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* [[Mortasheen|Mortasheen's]] [[Mons|non-humanoid]] vampires tend to be mostly based on aquatic life ([[Word of God]] has it that the virus originated from the sea), and the human ones are said to [[Lookslike Orlock|look like]] [[Nosferatu|Count Orlock]]. They're considered really powerful monsters, mainly due to their incredibly powerful [[Mind Control]] abilities.
** Also, they've created quite a few servitor races for themselves, mostly different varieties of [[Fish People]], and hunting bats, and some may become a bacteriophage-looking creature called a [http://www.bogleech.com/mortasheen/viviphage.htm Viviphage] with [[Bloody Murder|total control over the blood of others]], and which eventually turns into an organic rocket to spread the vampire plague to other world.
* Vampires in Palladium Games' ''[[Rifts]]'' and other games are the spawn of huge, multi-tentacled [[Eldritch Abomination|Eldritch Abominations]] called Vampire Intelligences. They come in three levels: The Master Vampire, who makes a pact with the Intelligence to become a Vampire, the Secondary, who is created by the Master over a three-day "Slow Kill", and occasionally another Secondary when things go right, and the savage and feral Wild Vampire, which is what happens when a Secondary Vampire's attempt at transforming a human goes wrong. While they can be hurt by silver, wood, magic, or the claws of a [[Our Dragons Are Different|Dragon]], actually ''killing'' them requires sunlight, or impaling (staking) them through the heart followed by decapitation (just staking them turns them into a skeleton, but it's really a cheap form of suspended animation; remove the stake and you'll have a live (and ''hungry'') vampire in under a minute.) ''and'' burning both head and body to ash separately. Oh, or [[Weaksauce Weakness|running water]]. Not only can they not cross running water, but merely ''touching'' water in motion is dangerous, and can kill them on its own. This makes fire hoses, rain, and even ''water guns'' deadly weapons against them. They must also sleep in or near the soil of their native land; a generous layer of the stuff in their coffin will do. If they lose their soil, and can't get any more before the night is over, they can't sleep, and are easy prey for the rising sun. Finally, crosses ward them off regardless of the faith of the wielder (it's not religious but a property of the Intelligences' [[Alien Geometries|hyperdimensional geometry]]), and the touch of a cross will harm them. They are also harmed by the ''shadow'' of a cross falling on them. Many Vampire hunters have taken to taping a cross over flashlights or the headlights of their vehicles for an extra measure of protection.
** Bare-handed attacks from True Atlanteans and certain other creatures can harm vampires, as well. Whether they're terribly effective or not is another matter...
** The ''Nightbane'' game also adds the Wampyr, which isn't a [[Half-Human Hybrid]], but rather a mutation of a Secondary Vampire. They're invulnerable to water, and can stay out in the sun for periods of time, but are not as strong as a normal Vampire.
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** In the latest Vampire Counts armybook, there is a section about the various mythical weaknesses of vampires and explanations on why some of them might work and why others are just myths.
** And then there are the Varghulf. They are vamps who give in to their bloodlust and reverted into mindless predators that look like giant bats.
* ''[[Warhammer 4000040,000]]'' also has an entire army of [[Super Soldier]] vampires, the Blood Angels.
** In one of the [[All There in the Manual|background novels]], the vampire analogues are still subtly worked in- the newest trainees are locked in a casket for an entire year while being transformed, they have many rituals and traditions involving blood, and aren't averse to drinking blood when they get the chance. They also make the [[Methuselah Syndrome|longest lived Space Marines]] of them all, quite a feat considering that most marines can live for centuries if they survive that long.
** And in the Captain Leonatos series, one of the Blood Angels marines is afflicted with Red Thrist, a rare Blood Angel genetic flaw that makes him degenerate into a monster craving blood. When it first activated he was held captive by chaos cultists. He broke out of his cell and killed them all with bare hands before resorting to eating their flesh when their "weak blood" failed to sate him.
** In truly ancient 40k background (from the time of Rogue Trader), there is a mention of an alien race commonly known as vampires. They don't seem to have much to do with the typical vampires, being shapeshifting creatures who feed on psychic energy (their natural form is batlike though).
** In [[James Swallow]]'s ''Deus Encarmine'', {{spoiler|Arkio}}'s metamorphosis makes him vampire-like, and {{spoiler|Rafen}}, [[Combat by Champion|fighting him]]], explicitly thinks that they do not talk of that word: vampire. Later, in ''Red Fury'', faced with Bloodfiends derived from their gene-seed, a Blood Angel and a Flesh Tearer (a successor chapter to Blood Angels) agree that it is vampiric.
** Oddly, the Blood Angels are one of the ''nicer'' Chapters ([[Black and Grey Morality|relatively speaking]]) of Space Marines, probably because of all the self-restraint they have to go through to deal with their... issues.
