawer, believes her and upon taking them gets a psychosomatic boost to his already-monstrous strength, allowing him to pull telephone poles from the ground simply because he thought he was on steroids (which don't even work that way).
** In a much later episode, Happosai, ticked off at Ranma interfering with his [[Panty Thief|undie raids]], takes Kuno and offers him "Speed of Light elixir", which he claims will make him superfast. It turns him into a [[Lethal Joke Character]], even upgrading his [[Razor Wind]] attacks, but it's implicitly at least as much due to the [[Training Fromfrom Hell]] Happosai put him through (running into ''occupied'' women's bathing areas, locker rooms, and other places where they were nude, while trying to evade their attacks and survive being beaten to a pulp). Said "elixir" is revealed to actually be tap water and [[Squick|the scrapings from under Happosai's fingernails]].
* Brutally and heartbreakingly subverted in the ''[[Vampire Princess Miyu]]'' episode "The Red Shoes". The titular shoes are given to Miyu's classmate Miho (a [[Shrinking Violet]] and aspiring [[Idol Singer]]) by her manager, and stated to magically make her an unparalleled singer. And they actually ''do just that''. {{spoiler|But they do so by sucking her [[Life Energy]], and worse yet, once Miyu has defeated the Shinma who gave them to poor Miho, they can never be removed again. Miyu has to bite her friend and exchange blood with her in order to save her life. When last seen, Miho is physically better, but she's confined in an hospital.}}
** This episode is in reference to a Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale, ''[http://hca.gilead.org.il/red_shoe.html The Red Shoes]'', which is a semi-common reference in Japanese culture. The titular shoes are cursed and force the wearer to continue dancing forever, and cannot be removed—the dancer only stops dancing once she has a friendly knight chop off her feet—and the shoes, with the rotting feet, go dancing off into the wilderness on their own.
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** A rather darker example is Isaac, who thinks he can't paint the future without heroin.
** Also, Niki, who believes that she can't use her [[Super Strength]] unless her [[Super-Powered Evil Side]] is in control.
* In an episode of ''[[Myth BustersMythBusters]]'' where the team is testing cures to seasickness, Grant, one of the guinea pigs, is given a supposed "wonder drug" that helps to combat seasickness greatly. It works outstandingly, and after the experiment the "wonder drug" is revealed to be a vitamin B12 pill.
** Which might be a subversion, as B12 might actually help with sea-sickness. But it was meant as a placebo.
* The TV show, ''[[Smart Guy]]'', had TJ giving his idiot friend, Mo, sugar pills to make him smarter. When he found out that it was a placebo, Mo got his own sugar pills to continue replicating the effect.
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** Events seem to be heading this way, with [[Character Development|Maytag able to go on with her comedy act]] despite being magically stripped by a rival at the start of it. After a moment's hesitation, she even manages to joke about her situation.
* ''[[Erfworld]]'' [http://archives.erfworld.com/Book+1/148 here] implies that Thinkamancy, and to an extent Foolamancy work this way
* [http://www.explosm.net/comics/1801/ Another parody], this time by ''[[Cyanide and& Happiness]]''.
* ''[[Homestuck]]'' has the players use various focusing devices before they can fully control their powers. This isn't outrightly stated, but by comparing {{spoiler|Aradia's shift from using time-controlling music boxes to freezing Bec Noir in place with her mind}}, it becomes obvious. Some characters just jump this hurdle entirely though.
** {{spoiler|A slightly more sinister example is Rose's wands. Doc Scratch suggests that the real power was given directly to Rose by the horrorterrors and that the wands are a way to make her think she's working alone while actually doing their bidding.}}
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* An episode of ''The New Adventures of [[Winnie the Pooh]]'' had Christopher Robin give Piglet a pair of "magical earmuffs" so that he could ice skate. Piglet loses the earmuffs, and believes that he cannot skate without them...until his friends are in danger. Naturally, Piglet saves the day, even without the "magic."
* On ''[[Wonder Showzen]]'', Chauncey chugs a vial of pure liquid imagination and becomes addicted. Later, the revelation that it was regular tap water all along instantly cures him.
* On ''[[Xavier: Renegade Angel]]'', when Xavier's mother demands he bring her pills and alcohol, he gives her placebos and apple juice. Years later, her life has spiraled into ruin and she laments her addictions, so Xavier reveals that she'd been using harmless substances all along. She promptly [[Go Mad Fromfrom the Revelation|loses her mind]].
* ''[[Storm Hawks]]'' [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HhE-w3qkbM played with this]
** That's more of a subversion in that one would build up muscle using it, anyway (since the item in question is really heavy).
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