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== Anime/ and Manga ==
* ''[[Ranma ½|Ranma One Half]]'': The entire cast. Their regular actions include attempted murder and destruction of property, multiple characters engage in [[Social Services Does Not Exist|childrearing practices that could only qualify as child abuse]], and the school principal is loony beyond question (he has a hidden dungeon in his office among other things).
== Anime/Manga ==
* From [[What an Idiot!]]: In ''[[Strawberry Panic!|Strawberry Panic]]'', sweet, shy, and cutesy Hikari has fallen in love with her older classmate Amane. However, as a result, she is being stalked, harassed, and almost sexually assaulted by a Psycho Lesbian duo who want to get Amane to join the Etoile Election by threatening to harm her. You'd expect Hikari and/or Amane to report these occurrences to either the school staff or the police.
* ''[[Ranma ½|Ranma One Half]]'': The entire cast. Their regular actions include attempted murder and destruction of property, multiple characters engage in [[Social Services Does Not Exist|childrearing practices that could only qualify as child abuse]], and the school principal is loony beyond question (he has a hidden dungeon in his office among other things).
* From [[What an Idiot!]]: In ''[[Strawberry Panic!|Strawberry Panic]]'', sweet, shy, and cutesy Hikari has fallen in love with her older classmate Amane. However, as a result, she is being stalked, harassed, and almost sexually assaulted by a Psycho Lesbian duo who want to get Amane to join the Etoile Election by threatening to harm her. You'd expect Hikari and/or Amane to report these occurrences to either the school staff or the police.
* The villains in ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!]]'' get away with hospitalization quite easily. [[The Abridged Series]] doesn't even bother to call it out after the second episode. In this case it probably had to do with the fact that few people are going to believe that [[Serious Business|playing a children's card game]] can hospitalize someone.
* In several episodes of ''[[Hell Girl]]'' the bad guy of the week would end up behind bars in five minutes if anybody involved acted in even vaguely rational manner. The cake goes to a teacher in the second season who started tormenting her student subtly in a manner that seems like bullying of another student, but then proceeds to trying to pour acid over the student, laughing maniacally!
* Happens in ''[[Code Geass]]'' when Ohgi leads the Black Knights to betray Zero. The moral here is supposed to be that Zero failed to trust in his troops. It doesn't really work out when the Knights are ready to betray Zero, a leader who has brought them years of victory, after a 2 minute speech from Schneizel, someone known in universe as a massively untrustworthy [[Magnificent Bastard]].
== Comic Books ==
* [[The Incredible Hulk|Bruce Banner]]; [[The Fantastic Four|Ben Grimm]]; [[Man-Thing|Dr. Ted Sallis]]. Just three examples of characters trapped in monstrous, inhuman forms that are more curse than benefit, through no fault of their own, but because [[Status Quo]] trumps all in Marvel, none of them will ever be truly human again.
== Film ==
* In ''[[Back to The Future]]'', someone put a "Kick Me" sign on George McFly's back. As he walks down a hallway, half of the students are kicking him and the other half are laughing at him. Principal Strickland chews out George for the whole thing.
** [[Truth in Television|You've never attended an American high school, have you?]]
*** Of course, the idea that Biff actually gets away with [[Attempted Rape]] later is a much bigger example.
== Literature ==
* One plot point of C. S. Lewis' ''[[The Chronicles of Narnia|The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe]]'' that's always been plenty annoying for readers is that Edmund Pevensie is allocated the demeaning role of the "traitor" who has to perform a [[Heel Face Turn]], with many allegorical readings even going so far as to compare him to [[The Bible|Judas Iscariot]]. In fact, a careful reading of the book makes clear that while, yes, Edmund's actions did amount to a betrayal of Aslan, outside of the context of the story Edmund never did anything wrong. Indeed, he's [[The Woobie|one of the more sympathetic and put-upon characters in the story]], being treated as ''persona non grata'' by his older brother and sister simply for being the youngest of the siblings (and, to their credit, they eventually do admit that they were cruel to him), of course the White Witch would seem a kindly figure to him! Why should he suspect that the White Witch is villainous when he's never been to Narnia, and how can anyone accuse him of betraying Aslan when he had never even met Aslan?
