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Never Trust a Trailer/Live-Action TV: Difference between revisions

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* Can't say anything for the trailers (I wasn't a fan at the time), but the Verizon FiOS info for a particular episode of ''[[Bones]]'' states that the cast is working undercover at a bar to help solve a case; additionally, ads hyped the fact that [[UST|Booth and Bones would wind up in bed]]. Actually {{spoiler|the episode was [[All Just a Dream]] because a comatose Booth was hearing Bones read the rough draft of her latest novel and his mind was inserting his friends as various characters, including himself and Bones as a [[Happily Married]] couple.}}
** The trailers were, in fact, just as deceptive for that episode.
** FiOS's info is at it again: All of [[Tom Hanks]]' appearances on talk shows in March 2010 are descibed as "[[Toy Story (franchise)|Toy Story]] 3's Tom Hanks" even though he's doing PR for ''[[The Pacific]]'' while ''Toy Story 3'' doesn't bow until June and never gets mentioned. Clearly, FiOS' info writers know what their viewers ''[[Adult Child|really]]'' like to watch.
* In the lead-up to the ''[[Mighty Morphin Power Rangers]]'' 3-parter "The Wedding," in which Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa get married, Fox did a promo of the "Someone's getting married...who could it be?" variety, and seemed to suggest that it might be one of the Rangers, perhaps Billy, or even [[Official Couple|Tommy and Kimberly!]] Never mind the fact that they're all supposed to be [[Squick|teenagers]]...
* One promo for an episode of ''[[One Tree Hill]]'' outright stated that Peyton was going to once again have feelings for Nathan. Cue the episode where Nathan and Peyton become partners on a project and spend the rest of the episode having fun with no mention of romance at all.
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* On a sleazier note, a trailer for the less-than-stellar dramedy ''Wildfire'' showed one character inviting another to a [[Two-Person Pool Party]], with a clear implication of sex. Since this was on primetime TV before the [[Watershed]], in the actual episode the line was immediately followed by a blunt refusal.
* One episode preview for ''Airwolf'' has Dom complaining about how low they're flying, followed by a cactus being splattered against the window. The cactus was removed from the actual episode.
* During its last few seasons, ''[[Home Improvement (TV series)|Home Improvement]]'' was notoriously misleading with its advertisements. In one particular episode, Jill catches her her oldest son Brad in a compromising position with his girlfriend Ashley. The advert shows Brad getting caught in the act, followed by Jill asking, "Is Ashley pregnant?"; we see Brad's serious facial expression--and a ''shocked'' reaction from his mother. The reality? {{spoiler|Ashley isn't pregnant, and the two didn't even have sex; the episode actually centers around Brad's frustration with his mother for constantly butting into his private life.}} Not that you'd know it, of course.
** In another episode from a later season, Jill hires a professional (played by Tom Wopat) to install granite countertops; the handyman turns be the same guy who once flirted with her at the gym and tried to ask her out. Nothing happens between them, and Jill actually ''fires'' the guy because his behavior makes her so uncomfortable. The advertisement, on the other hand, shows the two of them kissing passionately (which actually happened during a [[Dream Sequence]] in a previous episode), Jill tearfully confessing "He ''kissed'' me!" (which he ''did''--briefly, without her consent, right before she fired him), and Tim opening the front door and coming face to face with the flirtatious handyman (who actually just came back to get his tools).
* During the hype blitz in the lead-up to the 2010 ''[[Juno Awards]]'', the trailers stated that [[Nickelback]] and Hedley would be giving performances. [[Foregone Conclusion|Neither of them did]]. Nickelback didn't even show up (though that may have been caused by the fog...), but Hedley did and even PRESENTED ONE OF THE AWARDS and TOOK PART IN THE FINAL PERFORMANCE (Wavin' Flag, FYI).
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