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{{tropelist|Traits displayed by the Ottoman Empire included:}}
* [[Elite Army]]: The Janissary, or "new soldier" troops were designed as such. They were intended to be absolutely loyal to the sultan, expertly trained and educated, and were some of the earliest military forces in the world to [[Disc One Nuke|be proficient in the widespread use of firearms]].
* [[Just the First Citizen]]: [[Zig Zagged Trope]]. During some of the greatest height of the empire, this was particularly exemplified by the ruler Suleiman, who was known by his people as "[[The Good King|The Lawgiver]]" because he would walk the markets as an ordinary citizen and dispense justice when needed to settle civil and criminal disputes. The sultan was also considered another member of his own Janissary corps, and would even be attired and paid like any other member. During some of the less enlightened periods of the empire, this trope was far less prevalent.
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: Many of it's contemporaries throughout much of it's history regarded them as such.
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