** Not to mention, he was practically [[Mind Control]]led by turkish delight.
* Crossing over with [[Values Dissonance]], the behavior of the staff at [[Harry Potter|Hogwarts]] would get them immediately fired by almost any school in the Western world. From harassment and emotional abuse of students to blatant classroom bias to arbitrarily harsh punishments bordering on criminally actionable to outright ''academic sabotage''<ref>Snape's destroying of Harry's properly made potions assignments and then marking him as a 'zero' for allegedly not turning any in, in book 4</ref>, clearly it is only Hogwarts' status as a government-protected monopoly that actually keeps people voluntarily sending their children there.
** Let's not forget that during the time period covered by the novels, even if we leave out the academic year that occurred during an active wartime occupation we ''still'' average at least one attempted murder on-campus per year.
== Live-Action TV ==
* In the movie ''[[Lemonade Mouth]]'', the principal of the school berates a band for preaching a message against him, and threatens to discipline them severely if they ever sing or even hum at school again.
* ''[[Kyle XY]]'', episode "Free to Be You and Me". The school refuses to allow gay couples into the dance. Teaches a moral about tolerance of gays, but totally fails to consider that the result of such a policy would be for some parent to call up the ACLU, who would then give the school an ultimatum.
** Which is roughly what happened in April 2010, in a [[Real Life]] case of this event happening. Prom was officially cancelled and unofficially a group of parents established a separate private party and invited all of the straight kids there as well as teachers who acted as chaperones. It's splitting hairs, but legally somewhat distinct.
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** This is at one point subverted. After Buffy was expelled and Snyder refused to let her back Giles threatened to make a formal complaint. Snyder tells him to take it to the school board. Giles tells him he was thinking of the state supreme court. This leads to a compromise.
*** Actually it doesn't. Snyder still refused and only relented after Giles basically threatened to beat the crap out of him.
** Being fair, Snyder was originally the vice-principal, and in the typical high school administration the traditional role of the vice-principal/dean of students is to be the Bad Cop in [[Good Cop, Bad Cop]].
* ''[[iCarly]]'': First, how the teachers at the school behave towards the students, but don't get into trouble. One example would be in "iHave My Principals" where one of the teachers gives Gibby a detention for '''being too Gibby''', and they introduce uniforms in about a day. And an elaborate surveillance system.
** Secondly, how Sam has managed to not get expelled. This is at its worst in the early episodes where Sam is a major bully. In the later episodes, you have to wonder how she even manages to pass through the grades, considering Sam appears to fail every class, is lazy, never does homework, and actively aggravates her teachers. This is after being held back once already in third grade.
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** Speaking of Sam, one has to wonder why she hasn't been taken from her mother by Social Services by now. We discover that Mrs. Puckett, among other things, has driven to school while blind to pick up her daughter, doesn't do much of anything besides sleep all day, Sam mentions that her mom doesn't feed her (whether it's truth or exaggeration is never fully revealed, but she ''does'' eat at Carly's a lot), the police have been to her apartment ''numerous'' times to do searches... And Sam frequently mentions these things to Carly and Freddy, and within earshot of Spencer, who is a legal adult and should probably call the police! Yet absolutely ''nothing'' is done about her horrible home-situation.
* Pretty much every soap opera or "drama show" on TV. In order to drive the conflict, no one ever calls the police for something like breaking and entering.
* Last episode of ''Masters of Science Fiction'' (''"Watchbird''"), DVD-only and broadcast in the UK. A guy invents an artificially-intelligent mechanical bird that can fly around on its own and attack, and even kill, people who may be about to commit crimes. They get deployed. In the USA. The present-day USA. Anyone who tried that would be jumped on in a minute by all sorts of civil rights groups. The episode also heavily falls into [[Misapplied Phlebotinum]] territory ([[A.I. Is a Crapshoot|imagine what else]] you could use AIs for) and [[No Plans, No Prototype, No Backup]] (the system is designed so that only the one programmer and nobody else can reprogram the birds).
