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* [[Distaff Counterpart]] Maia of "Kuroinu: Kedakaki Seijo wa Hakudaku ni Somaru" in terms of appearance, is basically an H-game, [[Gender Swapped]] version of Lute. Seen [https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d8/a3/fd/d8a3fdc75644ba917fd243c19c41b005.jpg here] Not surprising since both animes were the work of Majin Label, but it's a rather unfortunate [[Fan Disservice]] when one considers what happens [[Downer Ending|in her story.]]
* [[Does Not Like Men]]: Emeralia, who openly admits to as much. {{spoiler|She's lying, or was until Lute managed to be the first man she ever enjoyed being with. Before, she merely used sex to break men to her will without feeling anything for them.}}
* [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good]] Bobon has no comprehension of anything good or bad. He is completely self-centered, and as he feels, so long as he is in charge {{spoiler|as king or otherwise}}. Then nothing and nobody else matters. He can say what he wants and do whatever {{spoiler|or whoever}} he wants, and everyone else just has to obey him without question.
* [[Evil Blonde]] Prince Bobon.
* [[Feudal Overlord]]: The King is one by design, and the feudal system in place is designed to restrain the ambitions of the noble class, lest they get any ideas about trying to usurp him. {{spoiler|It isn't all that effective, partially because the nobles retained too much power before the system was implemented to be subsumed into compliance, and most of their successors aren't all that happy with the system and many are hoping to join forces with the nobles to topple it}}.
* [[Foreshadowing]]: It's possible to figure out a lot of the plot twists if you play careful attention to Lute's flashbacks to his childhood.
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** [[Defrosting Ice Queen]]: She thaws out considerably on her route {{spoiler|especially after Lute save her life more than once and treats her with more consideration and decency than Motaire ever did}}.
*** She defrosts in a different way in the Harem Route, and even before then on Luserina's route comes to greatly respect him.
* [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold]] {{spoiler|Shamsiel, she's a succubus and yes she HAS killed people before by feeding on them, but she's also pretty much the nicest and most helpful person to Lute in the entire story...once he wins her over. Isis, Lute's former classmate from the Royal Knight's academy, treats Lute with very little respect due to him graduating dead last in their class, but it turns out this was actually just her venting her frustrations from her struggling to get her relationship with her arranged fiance Motaire to work (it was failing due to him cheating on her and not caring for her at all), and once she starts seeing Lute's strengths and kindness as opposed to Motaire's egotistical and skirt-chasing ways, she falls in love with Lute. Felzen, Schlamm, and Zant also all saw Lute as a worthless loser at the start of the story, but once they see him in a better light, they become some of his biggest supporters and allies (though they try to play it off initially). Gladys, a seemingly traitorous woman who leads a rebellion against the king, turns out she and her father were gathering the rebels under them to keep the damage to a minimum AND to force the king to take better care with his political reforms. Motaire... His is buried deep, deep, deeeeeeeeeep within him, beneath his ego, jerkass, skirt-chasing, and snobbish ways, he's actually a loyal knight wanting to become a great leader someday for his kingdom. It takes a while (and several ass-kickings to humble him), but he eventually makes the change for the better and it certainly helps him out.
* [[King Incognito]]: {{spoiler|Lute, he just doesn't remember. He's actually the half-human son of the former king of demons, who died when he was young. His mother raised him as a human, partially to prevent anyone from trying to kill him over that particular fact, as he's the true heir to the demon king throne. Shamshiel even knew him from way back when, which also explains why she seems to know him when they first meet}}.
** He becomes an overt king in a different manner on the Harem Route: {{spoiler|King Hagel was planning to step down and hand him the job sooner or later, the Prime Minister then murders Hagel and tries to frame Lute to stop this from happening. Lute and the rest of the cast with the slightest hint of morality manage to stop him, and Lute becomes the next king afterwards}}.
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** Becomes a [[Chekhov's Gun]] when {{spoiler|Emeralia}} tries to seduce him. {{spoiler|They help Lute overpower her magic and foil a plot by the Prime Minister to make him a mind controlled slave}}.
* [[Mood Whiplash]] In the anime adaptation's 2nd episode, Lute has just finished having sex with Isis, and Shamsiel appears happily cracking up at the hilarity of the situation for Lute. Cut away to Gladys who is still awake late that night thinking to herself that Lute may have put up an act in front of her, but she knew he wasn't going to be able to sleep peacefully that night (due to fear of death from their duel that was to happen the next day). Cut back to Lute, who is not only sleeping soundly in his bed, but also snoring loudly with drool coming out of his wide open mouth, and instead of Isis, it's actually Shamsiel that is now asleep in bed snuggled up to him. It makes for a cute little touching moment... Only to be tossed out the window seconds later when it cuts to a shot of the gallows (presumably early the next morning) with crows squawking and the silhouette of a man (implied to be [[Running Gag|Wann Cwaan]]) hanging motionless and silent.
* [[Non Action Hero]] Lute is the protagonist of the story, but he pretty much never solves any problem using actual combat skill or brute force {{spoiler|which is a good thing, because he knows full well that he'd stand no chance in such a situation due to his poor combat skill}}. He tends to be able to talk things out with people or pull off some plan usually with the help of Shamsiel or the other women he loves.
