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Ancient Greece: Difference between revisions

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* [[Fatal Flaw]]
* [[Forever War]]: War was at first a seasonal activity although Greeks preferred to have one battle a year and then adjust each cities turf accordingly so they could get back to their crops. After the Persian invasion showed them what war was like when an absolutist monarch imposed his ideas of war on it war became more bitter and all pervasive.
* [[Home by Christmas|Home by Harvest]]: One reason they "liked"(in a manner of speaking) phalanx fighting was that it got the war over for a year instead of spending a drawn out period raiding each other.
* [[Let's Fight Like Gentlemen]]: It was a common lament during the Peleponesian War that new weapons and tactics had made the manly phalanx fighting obsolete.
* [[Love Potion]] (Eros's arrows)
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