** [[Space Elves|The Dark Eldar]] always had some vampiric characteristics, but their most recent codex update plays them up to a much greater degree, and in a manner similar to the angst-ridden Anne Rice/Masquerade fashion, to boot. Needless to say much of 40k's main fanbase, [[Rated "M" for Manly|paragons of over-the-top manliness they are]], balked at this development, fearing GW was using the Dark Eldar to try to cozy up to the ''[[Twilight (novel)|Twilight]]'' crowd the way they used the Tau to reel in the weeaboo market. However, as one astute fellow pointed out, there is an [[Alternate Character Interpretation]] if you don't like seeing them as some whiny goth kid's wet dream. To wit, since the Dark Eldar are [[The Starscream|ambitious]], [[Anything That Moves|sex-crazed]], [[Glass Cannon|easily shot down]], [[Space Sailing|boat]] & [[Cool Plane|aeroplane]] loving [[Wicked Cultured|pseudo-aristocrats]] haunted by a terrible curse, they are not vampires, but in fact, [[John F. Kennedy|Kennedies]].
* All vampire PCs in [http://paizo.com/store/byCompany/m/margaretWeisProductions/otherRPGs/v5748btpy837e Demon Hunters] are of the [[Friendly Neighborhood Vampire]] variety by virtue of an artificial blood they can drink out of water bottles. However, vampires are still subject to something called The Chill: since vampires aren't technically alive, they are cold blooded, and they can feel it. The only thing which makes them feel warm (other than sitting in a sauna or something) is drinking human blood.
* In older versions of ''[[Dungeons and& Dragons]]'', vampires had the somewhat inexplicable ability to permanently drain life force (in the form of levels) by simply hitting their victim in melee, which for sufficiently low-level characters (like, say, your average peasant) would basically translate into an automatic no-save-allowed death touch; depending on the precise edition and type of vampire involved this could be in addition to or in place of drinking blood. They were also resistant to nonmagical weapons, could create a Charm Person effect on eye contact, and had the ability to turn into bat, wolf, or mist form... as well as the traditional problems with sunlight, running water, and having to sleep in a coffin.
** This was expanded further in the ''[[Ravenloft]]'' campaign setting, which included a bewildering array of vampires: Not only were the standard type given expanded weaknesses (and opportunities to NOT have those weaknesses), there were also Vampyres (living creatures that feed on blood), Nosferatu (slightly different powers than normal vampires), elven vampires (who kill plants and are vulnerable to moonlight), dwarven vampires... Even the dreaded [[Dragonlance|Kender Vampire]]. ''Van Richten's Guide to Vampires'', rather than dispelling the classical vampiric weaknesses, [[Our Monsters Are Different|lists less common variations]] and spent a lot of time detailing how vampires got around them: A vampire could not cross running water for instance, but nothing prevented them from being *carried* (including in a carriage); a vampire could not enter a home uninvited, but ''Charm Person'' is a wonderful way of getting an invitation extended. Oh, and if you're thinking of hiding from Strahd Von Zarovich, remember that as the legal ruler of his domain he technically "owns" any house in Barovia...
** 4th edition vampires vary almost as much, including spirit-form vampires and the Vampire Muse, which looks like a goth [[Our Elves Are Different|eladrin]].
* In ''[[Exalted]]'', the only way the Abyssals can regain essence when not in the underworld is to grow fangs, and then either suck blood or eat people. (Or with a charm, suck out their essence by cutting them with magic swords). As a single normal person drained to death only gives you back the essence required to grow fangs in the first place, this is only effective when killing large numbers of people at once.
* In ''[[Magic: The Gathering]]'', vampires are a staple rare flyer for black. They often have a feeding mechinic over limited use, given that they don't often get into creature combat. Recent vampires have deal with this by focusing on the bat aspects or by feeding on players. They don't have explict weakness due to creature type.
** In Ravnica, most vampires were horrific skeletal or vulturelike creatures, except for the leader of {{spoiler|House Dmir}}, but he doesn't exist and neither does the guild. Move along.
** On Zendikar, vampires are more common, and apparently alive. They do have a blood lust, though: Several vampires get more powerful when an opponent is at 10 life or less. Interestingly, the method for turning is a slight variation on the normal variety. On Zendikar, only specific Vampires (called Bloodchiefs) can create other Vampires. The rest create zombies, referred to as Nulls (and on another note, a Vampire family's status is apparently related to the number of Nulls is has)
** An interesting method of turning would be that of Crovax. His method of transmission? Glass shards that imbedded themselves ''into his skin'' resulting from a curse after killing his former [[Our Angels Are Different|Guardian Angel]].
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