* [[Old Soldier]]: The three generals Zant, Schlamm, and Felzen, referred to by the Prime Minsiter as "the three old bastards". None of them are fans of Lute. {{spoiler|By the end of the Harem Route, this changes drastically}}.
* [[One-Winged Angel]]: Any devil {{spoiler|human}} who attempts to gain the power of the Hallowed Hand can get this upgrade.
* [[Potty Emergency]]: Roxanne has a variation of this. She prone to excessive breast milk lactation, so she has to have someone [[If You Know What I Mean|relieve the pressure]] from time to time. Ordinarily, a female servant helps with this. {{spoiler|As part of the [[Uriah Gambit]] to get rid of Lute and her at the same time, the Prefect has his adjutant dope her up with aphrodisiacs to tempt Lute into committing adultery with her by aggravating this problem and her sexuality in general}}.
* [[Punny Name]]: Lute's first name is the same as the musical instrument, and a few jokes are made about it. It also serves to clarify the official English romanization with an L is the proper one, as his name in the original translation was prone to the [[Japanese Ranguage]] issue, being transliterated as Ryuute and other similar names.
* [[Quit Your Whining]] In the Routes where {{spoiler|Lute gets promoted to ranks above Motaire, it leads to him (Motaire) constantly complaining about it and trying to still talk down to Lute. Lute, for his part doesn't care what Motaire or anyone says about him regardless of his rank, but should Motaire make a scene in front of other people... Let's just say he gets a lot of footprints on his ass and fist-marks on his swollen face}}.
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]: Several notable ones.
** Lute himself. He's not hung up on flaunting his authority, which helps him win over the soldiers of Boan {{spoiler|which proves crucial to stopping the Prefect's treason}}, and regardless of his posting choices once the King offers hims several, he proves able to handle them.
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** {{spoiler|Gladys}} von Wackenheim realizes Lute isn't half as stupid as he comes off as, and impressed by his intelligence, even leaving a few clues to the real villains of the commander arc since they see Lute as a [[Worthy Opponent]].
* [[Uriah Gambit]]: Lute is immediately put into one not long after arriving in Boan, which he survives. The guys who put him into it didn't expect that, but since he survived, they have a second one they immediately put him in {{spoiler|that fails as well}}. Later on, in Shamshiel's route, Lute winds up in a third gambit {{spoiler|courtesy of the Prime Minister, who sets him up to be killed, but this plot is foiled by Shamshiel's last minute intervention}}.
* [[Villain of the Week]] More like "Villain of the Route", depending on your choices, except... {{spoiler|Bobon, the Prefect of Boan, and Madoise are the villains of the Roxanne/Boan Arc which makes for the first 3rd of the overall story no matter what}}. Then in the other routes, there's {{spoiler|Bobon, Motaire, and the Prime Minister (to a degree) are the villains of Shamsiel and Isis' routes}}. {{spoiler|Assassins ABCDE, [[Running Gag|Wahun Kuwahun]], Gladys (kind of, but also not really, and she changes sides later), Emeralia (for a while but she also changes near the end), Bobon, and finally [[Big Bad|the Prime Minister]] in Luceria's and the Harem Route}}.
* [[What Happened To The Mouse?]]: Happens to Shamshiel in universe if you pick an ending route without her in it, with Lute wondering where she went. {{spoiler|She's mentioned as at least keeping in touch in Roxanne's ending}}
* [[Why Won't You Die?]]: Shamshiel wonders this about Lute after a night of [[If You Know What I Mean|trying to drain him dry]], wondering why it didn't kill him, something that even he is amazed by, and since it will solve the problem of her having her "meals" die and solve his problem of "dealing with her", she opts to stick with Lute since he "defeated her".
* [[X Marks the Hero]] Somewhat. {{spoiler|Supposedly, there's special marks that can manifest on Lute's hands if he ever fully taps into his true powers as a half-human half-incubus. At which point, it will immediately be a sign that he is not a human, and would therefore make him a target due to the law known as the "Demon Extermination Order". Simultaneously, any demons that see Lute's hands even when the marks aren't visible can automatically tell who/what he is: their King}}.
* [[Your Cheating Heart]]: Roxanne is trapped in an incredibly loveless marriage and immediately wants to sleep with Lute, and he feels the same, but is a bit nervous about doing so since adultery has stiff penalties. Also, the Prefect is hoping Lute will cheat with his wife {{spoiler|because he wants an excuse to be rid of her and wants to keep her and Lute from discovering his treason}}. Regardless, it is portrayed very sympathetically for both parties involved.
* [[You Kill It, You Bought It]]: The effective end result of Shamshiel managing to NOT kill Lute after a night of passion is for her to act like he did this to her, effectively making her his servant.
* [[Zoo World]] There's all sorts of creatures that inhabit the setting of the story. One particular place worth mentioning is the Gripon Woods, better known as the "Demon Woods", which as it turns out {{spoiler|is a forest that hosts a variety of plants, animals, and yes demons that are not found anywhere else in the entire kingdom}}.
* [[What Happened To The Mouse?]]: Happens to Shamshiel in universe if you pick an ending route without her in it, with Lute wondering where she went. {{spoiler|She's mentioned as at least keeping in touch in Roxanne's ending}}
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