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** {{spoiler|Actually subverted with the Yammy beating, as he is ALSO there to torture and murder Orihime and just doesn't want anyone else in the way. More pronounced in the anime, when Loly actually ends up defending Orihime from him.}}
** Arguably, {{spoiler|Mayuri}} does this too when he fights, humiliates, defeats and deals a [[Fate Worse Than Death]] to {{spoiler|Szayel Aporro Ganz}}. Sure, {{spoiler|Mayuri}} is a [[Jerkass]] who borders on [[Complete Monster]], but {{spoiler|Szayel}} was ''even worse'' than him, considering what he did to {{spoiler|Renji, Uryu and Nemu}}... And being ''worse than {{spoiler|Mayuri}}'' is quite an accomplishment, given his level of routine depravity.
* In ''[[MaiMy-HiME]]'', this is pretty much {{spoiler|what Shizuru does}}, and one reason {{spoiler|she}} lends {{spoiler|her}}self well to being a [[Draco in Leather Pants]]. {{spoiler|The First District}} arguably needed killing considering what they'd done to {{spoiler|Natsuki's mother}}, and while {{spoiler|Nao}} is more sympathetic than them {{spoiler|she}} could be seen as a second case, depending on the viewer's perspective.
* ''[[Paranoia Agent]]''. There's a particularly memorable moment when you're seriously rooting for [[Cosmic Horror|Shounen Bat]] to beat the crap of {{spoiler|Masami Hirukawa.}}
* ''[[Mega Man NT Warrior]]'': Bass.EXE, in the last episode of the [[Seasonal Rot|Stream arc]], brutally murdered and consumed [[The Dragon|Slur]] before disappearing forever. As Slur was a [[Villain Sue|stupidly powerful]], [[Smug Snake|utterly loathsome]] bitch who personally caused all the problems of the arc, fans consider this scene cathartic.
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*** Only that the test subjects... {{spoiler|are all little kids, none older than 12. All brainwashed and conditioned to kill, possibly since birth.}} This particular scene is a '''[[Internet Backdraft|major]]''' [[Internet Backdraft|source of wank in the fandom]], since [[Draco in Leather Pants|Lelouch rabid worshippers]] are disturbingly happy with him {{spoiler|massacring little children (guilt or not aside)}}, when it's supposed to be a sign [[He Who Fights Monsters|of how broken AND unhinged he is at that point]], and arguably [[Not So Different]] from the Britannian armies he hates so much.
* In the ''[[School Days]]'' anime, Sekai Saionji earned the rare distinction of being on both ends of this trope in a single episode. First, {{spoiler|she kills the [[Jerkass]] who has been cheating on her like crazy and recently refused to stay with her despite her thinking she's pregnant with his baby.}} And later, {{spoiler|she gets killed and cut up by the girl whom she stole said guy from, by kissing him and becoming his "other woman" after Sekai herself hooked them up, which kicked off said girl's [[Break the Cutie]] deal.}}
* ''[[One Piece]]'': As if he really needed it to secure his villain cred, [[Axe Crazy|Donquixote]] [[Psycho for Hire|Doflamingo]] is especially willing to... [[You Have Failed Me...|cut loose]] his former allies. However, so far he has done this to: a [[Jerkass]] bully, a slave trader, and {{spoiler|Gecko Moria}}. None of whom were the least bit sympathetic and pretty much deserved what they got.
** And [[Jerkass|Spandam]] in Franky's backstory, where it happened not once, but twice! First by Franky's father figure Tom, who would have possibly killed him haven't he been stopped after the first blow and then shortly after by {{spoiler|Franky himself}} who left him with permanent face damage. Franky and Robin then take revenge on him near the end of the Enies Lobby arc, with Robin slapping him repeatedly, Franky smashing him with his sword in elephant form, and Robin breaking his back. Breaking it CLEAN IN TWO.
** The prisoners in Impel Down suffer horrific torture, but they aren't like the Straw Hats; most of them have killed quite a few people, and they think nothing of sacrificing others in order to survive their tortures.
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* In Red Witch's ''Sins of the Father,'' Walsh seizes an opportunity in the chaos of the Black Rose's attempted coup to {{spoiler|stab Senator Wheiner}}. While most of the fandom would agree the aforementioned "son of a bitch" definitely had it coming, the fact that he {{spoiler|leaves the Series 5 team in danger to do it}}, and then runs off without leaving behind any answers, especially for the devastated Shane {{spoiler|who had just found out Walsh is his genetic father}}, makes it a lot more nebulous.
* In the ''[[Tamers Forever Series]]'', this is Chaos's primary motivation.
* Subverted in-verse in the ''[[Nineteen Eighty Three1983 Doomsday Stories]].'' While Austria would ''very'' much like to avenge {{spoiler|Hungary's death}} in [[World War III|Doomsday]], it turns out that America at least was just as helpless.
* In [[Naruto Veangance Revelaitons]], the author tries to invoke this at two points. One time, while temporarily working with the villains, Ronan goes out and kills Benji, the author's stepbrother- the author hates him and almost literally everything he likes. On another instance, when Ronan fails to get a divorce from Taliana because the judge heard an objection from Madara, Ronan kills the judge, [[The Dog Shot First|who is revealed after the fact to have been evil and corrupt]]. In practice, however, any act of cruelty against [[Designated Hero|Ronan]] could count.
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== Tabletop Games ==
* Lizard Men committing and planning serial wars and even outright genocide is normally pretty sinister stuff. When [[Warhammer Fantasy]] applies it to factions like Chaos, Dark Elves, or Skaven? They deserve that and more.
