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Not to be confused with drinking [[I Ate What?|actual urine, moose or otherwise]]. Compare and contrast [[Gargle Blaster]], where a drink is rendered undrinkable by the alcohol content rather than taste.
== Anime &and Manga ==
== Anime & Manga ==
* ''[[Black Lagoon]]'' has this in the first episode with Revy calling Rock's beer piss (which leads to a Bacardi drinking contest).
== Comic Books ==
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{{quote|'''Jonah:''' Ugghh! Thet rotgut shore do taste nasty! Smells nasty! Tastes nasty! Got an aroma just like kerosene! A man'd have tuh be near halfway crazy tuh drink this stuff!}}
== Film ==
== Films -- Animation ==
* In the first bar scene from ''[[Akira]]'', the bartender yells at Yamagata, who has come to pick up his friend and leader Kaneda, to buy something for once, since "this ain't a hangout for damned street-gangs!" Yamagata's response: "Yeah, right! And drink ''your'' dog piss?"
== Films -- Live-Action ==
* As part of the [[Training Montage]] in ''[[Beerfest]]'', the protagonists decide to try desensitizing their taste buds with actual animal urine.
* In the movie ''[[Desperado]]'', the small corner bar in a little Mexican town has notoriously bad beer, likened to piss. Chances are the bartender and his associates have deliberately made the beer as bad as possible, to keep casual customers away—the bar is actually a front for illegal operations.
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'''Tavo:''' 'Cause we piss in it!
'''Bartender:''' And that's not all... }}
== Gamebooks ==
* This is the case with some of the beers found in the taverns of the world of ''[[Lone Wolf]]''.
** In ''The Jungle of Horrors'', if you take the river barge path, Paido spitting out "Ferina Nog" and calling it "bilge juice" almost starts a bar brawl. Of course, it's still much safer than drinking [[Gargle Blaster|Bor Brew ale]].
** In the first book of the New Order series, some ale is described as having "a peculiar smell that makes you think of greasy animal hides."
== Literature ==
* A common issue in bars on the [[Discworld]].
** ''[[Discworld/Monstrous Regiment|Monstrous Regiment]]'' has Igor describe the beer in one pub as "horse piss" (and Igor would know, having really drunk it before). When the barman threatens them Maladict intimidates him into providing the soldiers with a better quality beer (including the line "[[I Do Not Drink... Wine|I do not drink...]] horse piss.]]" ) Igor's response:
{{quote|'''Igor:''' I'll thtick with the horthe pith if it'th all the thame to you... Look, I never thaid I didn't ''like'' it. Thame again?"}}
** The landlord of the Fiddler's Riddle in ''[[Discworld/Equal Rites|Equal Rites]]'' "sold only beer, which his customers claimed he got out of cats."
** Likewise the customers of the Mended Drum are of the opinion you don't buy the beer there, you rent it for a couple of hours.
** In ''[[Discworld/The Last Continent|The Last Continent]]'', Rincewind noticed that XXXX-ian beer looked "like it had already been drunk." This is only because he's used to Ankh-Morpork beer, which is more accurately described as ale and even more accurately described as alcoholic gravy; the last half inch can be eaten with a spoon.
** In ''[[Discworld/Soul Music (novel)|Soul Music]]'', Ridcully comments how they all know what goes in good beer in Ankh-Morpork. The rest of the wizards agree and order gin-tonics.
** In ''[[Discworld/Men At Arms|Men Atat Arms]]'', Nobby notes that CMOT Dibbler's brandy doesn't have any proof, only circumstantial evidence.
* ''[[The Death Gate Cycle|The Serpent Mage]]'' features this in a [[Bad Guy Bar]].
* ''[[Honor Harrington]]'', {{spoiler|stuck on the prison planet of Hell after a mass jail break}}, expressed the opinion that all Havenite beer they had found could be poured back into the horse it came out of and leave the universe a better place.
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* In the ''[[Firefly]]'' episode "Jaynestown", Wash spits out a mouthful of the local drink, Mudder's Milk, while asking what the hell he just drank in Chinese. Shortly thereafter, the barkeep refers to it as "panda urine" when Jayne, rattled at the hero worship he's receiving, asks for another drink.
* On one episode of ''[[Good News Week]]'', Paul describes Fosters as tasting like "watered-down horse piss". Leads to a [[Tastes Like Feet]] moment.
== Tabletop Games ==
=== Board Games ===
* Bretonnian ale brewing in ''[[Warhammer Fantasy Battle]]'' and ''[[Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay]]'' is so bad that "Bretonnian beer" is the in-universe byword for "undrinkable swill". The guide to Bretonnia in ''WFRP'' states that implying that the brewer is Bretonnian is an excellent way to start a fight in pretty much any tavern or alehouse in the Old World.
* ''[[Forgotten Realms]]'' always paid attention to details, and since [http://forum.candlekeep.com/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=13186&whichpage=35#297253 Ed Greenwood's original players included brewers], there's a lot of named drinks, including dubious ones. Such as utterdark, a wine which a few people really like and the rest call "black Bogbrook water". Speaking of [[Bad Guy Bar]], Luskan pirates drink local "Fighting Cock" wine -- "vile but laced with spirits to make it raw and strong" (and flammable). Calling something inferior "Elminster's Choice" probably wasn't a good idea, though.
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* ''[[Necromunda]]'' has what is called "Second Best," and it appears to be made out of a variety of corrosive acids.