* In ''[[True Blood]]'', how the hell is the Fellowship of the Sun not on the FBI's Most Wanted list after sending a friggin' suicide bomber to a vampire gathering, and then gloating about it on public television? It's clear that vampires are considered people under the law, and there were many human participants in any case.
* A skit on the 1980s updated version of ''[[The Mickey Mouse Club]]'' takes place in a supermarket, where an adolescent girl working at the checkout line is forced to deal with an item scanner endowed with a ridiculous level of artificial intelligence; the scanner has a [[Jerkass]] personality and keeps insulting shoppers in its obnoxious robotic voice (calling them fat, saying they have bad breath, etc.). The hapless girl gets blamed for all this rudeness (despite, you know, [[Captain Obvious|not actually being a robot]]), and is finally fired by her supervisor (although by that point she's almost ''happy'' to be fired, since she won't have to put up with the asshole computer anymore). It was obviously [[Played for Laughs]], though.
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* In ''[[Dominic Deegan]]'', assault doesn't seem to be a crime in Callan. Siegfried assaulted Dominic multiple times and faced no consequences. And it's not even a case of a corrupt government protecting one of their own. Taz attacked a guy with a garbage can for saying his music sucked and he's a massive anti-authoritarian, while Melna, a despised ethnic minority, routinely assaulted Dominic and faced no charges.
** Taz has been shown as being bailed out of jail in a recent strip where he assaulted Dominic, but given the relative mildness of the assault, this may be [[Rule of Funny]].
== Web Original ==
* In ''[[Survival of the Fittest]]'', Danya managing to get away with extremely high profile abductions of hundreds of high school kids (including the child of a vice president, in one version), and keeping the game on the air for periods that can be upwards of two weeks without getting tracked down. In version two, the island ''was'' tracked down, but only just after the game ended. Equally, earlier versions had a couple of villainous characters who were insane prior to the game to the point that they most definitely should have been committed.
** In version one, some of said villains ''were'' committed and subsequently broken out by the terrorists or escaped on their own. However, the other three versions have drifted away from that with the narrower focus.
* Parodied in ''[[The Onion]]'': [http://www.theonion.com/articles/romanticcomedy-behavior-gets-reallife-man-arrested,757/ "Romantic-Comedy Behavior Gets Real-Life Man Arrested"].
== Western Animation ==
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* Subverted in an episode of ''[[Daria]]'': When the school alters Daria and Jane's poster, and then attempts to display the altered poster in an art show over their protests, they take action by destroying it. Principal Li calls Daria's mother, Helen, who, despite having earlier agreed with Li on the issue, gets an [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|awesome]] [[Mama Bear]] moment:
{{quote|'''Helen:''' All right Ms. Li, let me make sure I have this straight. You took my daughter's poster from her, altered its content, exhibited it against her will and are now threatening discipline because you claim she defaced her own property which you admit to stealing? Ms. Li, are you familiar with the phrase: "violation of civil liberties?" And the phrase: "big fat lawsuit?"}}
** Another good example is the season five episode ''"Fizz Ed''" in which Ms. Li effectively allows the school to be used as a cash cow by a soda company. [[Hilarity Ensues|Her antics continue to the extent]] that even [[The Snark Knight|Daria]] herself can't ignore it and makes an official complaint. Interestingly enough, the episode's [[An Aesop|Aesop]] was somewhat centered around this trope, or rather, combating it. Daria was forced to admit that there were many things she perceived to be morally wrong in the world, but she never did anything about them, she just made sarcastic comments and it never solved anything.
* ''[[Danny Phantom]]'' has its protagonist undergo bullying that counts as physical assault. People get shoved in lockers, physically beaten, and the mascot is hung from the goalposts. For at least two hours. