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Ancient Greece: Difference between revisions

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* [[Let's Fight Like Gentlemen]]: It was a common lament during the Peleponesian War that new weapons and tactics had made the manly phalanx fighting obsolete.
* [[Love Potion]] (Eros's arrows)
*[[Our Dwarves Are Different]]: According to historian Victor Davis Hanson they were usually about five foot tall, and while they preferred a track star build as an image of male beauty usually had knotted muscles from pushing plows. They went into battle lugging tons of armor and, well, just look at [[Socrates]]. In other words they were [[Fridge Logic|Dwarves.]] On the other hand they did not live underground, they were great sailors, and were famous for philosophy and art. So maybe they were [[Fridge Brillance|both elves and Dwarves?]]
* [[Physical God]]
* [[The Spartan Way]]
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