=== Gamebooks ===
* This is the case with some of the beers found in the taverns of the world of ''[[Lone Wolf]]''.
** In ''The Jungle of Horrors'', if you take the river barge path, Paido spitting out "Ferina Nog" and calling it "bilge juice" almost starts a bar brawl. Of course, it's still much safer than drinking [[Gargle Blaster|Bor Brew ale]].
** In the first book of the New Order series, some ale is described as having "a peculiar smell that makes you think of greasy animal hides."
== Video Games ==
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* The objectives in the [[Ascended Fanfic|officially-recognized]] ''[[Unreal Tournament 2004]]'' map AS-Outback revolve around a brewery forcing bars all across Australia to serve nothing but non-alcoholic "Zero Beer", which is compared to "dingo's piss" in the level's intro.
* ''[[Freelancer]]'' has Liberty Ale. Rumor has it the stuff is made from H-fuel byproducts.
== Web Comics ==
* ''[[The Order of the Stick]]'': On the Origin of PCs'' provides the page quote and [[Trope Namer|the name]]. Note that he got the best beer you can find in human lands, but when compared to Dwarven ale.... Though the "best beer" comment is probably just standard advertiser hyperbole.
* In ''[[Dominic Deegan]]'' Stonewater thinks of [https://web.archive.org/web/20170902122317/http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2006-02-07 human beer] this way. Halflings also think Dwarf beer tastes like "piss water" (Dwarves find Halfling beer "snobby").
* ''[[The Gods of Arr-Kelaan]]'': [[Snake Oil Salesman|Bikk]] tried to [http://www.rmcomics.com/Mirror/GoingHome/?viewDate=20020204 jumpstart a religion]{{Dead link}} for Ronson (God of Alcohol) by impersonating him and giving two soldiers mugs of ale that would always be full when turned upright. But since Bikk doesn't know squat about brewing, the ale was very poor quality. One of the soldiers was able to [http://www.rmcomics.com/Mirror/Current/?viewDate=20100507 start a bar using his mug]{{Dead link}}, since "if it's cheap enough, people will drink anything." Said beer does prevent aging, though. The other soldier started a temple based around his mug, though he had to forbid his followers from drinking any of the "holy ale" to make it believable.
* In one arc of ''[[PvP (webcomic)|Pv P]]'', several characters decide to take up brewing, and make an incredibly horrible-tasting beer, which they market as coffee flavored. Robbie proves to be such an apalling brewmaster that his first attempt produces something with the flavor of a quite excellent lager, but the consistency of soft-serve. They test-market it as "lagurt" in a tube (ala Go-Gurt) for hip young frat boys on the go, and it tests quite well, but Robbie is so bent on making high-class brews instead of profitable trendy fad hooch that he throws a tantrum and gives up on the whole thing.
* Kenny of ''[[The Kenny Chronicles]]'' is of the opinion that ''all'' beer tastes [http://www.kennychronicles.com/2010/10/25/todays-comic-contains-a-gross-out/ worse than piss] (and he would know).
== Western Animation ==
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{{quote|''Though the beer may be free / you're just renting it from me.''}}
* ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'' has the episode "The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000," where a pair of con man brothers challenge the apple family to a cider-making contest. Eventually, the brothers have to turn off the quality control on their cider-making machine to win, resulting in a horrific looking liquid with dirty apple chunks, bits of torn-up apple tree, and even ''dirt and rocks'' floating in it, which everypony in town refuses to drink.
== Real Life ==
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It doesn't have to change the taste! }}
* Americans for their part have similar reaction to the idea of beer not being chilled. Probably because just about every mass-market American beer is a lager. Lagers are always served cold, the world over (if there is any infrastructure to allow it). Ales, Porters, and Stouts; there there is some debate (you definitely don't chill them as much as lagers though).
** When President Obama met Prime Minister David Cameron for a casual beer (in front of eighty million cameras) each brought a favourite beer from their own home country. Despite Cameron's protests that the flavour of the (very cultured) [http://www.wychwood.co.uk Hobgoblin Beer] from the Wychwood Brewery in his constituency of Oxfordshire that he brought for Obama to try would be ruined by chilling it to ice cold, Obama absolutely insisted on putting it in the fridge. You would think Obama would trust him, or at least, the guidelines on the bottle, enough to try a beer as intended. Apparently not. See a picture of the event [http://www.eurobrews.com/images/hobgoblin/World%20Leaders%20Hobgoblin.jpg here]{{Dead link}}. Incidentally, Hobgoblin is well known in England for its [https://web.archive.org/web/20101212231330/http://birra.ru/uup/images/news/577/hobgoblin-6.jpg humorously scathing criticism] of people who drink cheap tasteless larger, something [[Magnificent Bastard|Cameron would have been very aware of]].
** Sometimes its a storage thing. Beers are sometimes served at "room temperature" outside of America, but because of the way they're stored (sometimes in specially designed cool rooms, even), a British "room temperature" beer is a good ten degrees cooler than an American one, meaning that, confusion over wording aside, a room temperature beer there isn't the warm, nasty, skunked-out swig of sadness it is here in the US.
*** A British top-fermented beer is supposed to be served at cellar temperature, which for a proper cellar keeping the beer at its best will be too cool for the drinker to be comfortable in the bar. The beer shouldn't be at ambient temperature and should feel cool, but certainly not ice-cold.
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[[Category:Hard-Drinking Tropes]]
[[Category:Food Tropes]]
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