** By extention, just about [[Black and Grey Morality|any faction attacking any other]] in [[Warhammer 4000040,000]].
* In [[Spelljammer]], regular [[Dungeons and& Dragons]] gnomes often suffer a case of [[Fantastic Racism]] towards the "minoi" or "tinker gnomes" of [[Dragonlance]], some even going so far as to try and hunt them down. Many don't treat this as an evil act, however. In the metaverse, tinker gnomes are [[The Scrappy]] due to being [[Mad Scientist]]s played for [[Comic Relief]] with traits that are, instead, highly irritating—for example, they fixate on [[Rube Goldberg Device]]s to the extent that they simply can't build something that isn't needlessly complicated, and they actually strive to make their machines so absurd that they fail because they view the learning experiences from failure to be far more important than actual success. In-universe, the "minoi hunters" aren't regarded as evil because minoi can actually be very dangerous to everyone around them, thanks to their racial Hat of [[Bungling Inventor]]—they can cause tremendous damage when their machines inevitably go catastrophically wrong. For example, whenever a tinker gnome-built spelljammer approaches a planet, the odds are pretty good that "landing" will be synonymous with "falling out of the sky and crashing into the middle of a city".
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** Also the mission where you have to choose between killing Playboy X or Dwayne. {{spoiler|However, this one is an easier choice, as killing Playboy X (the S.O.B. in question) allows you to have Dwayne as a friend and all the benefits that come from it - plus, you get a nice new apartment.}}
*** In fact, many times in the ''GTA'' series, when you get to finish off the [[Big Bad]], it will fall into this. Examples include Catalina in ''III'', {{spoiler|Tenpenny in ''San Andreas'', and Dimitri in ''IV''}}.
* ''[[StarcraftStarCraft|StarCraft: Brood War]]'' nearly accomplishes this by having you kill the series' resident [[Jerkass]] General Duke, then immediately walks it back by [[Shoot the Dog|forcing you to kill Fenix too]].
** Somewhat mitigated in Duke's case in that he at least faced death quite honorably.
*** Duke was alltogether less of a [[Jerkass]] in Broodwar than in the original Starcraft campaign. After all, he ''did'' stay at Mengsk's side even after the UED kicked his ass. The "old" Duke would just have switched to the winning side after his defeat on Dylar, at the latest.
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** And these are the same mooks that you've been killing up until then. If anything, he just saved you some busywork.
** It's even lampshaded by Barret, who asks "so Sephiroth is a good guy?" when you find the President dead and Palmer tells you he saw who did it.
** Sephiroth gets another one in [[Crisis Core]] when he delivers a [[Shut UP, Hannibal]] line to {{spoiler|Genesis}}, who asks him for help right before the Nibelheim Incident. Is condemning someone to a slow [[Cruel and Unusual Death]] evil? Yes. But considering this is the same person who spends the entire game spouting [[Meaningless Meaningful Words]] at us and started his request for help by calling Sephiroth the perfect monster and pushing him further towards his [[Go Mad Fromfrom the Revelation|breakdown]]...
* In ''[[Baldur's Gate]] 2'', [[Big Bad|Irenicus]] escapes Spellhold and slaughters the Cowled Wizards. This would normally be terrible... if it wasn't for the fact that, up to this point, the Cowled Wizards have been presented as arrogant, holier-than-thou jerks who imprison Mages on trumped up charges and have a [[Torture Cellar]] just for those prisoners, and, in a sidequest, {{spoiler|they try to manipulate you into murdering an innocent man just so they could use his corpse to gain access to an interplanar spaceship}}. It doesn't help that two of the Cowled Wizards Irenicus kills were planning to "practice enchantment spells" on Imoen.
* ''[[Knights of the Old Republic]]'': How many of us switch Carth to solo mode, hand him a couple swords, and send him right at Saul? Or take a hit to Light Side Mastery by telling him "take your time" when the dying bastard is at his feet?
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*** Better yet, a ''female'' dark elf, where he offers to rape you on the spot.
* In ''[[Dragon Quest VII]]'', [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|King Zeppel]] of Mardra is constantly pursuing gaining magical might by any means; prior to your arrival, he used what power he'd already amassed to completely [[Curb Stomp Battle|decimate]] the neighboring kingdom of Raguraz. However, said kingdom was responsible for his [[Start of Darkness]], as they previously conquered Mardra and his Captain of the Guard {{spoiler|threw Zeppel's best friend Lucia off a cliff and mocked him, openly challenging him to try and do something about it. Both Zeppel and Lucia were only eight at the time}}.
* ''[[LAL.A. Noire]]'': Jack Kelso gets a moment like this near the end of the game when he {{spoiler|shoots Leland Monroe, corrupt property tycoon and conspirator, in the leg. Then stomps on the wound to make a point.}}
* ''[[Strange Journey]]'': Jimenez landing the final blow on {{spoiler|Captain Jack}}, who you fight just before tackling the penultimate boss of Sector Fornax. {{spoiler|What, you're going for Neutral or Law, but don't want to stop Jimenez because Jack deserves it? No problem, the writers know how [[Complete Monster|horrible]] he is, because you get '''no''' alignment points for choosing to watch instead of intervening!}}
* In ''[[Portal 2]]'' {{spoiler|Wheatley}} pulls this during his descent into villainy when he {{spoiler|1=turns GLaDOS into [[It Makes Sense in Context|a potato]].}}
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