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Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water: Difference between revisions

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* [[Adorkable]]: Jean, definitely. Even Nadia's English voice actress has said she would date someone like him in a heartbeat. Hanson, too, once he switches sides.
* [[Ambiguously Brown]]: invoked and discussed within the story itself. Nadia's brown skin, straight hair, green eyes, and "[[Mukokuseki|stateless]]" anime heroine looks are all in marked contrast to the rest of the crew who all have recognizably ethnic features. Most characters only have a vague idea she might be African... or Indian... ({{spoiler|Turns out she's Atlantean.}})
* [[Anachronism Stew]]: Most of the non-atlantean technology seems more appropriate to 1910 or even 1920 than 1889.
* [[Ancient Astronauts]]: The true origin of Atlantis, and therefore several major characters
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** During all twelve episodes of the island/Africa arc, the animation both [[Off-Model|takes a dive in quality]] and resembles a cut rate ''Looney Tunes'' cartoon. (These were produced by other studios in Japan and Korea.)
* [[Babies Ever After]]: The title character (Nadia, married to Jean), the narrator ( {{spoiler|Sanson}} of the [[Terrible Trio]], married to a much younger lady {{spoiler|[[She's All Grown Up|the now grown-up Marie]] }} ), and the most "complex" character ( {{spoiler|Electra}}). Hanson, the other half of the team, has kids but we don't see them (or his wife for that matter). Grandis (the boss of the trio), notably is still single, and loving it.
* [[Bad Boss]]: Other than the usual [[You Have Failed Me...]], Gargoyle will shoot his own [[Mook]] to convince Nadia that he would shoot Marie.
** On one occasion, however, he casually tells a mook who slipped up not to worry about punishment.
* [[Bamboo Technology]]: Armed with a bit of salvage, Jean builds a camp worthy of the Professor from ''[[Gilligan's Island]]''.
* [[Barbie Doll Anatomy]]
* [[Batman Gambit]]: Gargoyle lures Nemo into a trap using himself as bait. He knows Nemo will do anything to follow him and so leads [[The Captain]] to a cavern which he blocks off with mines
** Its also a [[Xanatos Gambit]]: If Nemo does nothing he will eventually starve but if he tries to remove the mines with conventional means they will detonate. Also because of the shifting tides, the mines will go off eventually. Even if Nemo somehow survives the mines and escapes, Gargoyle can observe how his experimental mines will work in the field and save the data for later.
* [[Beach Episode]]: Repeatedly. Most of Grandis' backstory can only be explained when she is in a hot tub or on a beach.
* [[Because Destiny Says So]]
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* [[Circling Birdies]]
* [[Cliff Hanger]]
* [[Clip Show]]:
** Over ''twenty minutes straight'' of the sequel movie is show clips, recapping the entire story thus far.
** Also, the [[Musical Episode]] consisted almost entirely of reused footage, which was used [[Music Video]] style as background for the songs.
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** Electra does the same when she finally learns that Nemo actually ''does'' care about her, and tries to shoot herself. Nemo talks her out of such behavior.
* [[Dropped Glasses]]: Minor subversion: the glasses are repaired almost immediately to demonstrate the technological capabilities of the Nautilus.
* [[Everything's Better with Princesses]]: Subverted. The people who call Nadia "princess" rarely seem to have her best interests in mind.
* [[Evil Chancellor]]: [[Big Bad|Gargoyle]] used to be this, before pulling off a (mostly) successful coup and moving on to better things.
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: Nemo and [[Big Bad|Gargoyle]] are always going on about their vague but important past.
* [[Evilly Affable]]: [[Big Bad|Gargoyle]]
* [[Evil Overlord]]: Subverted. While Neo ( {{spoiler|Nadia's brother, Venusis}}) is the emperor of Neo Atlantis, {{spoiler|he is just a puppet created by [[Big Bad|Gargoyle.]]}}
* [[Evil Plan]]: Gargoyle wants to [[Take Over the World]] by reviving ancient Atlantean technology.
* [[Explosive Instrumentation]]
* [[Expy]]: [[The Captain|Captain Nemo]] is Captain Global from ''[[Super Dimension Fortress Macross]]''. Anno worked on ''Macross'' and reused the design as a [[Shout-Out]].
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* [[Market-Based Title]]: The Japanese title, ''Fushigi no Umi no Nadia'' ("''Nadia of the Mysterious Seas''"), was basically used by Gainax to forestall [[Executive Meddling]], by ensuring their title followed the same pattern as ''[[Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind]]''.
* [[Man of Wealth and Taste]]: Garygoyle's suite is immaculate red and worthy for the dinner party he invites sponsors too. The only flaw is his mask and KKK style hat.
* [[Meaningful Name]]:
** Electra, as in ''[[Electra Complex]]'' which basically sums up her relationship with Nemo.
*** Actually, she's even closer to Electra of mythology than that: her main motivation is revenge against the people who killed her parents. {{spoiler|And at one point, she even threatens to take it out on her adoptive father.}}
** Sanson is a very strong, vain, and bullheaded man. Like the Biblical Sa''m''son.
*** Meanwhile, Hanson's name may be a pun on "Handsome", which he, uh, isn't.
** Nemo's name means "No one" or "Nobody" in Latin, as they helpfully point out.
*** And "Nobody" in Spanish is ''Nadie.''
*** On a minor note, Nadia is also similar to "Nadar", the Spanish word meaning "to swim".
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* [[Non-Human Sidekick]]: King
* [[Not Good with People]]: Nadia. Having spent fourteen years of her life in a circus with a cruel, unloving ringmaster, she dislikes grownups with a vengeance. As such, she does not know how to interact with people. Nemo is also like this when it comes to children, although he does gradually warm up to them.
