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A subtrope of the [[Great Big Book of Everything]].
== [[Comic Books]] ==
* The ''Junior Woodchuck Guidebook'' used by [[Donald Duck]]'s nephews. Later exported to animation via [[DuckTales (1987)|the original ''DuckTales'' series]]. Probably (in the planning stages, at least) a take on the Boy Scout Handbook.
== Comic Books ==
* The ''Junior Woodchuck Guidebook'' used by [[Donald Duck]]'s nephews. Later exported to animation via [[DuckTales]]. Probably (in the planning stages, at least) a take on the Boy Scout Handbook.
** A Don Rosa Uncle Scrooge story reveals the truth about the Guidebook: thousands of years ago, a scribe copied down all the knowledge in the library of Alexandria, shortly before the library was destroyed in a fire. That knowledge was compressed and summarized dozens of times over the millennia by various scholars, until it was discovered by the founder of the Junior Woodchucks and made into their guidebook. Of course, Scrooge only learns this after traveling all over the world in search of that same document...
* ''[[Rogue Trooper]]'' carries around a copy of the ''Guide to the Nu-Earth War'' in Bagman.
== [[Film]] ==
== Film ==
* ''[[Hercules]]'' has Philotetes' oft-quoted rules of conduct and engagement for heroes-in-training.
* ''[[Pirates of the Caribbean]]'' features a number of references to the Pirates' Code until the physical book is actually trotted out and referred to. While Barbarossa claims that it's more a book of ''guidelines'' than rules, the pirate community seems to treat the book itself with quite a bit of reverancereverence. Historically, CarribeanCaribbean pirate ships, like all ships at the time, tended to have their own set of written rules to establish discipline and resolve disputes, even going as far as to state how many shares of the stolen booty each pirate would receive.
* ''[[Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines]] (or How I Flew from London to Paris in 25 hours 11 minutes)'': "But... how will I learn to fly, Herr Colonel?" "The way we do everything in the German army: from the book of instructions!" "Step one: Sit down."
* ''[[Zombieland]]'' has Columbus' list.
* ''[[The Thief and the Cobbler]]'': "When in doubt...consult..''The Brigands' Handbook!''"
* The ''Dragon Fighting Manual'' from ''[[How to Train Your Dragon (animation)|How to Train Your Dragon]].''
* The Christian movie ''[[Fireproof]]'' used a manual titled "The Love Dare" to save one of the significant marriages in the movie. After the film was released, the pastor-producers were deluged with requests for copies. Since the book was entirely fictional, the producers wrote it themselves... and it became a best-seller.
== [[Literature]] ==
== Literature ==
* General Tacticus' memoirs ''Veni Vidi Vici: A Soldier's Life'' in [[Discworld]], featuring practical advice such as "When one army is within an impregnable fortress, well-garrisoned and well-stocked with provisions and the other is not - endeavor to be the one on the inside."
** But not for nothing is Tacticus considered history's greatest warlord, and the man who lent his name to the art of large-scale combat. On the same subject, he notes that if you are ''not'' the one inside, then let them ''stay'' there.
* In [[David Gemmell]]'s ''The First Chronicles of Druss the Legend'' the Ventrians have a highly formalized way of making war, based on an ancient treatise. So slavishly do they adhere to this text that the defenders of a hotly contested city leave the walls after the fourth attack in one day because the book says that launching more than four attacks in a day should be avoided as it is bad for morale and as a result no Ventrian general would presume to launch a fifth attack.
* "The Rites of Kanly", governing warfare in the ''[[Dune]]'' universe.
* In ''[[Cold Comfort Farm]]'', the heroine, Flora Poste, is guided by "The Higher Common Sense" as she extracts her relatives from their idiotic predicaentspredicaments.
* The New Bushido from ''[[Hyperion]]''.
* In Laurie J. Marks' Elemental Logic series, Mabin's ''Warfare''.
* ''[[The Wheel of Time]]'' has ''Fog and Steel''. One character when he notes that the King of Murdandy thinks that it will make him a great general. The name of the book is probably a reference to "the fog of war," a term coined by Carl von Clausewitz's famous Big Book, ''On War''.
== [[Live -Action TV]] ==
== Live Action TV ==
* ''[[Star Trek]]''
** The infamous ''[http://memory-alpha.org/wiki/Rules_of_Acquisition Ferengi Rules of Acquisition]'', introduced in in ''[[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine]]''. It's a list of maxims and advice on how to earn profit, which the mercantile Ferengi pursue with military ferocity. The document is [[Defictionalization|no longer fictional]], as some of the rules were gathered and published--[[The Merch|as a bit of Star Trek merchandise]], of course.
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** Both have been published.
