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StarCraft (video game)/Characters: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|''"You should know that we represent not one of your ragtag peasant militias, but the combined might of the United Earth Directorate."''}}
{{quote|'''Voiced by:''' Castulo Guerra in ''Brood War'' and by Victor Brandt in ''Heart of the Swarm''}}
{{quote|Alexei Stukov (occasionally misspelled "Alexi") is the second-in-command of the UED fleet. Throughout the campaign he advises DuGalle, and unlike his commander is not taken in by Duran's slick talking and ignores an order to destroy a valuable piece of Confederate equipment Duran tricked DuGalle into having destroyed. He was murdered when Duran tricked DuGalle into thinking Stukov had betrayed him, and his dying words were to beg his friend to finish the job. In a bonus map that was confirmed as canon, he's infested by the Zerg, but Raynor and a (really old) Protoss named Taldarin rescue him with experimental nanobots, and the human and revived Stukov was last seen fleeing with Raynor's forces. His status as of ''[[StarCraft II]]'' is unknown, since he doesn't appear at all, but Blizzard themselves confirmed the canonicity of the ''Starcraft 64'' map "Resurrection IV", where he's found alive and well.}}
{{quote|Alexei Stukov (occasionally misspelled "Alexi") is the second-in-command of the UED fleet. Throughout the campaign he advises DuGalle, and unlike his commander is not taken in by Duran's slick talking and ignores an order to destroy a valuable piece of Confederate equipment Duran tricked DuGalle into having destroyed. He was murdered when Duran tricked DuGalle into thinking Stukov had betrayed him, and his dying words were to beg his friend to finish the job. In a bonus map that was confirmed as canon, he's infested by the Zerg, but Raynor and a (really old) Protoss named Taldarin rescue him with experimental nanobots, and the human and revived Stukov was last seen fleeing with Raynor's forces. His status as of ''[[StarCraft II]]'' is unknown, since he doesn't appear at all, but Blizzard themselves confirmed the canonicity of the ''Starcraft 64'' map "Resurrection IV", where he's found alive and well.}}
* [[Affably Evil]]
* [[And Then John Was a Zombie]]
* {{spoiler|[[Back from the Dead]]}}
* [[Badass]]: Gets to prove it in ''Heart of the Swarm''.
** [[Badass Normal]]: His character was playable on the battle maps of the ''Brood War'' expansion as someone with at least Ghost level combat skills, though his death was cutscene driven, so we never get to see him actually use those skills.
*** [[Badass Abnormal]]: ''Heart of the Swarm'' implies he may have been latently psychic, which would explain why he was molded so successfully into a Zerg Hybrid by HotS. And as a hybrid, he has his own special skillset that makes him only somewhat less powerful than Kerrigan.
** [[Four-Star Badass]]: His rank in ''Brood War'', and he attains the Zerg equivalent in ''Heart of the Swarm''.
** {{spoiler|[[Came Back Wrong]]}}
* [[Burial in Space]]: {{spoiler|He gets better}}
* [[Broad Strokes]]: The additional missions from the N64 version of ''[[Starcraft]]'' are not directly stated as canon in ''[[Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm]]'', though they are referenced in a simplified form as an explanation for his being [[Back from the Dead]].
* [[Characterization Marches On]]: By ''Heart of the Swarm'', his character is almost nothing like his original portrayal, but then again, if he had gone [[Trauma Conga Line|all the grief and loss of everything that used to define his former existence]] and didn't change as a person, it would be quite bizarre.
* [[The Dragon]] / [[The Lancer]]: Originally served as this for Gerard DuGalle, though which one he fell under is mostly up to the player, depending on how they view the UED, though regardless Stukov was genuinely loyal either way.
** In ''Heart of the Swarm'', he becomes this to Kerrigan, though his moral compass is far less ambiguous this time round, though he has shares this role with at least two other senior commanders.
* [[Enemy Mine]]: The only reason he allowed Duran to assist the UED was for this reason, especially because Duran made a compelling case for why that would be to their mutual benefit.
** In the N64 bonus missions, the only reason he allows Raynor to free him and briefly team up with him is for the same reasons.