* [[Not So Different]]: When Jean and Hanson stop fighting over the blue water, they realize they're more mecha geeks and simultaneously [[Squee]] over the Nautilus.
* [[Number Two]]: Electra
* [[Ocular Gushers]]
* [[One Buwwet Weft]]
* [[Official Couple]]: Nadia and Jean
* [[Offscreen Villain Dark Matter]]: averted by Gargoyle's mooks reporting how his dark matter I.E. commerce in wool and banking, is proceeding and how it is paying for things like his submarine and the Tower of Babel.
* [[Oracular Urchin]]
* [[Orphan's Plot Trinket]]: The Blue Water.
* [[Other Stock Phrases]]
* [[Panty Shot]]: Considering what Nadia wears...
* [[Parental Abandonment]]: Many of the characters are orphans or otherwise deprived of their parents, from Nadia up to Gargoyle, the [[Big Bad]].
* [[Parental Incest]]: Nemo initially viewed and treated Electra as a surrogate daughter to replace his own children who he believed were both killed. However, she had actually already fallen in love with him upon reaching puberty, but decided to continue to keep it a secret as she felt it would just be unrequited after accidentally overhearing that was how he felt about her. They eventually get together though {{spoiler|after she finally snaps and confesses her feelings when she realizes that he no longer has any need of her as a surrogate daughter now that his real daughter Nadia had finally turned up again.}}
* [[Pillar of Light]]: Whenever the Tower of Babel fires up.
* [[Plot Hole]]: So exactly what does Nemo hope to accomplish by blowing up Gargoyle's ships while never actually doing anything about his shipyards?
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* [[Putting on the Reich]]: The Neo-Atlanteans. They greet each other a reversed version of the Nazi salute (right arm extended, then placed to chest). In addition, they also wear black uniforms reminiscent of the Nazi Schutzstaffel, and black Ku Klux Klan-like hoods (officers in charge wear orange).
** This is made especially explicit in [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4tjjXxC7-w their Omake Theater feature].
* [[Relationship Upgrade]]: All the couples in the series who successfully end up together.
* [[Rock-Paper-Scissors]]: Sanson has bad luck at this game.
* [[Romantic False Lead]]: A villager from the Africa arc who recognizes the Blue Water. {{spoiler|It turns out that he's already engaged.}} [[Ass Pull|This arc is both out of step with the rest of the show and frankly, doesn't make sense]], since {{spoiler|Nadia admitted that Jean was important to her in the previous episode. The motivations behind her subsequent behavior in Africa is not at all clear.}} Unsurprisingly, [[Canon Discontinuity|Episode 35 promptly disregards this two-episode sidestory]].
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* [[Teen Genius]]: Jean. The kid actually beat the Wright Brothers by twenty-four years! He also invented a helicopter. And a rocket. And a music recorder. Which, if you take it at face value, means he invented the speaker, the microphone, the amplifier, and vinyl records. Which means he may well have invented the vacuum tube. And plastic. He also seems to have invented the Ukulele. In a dream sequence, he goes on to invent the television, the computer, and the ''a-bomb''. He also invented an Ice Cream machine.
* [[Terrible Trio]]: Grandis and crew are an [[Expy]] of the [[Time Bokan]] gang, with the twist that this time the fat guy is the genius engineer and the skinny guy is the strongman.
** [[True Companions]]: They bicker and quarrel and are inseperable.
* [[The Sweat Drop]]
* [[Techno Babble]]: Whenever someone explains how all this tech works.
* [[Time Compression Montage]]
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* [[Underboobs]] Nadia inadvertently reveals hers while adjusting her top. Naturally, [[Accidental Pervert|Poor Jean can't help but look.]]
* [[Weapon of Mass Destruction]]: The Tower of Babel, located in several places in the show: Gargoyle's base, Tartessos, and, ultimately, Red Noah.
* [[What the Hell, Hero?|What The Hell, Nadia?!]]:
** Sums up everyone's reaction after Nadia's suicide attempt; especially Grandis and Sanson. The former [[Armor-Piercing Slap|wallops her for it]], the latter chews her out for being selfish and scaring them all. Jean calls them off, and forgives Nadia.
** Marie when she witnesses Nadia lay into Jean (unfairly and undeservedly) in episode 10. (Nadia eventually apologizes to him for that.)
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** Played more straight however with {{spoiler|Marie (age 4 in the main story) and Sanson (Age 27).}}
* [[You Can't Fight Fate]]: [[Driven to Suicide|But Nadia tries anyway.]] {{spoiler|The Blue Water wouldn't let her.}}
* [[You Have Failed Me...]]: [[Big Bad|Gargoyle's]] way of dealing with some subordinates that have failed to meet expectations.
* [[Your Princess Is in Another Castle]]
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