* An episode of [[Sharpe]] has a guide to what a good soldier should be, written by an officer who's never been to the front. The men who can read - or know someone who can read it to them - find it ''hilarious''.
* ''[[The Big Bang Theory]]'' has The Roommate Agreement betwenbetween LeanordLeonard and Sheldon. While often referenced (usually by Sheldon), it is never quoted in its entirety and is, apparently, hundreds of pages long. It covers such rudimentary things as who's stuff goes where in the refidgeratorrefrigerator, as well as what happens if one of them should gain super-powers or invent time travel.
* ''[[The Young Ones]]'' has a charter of various rules that cover the aspects of living together such as food and laundry. All of them have the universal exception "... except Mike."
* The Argentine TV series ''Los únicos'', about secret agents with superpowers, has a set of bylaws for the agents. The main rule is that agents shall not develop romantic relations among themselves (of course, they all defy the rule and get in trouble as a result), but other laws are mentioned from time to time.
== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
== Tabletop Games ==
This trope does not refer to the actual rulebooks for these games. Usually.
* ''[[Warhammer 40,000]]'' has numerous examples, from the meditations of alien commanders to humanity's own military bibles, such as the ''[[Super Soldier|Codex Astartes]]'' and the actually quite insightful ''[http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Tactica_Imperium_passages Tactica Imperium]'', best conceptualized as Sun Tzu adapted for a [[Grimdark]] setting.
** The ''Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer'', on the other hand, is so full of propaganda, misinformation, and outright lies, that it functions best as a [["Faux To" Guide]]. Though every [[Badass Normal|Imperial]] [[Redshirt Army|Guardsman]] is required (on pain of death) to carry it, the bright ones quickly realize that [[Our Elves Are Better|Eldar]] technology is not antiquated and prone to malfunction, an [[Our Orcs Are Different|Ork]]'s bulging muscles are not just for show, and the [[Beam Spam|Tau]] aren't likely to run away if you yell at them loudly enough.
*** The ''Uplifting Primer'' is more of a darkly humourous, satirical nature, however. Its status as canon is dubious.
** The ''Codex Astartes'', by the Ultramarines' Primarch, fills this roles for many Space Marine chapters. However, many Space Marines have gotten into trouble for treating the Codex as a perfect, unquestionable how-to manual, rather than a comprehensive set of guidelines. The author realised what his descendants haven't, namely that new enemies will require new tactical doctrines, and that no two battles are exactly alike. Which is why many Chapters are "non-Codex", especially those that specialize on a particular enemy and/or form of warfare.
** The Soul Drinkers' ''Catechisms Martial'' is one part tactical meditations to two parts prayer book, used as often in religious ceremonies as in forward planning. Since [[Warrior Monk|Space Marines]] don't really differentiate between warfare and religion, it matters little.
* ''[[Warhammer Fantasy Battle]] Fantasy'' has a book on tactics written by the High Elf General Mentheus that is referenced occasionally.
* ''[[Forgotten Realms]]'' has ''The [[Lady of War|Steel Princess]]' Field Guide to Tactics of the [[Praetorian Guard|Purple Dragon]]'' by Her Royal Highness Princess Alusair Nacacia [[Royals Who Actually Do Something|Obarskyr]] of Cormyr. Yeah, she published it with her nickname right in the title.
** Appropriately enough, the holy scripture of [[War God|Tempus']] faith is one of these, the ''Red Book of War''. Same goes for ''Master Tactician'', a holy book of the Red Knight's faith.
* ''[[Exalted]]'' has the ''Thousand Correct Actions of the Upright Soldier''. It is primarily used by the Realm, the major empire of the game setting, and is regarded as an excellent manual of war. Except, now that the empire is in decay due to the disappearance of its leader, [[Modern Major-General|politically-appointed officers]] [[Small Name, Big Ego|who believe they know better]] [[Too Dumb to Live|just chuck the thing aside]]. Or abridge it, which is even worse. The latter is especially true because, unlike manymost examples on this page, the book is actually magical, and prayers to war gods and the Pattern Spiders are actually encoded into the practices described in the book.
* ''[[Iron Kingdoms]]'' has (Supreme) Kommandant Irusk's book, ''How to Fully Subjugate Your Enemies''.
* The ''[[GURPS]]'' International Super Teams universe has ''The Metahuman in Combat,'' a Big Book of superhero combat.
* ''[[Eberron]]'' has Karrn the Conqueror's ''Analects of War''. Think Sun Tzu as a [[Blood Knight]] and you'll pretty much have the idea.
* ''[[Paranoia (game)|Paranoia]]'' Troubleshooters tend to have their little red survival books, full of notes, treasonous material, and other useful tips on survival. Typically, a great deal of information in the book will be wrong. This is Alpha Complex after all.