*** By HotS, he suggests this to Kerrigan for taking down Emil Narud and the Zerg Hybrids, and expects to fall victim to [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder|a knife in the back]] once it's all over. {{spoiler|To his surprise, Kerrigan offers him a no strings attached job offer as one of her generals}}. He's more than a little surprised, but decided to take the offer for lack of better options.
* {{spoiler|[[Final Speech]]}}: After {{spoiler|being shot by Duran}}:
{{quote|''"...Gerard... old friend... You do indeed have a traitor in your midst. But it's not me. {{spoiler|Duran}}. He has been playing us both from the start. He convinced you to {{spoiler|destroy the Psi Disruptor, even though it was our best chance at defeating the Zerg}}. And then on Aiur, he {{spoiler|allowed the Zerg to overrun us even as we had the fugitives in our grasp}}. I came here... to activate the one hope we have of defeating them... and you killed me for it (wheezing laugh). {{spoiler|Duran}} is your enemy, Gerard. I suspect (gasp for breath) that he may even be {{spoiler|infested}}, as well. {{spoiler|Use the Disruptor}}, Gerard. (struggling to talk) Finish our operation. Let {{spoiler|my death}} have at least some meaning!"''}}
* [[Gradual Grinder]]: As a Co-op Commander in ''[[Starcraft II]]'', this is his specialty.
* [[Half Human Hybrid]]: By ''Heart of the Swarm'', he's basically a male Kerrigan in terms of how much humanity and intelligence he has retained, though is infested enough he is unmistakably Zerg, including [[Glowing Eyes of Doom]] and [[Body Horror|seems to be missing a chunk of his face and a huge portion of his former uniform for the UED now has a huge Zerg carapace covering]].
* [[Hypercompetent Sidekick]]: This is actually addressed in the instructions manual, that Stukov is the smarter of the two. And it shows. The UED mission would likely have succeeded if Stukov had been in charge.
* [[More Than Mind Control]]: After being freed from the Zerg, he makes he clear that he wanted no such thing, but joins Raynor & co. anyway.
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* [[Poor Communication Kills]]: He could have done a better job explaining the Psi Disruptor situation to Admiral DuGalle. Heck, the whole UED-Dominion conflict could have been avoided if they would only talk to each other, {{spoiler|as evident from their ill-fated alliance against Kerrigan at the very end of the game.}}
* [[Psychic Powers]]: He is extremely subtly implied to have these, unwittingly. {{spoiler|It might even have been why he was infested.}}
* [[Russian Guy Suffers Most]]: To an insane degree.
* [[Senseless Sacrifice]]: He really didn't need to die to tell DuGalle what Duran was doing, or even go off on his own to make it look like a betrayal—he could have just ''told'' him.
** The campaign implies he did ''try'' to get DuGalle to listen to him, but DuGalle, for some reason (perhaps [[Mind Control]] or just a horrible case of [[Too Dumb to Live]]) never believed him ''until'' he went as far as he did.
* [[Still Wearing the Old Colors]]: He still retains most of his UED uniform in ''Heart of the Swarm'', likely his way of retaining some connection to who he used to be.
* [[The Virus]]
* [[What Happened to the Mouse?]]: Blizzard confirmed that "Resurrection IV" is canonical and yet, for some reason, {{spoiler|Infested Stukov and the New Swarm, along with the cure for zerg infestation}}, is ''never'' mentioned in the entire campaign of ''Wings of Liberty''. Likely this was done to avoid [[Continuity Lock Out]], since it's a fairly obscure mission. One could hope that he'll show in ''Heart of the Swarm''.
** {{spoiler|And he does show up then, and the player gets filled in on how he survived the original game then and the events leading to his semi-return to being human}}.
* [[You Can't Go Home Again]]: Twice over. First time was the knowledge that if the UED failed, this was his fate, which he could accept. Second time was a bit more painful. {{spoiler|Specifically, he died, was infested and thus revived, was semi-freed from being infested by getting his sanity back but still being a Zerg hybrid, and know he can never return to Earth because of this, and basically accepts Kerrigan taking him in during ''Heart of the Swarm'' because he has nowhere else to go.}}
=== Protoss ===
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