== [[Theatre]] ==
* In [[Gilbert &and Sullivan's]] ''[[Ruddigore]]'', the heroine of Rose Maybud was raised from birth by a "little book of etiquette,", the contents of which are never known except that Rose herself is an expert in all matters of propriety as a result.
== Theatre[[Video Games]] ==
* In Gilbert & Sullivan's ''Ruddigore'', the heroine of Rose Maybud was raised from birth by a "little book of etiquette," the contents of which are never known except that Rose herself is an expert in all matters of propriety as a result.
== Video Games ==
* The ''Carlson & Peeters'' military manual from ''[[Beyond Good & Evil (video game)|Beyond Good and Evil]]''. Double H's [[Bunny Ears Lawyer|characteristic idiosyncrasy]] is that he quotes from it ''all the time'', offering such advice as "If you can't go through a door, go around it!" and "W.W.T.A.O.! We Work Together As One!" You do eventually get to see a portion of the book in digital form, from a chapter that deals with "Defense and Detection".
** Point of fact, his characteristic idiosyncrasy is that he believes in it [[The Fundamentalist|the way some people believe in the Bible]] - so strongly, in fact, that he actually spouts, "CARLSON AND PEETERRRRRS!" as a battle cry, especially when he's about to [[Use Your Head|ram headfirst into something]].
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* ''[[Star Wars]] [[Republic Commando]]''—Rule number one: kill them before they kill you. Rule seventeen: never say no to bacta. Rule twenty-three: always make sure they're dead. Several other rules are also quoted, but no actual strategies or tactics are mentioned and it's unclear if Scorch is quoting an actual list they were taught, or just paraphrasing his training and throwing a number on as a joke.
* In ''[[A Tale of Two Kingdoms]]'', the Way of the Warrior by [[Incredibly Lame Pun|Moon Tzu]]. It explains how honorable it is to cast sand at the enemy's eyes during a swordfight.
* The Unbroken Circle of Zerthimon in ''[[Planescape: Torment]]'' a device that party-member Dak'kon has from the start. Technically, it's a book on the history and religion of the githzerai people, but both subjects focus on the uprising against the illithids and the civil war that resulted. If [[The Protagonist| The Nameless One]] is a Mage, he can help Dak'ron decipher the eight circles, eventually gaining experience, spells, and increased Scores for both party members.
== [[Web Comics]] ==
* ''The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates'' -- [[Retcon|er, that is,]] ''The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries''—is -- is frequently quoted in ''[[Schlock Mercenary]]''. This includes such gems as:
== Webcomics ==
* ''The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates''--[[Retcon|er, that is,]] ''The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries''—is frequently quoted in ''[[Schlock Mercenary]]''. This includes such gems as:
** 1. [[Rape, Pillage and Burn|Pillage]], ''[[In That Order|THEN]]'' [[Rape, Pillage and Burn|burn]]. ([http://www.schlockmercenary.com/d/20030308.html 1], [http://www.schlockmercenary.com/d/20040404.html 2], [http://www.schlockmercenary.com/d/20040722.html 3])
** 2. [[Don't Ask, Just Run|A Sergeant in motion outranks a Lieutenant who doesn't know what's going on.]] ([http://www.schlockmercenary.com/d/20090731.html 1])
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** 4. [[Gunship Rescue|Close air support covereth a multitude of sins.]] ([http://www.schlockmercenary.com/d/20080415.html 1])
** 5. [[Friend or Foe|Close air support and friendly fire should be easier to tell apart.]] ([http://www.schlockmercenary.com/d/20100421.html 1])
** 6. [[TheresThere Is No Kill Like Overkill|If violence wasn't your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.]] ([http://www.schlockmercenary.com/d/20050313.html 1])
** 7. If the food is good enough, the grunts will stop complaining about the incoming fire. (Appears in the 2012 Monthly Calendar)
** 8. Mockery and derision have their place. Usually, it's on the other side of the airlock.([http://www.schlockmercenary.com/d/20021121.html 1])
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** 13. Do unto others. ([http://www.schlockmercenary.com/d/20030308.html 1])
** 15. Only you can prevent friendly fire. ([http://www.schlockmercenary.com/2010-11-18 1])
** 16. Your name is in the mouth of others: beBe sure it has teeth. ([http://www.schlockmercenary.com/d/20021121.html 1])
** 17. The longer everything goes according to plan, the bigger the impending disaster. ([http://www.schlockmercenary.com/2012-02-20 1])
** 18. If the officers are leading from in front, watch out for an attack from the rear. ([http://www.schlockmercenary.com/2012-01-04 1])
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'''Zexion:''' That's the first thing the book says to do! What the fuck?! }}
== [[Western Animation]] ==
* The [[Trope Namer]] is the [[Dr. Seuss]]-like ''[[Futurama|Zapp Brannigan's]] Big Book of War'', which, considering who [[General Failure|wrote]] [[Miles Gloriosus|it]], is probably best ignored.
== Western[[Real AnimationLife]] ==
* [[Warrior Poet|Sun Tzu]]'s]] ''[[The Art of War]]'', the [[Older Than Feudalism|classic Chinese text]] and possible [[Trope Maker]] in the public consciousness, beloved by military strategists and pretended to be read by [[Nietzsche Wannabe]]s everywhere. Despite its reputation, ''The Art of War'' is quite small, particularly in the original archaic Chinese. Publications usually include explanatory commentaries that are several times longer than the original work.
* The [[Trope Namer]] is the Seuss-like ''[[Futurama|Zapp Brannigan's]] Big Book of War'', which, considering who [[General Failure|wrote]] [[Miles Gloriosus|it]], is probably best ignored.
== Real Life ==
* [[Warrior Poet|Sun Tzu's]] ''[[The Art of War]]'', the [[Older Than Feudalism|classic Chinese text]] and possible [[Trope Maker]] in the public consciousness, beloved by military strategists and pretended to be read by [[Nietzsche Wannabe]]s everywhere. Despite its reputation, ''The Art of War'' is quite small, particularly in the original archaic Chinese. Publications usually include explanatory commentaries that are several times longer than the original work.
* [[Four-Star Badass|Carl von Clausewitz]]'s ''On War'' is the West's premier work on military theory. Clausewitz notably argues for the inherent superiority of defense over offense and stresses the moral and political aspects of war. Even though the work is [[Author Existence Failure|unfinished]], it was highly influential at the time of the First World War and remains relevant today. The book coined the concept of the "fog of war" and memorably defined war as "the continuation of politics by other means."
* Machiavelli's ''[[The Prince]]'', which covers military strategy as it pertains to ruling monarchs, and his [[Discourses on Livy]], which devotes the second of its three sections chiefly to conducting war as a republic. Part of Machiavelli's intention is to convince his readers that the Italian city-states should not be reliant on mercenaries, and should instead build up militias. His tactics were gradually amended over the years and became the basis for linear tactics.
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** Julian Corbett wrote ''Some Principles of Maritime Strategy'' in 1911. It was essentially the British answer to Mahan and was also incredibly influential. While Mahan wrote mainly about old school fleet battles Corbett focused on things like disrupting lines of communication and power projection which means that his work also aged a bit better. Though both are still studied today.
* Italian General Giulio Douhet and his ''Command of the Air'' (1921) exerted a similarly big influence on the air forces of the inter-war years, especially in Britain and Germany.
* ''The Law of Land Warfare'' (aka The Geneva Convention)[httphttps://web.archive.org/web/20151225054902/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_land_warfare\] explicitly states laws of war; unlike most other Big Books of War, it tells you only what ''not'' to do if you wish to conduct war like a civilized country and expect other countries to do the same. It's also binding, and is what gives tribunals like the Nuremburg Trials the justification for trying people for war crimes, among other things.
* ''[[The Defence of Duffer's Drift]]'' (written in 1905 about a fictional skirmish in the Boer war) and ''The Defense of Hill 781'' both lay down principles of warfare (the former for infantry, the latter mechanized combined arms operations) through similar narrative devices. Both are near-required reading for U.S. Army officers.
* The Apache traditionally had a very complex set of rules for raiding and warfare (two distinct operations in their culture), passed down orally. One rule was not letting men whose wives were pregnant come on expeditions (they'd be distracted); another was an argot, "warpath words", consisting of using different words for nearly every action ("dragged something" rather than "walked", for instance), so that even enemies who knew Apache wouldn't understand plans.
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* ''Guerrilla Warfare'' by Ernesto "Che" Guevara, based largely on the tactics he used in the Cuban revolution.
* Jim Dunnigan and associates have written books over the years including ''How To Make War'', ''A Quick and Dirty Guide To War'', and ''Dirty Little Secrets: Military Information You're Not Supposed To Know'', not to mention [http://strategypage.com/ StrategyPage.com]. They amount to the equivalent of a fairly comprehensive ''Big Book of War'' for the modern layman.
* ''Överraskning och Vilseledning: Sovjetiska och ryska vilseledningsprinciper i krig och fred'' (near literal translation to englishEnglish: ''Surprise and Deception: Soviet and Russian principles of deception during war and peace times'') is a book written by the Swedish military historian Lars Ulfving that tells of the history, the ways and tactics of Maskirovka, the term used for the Russian art of military deception.
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[[Category:Information Desk]]
[[Category:{{PAGENAME}}Big Book of War]]
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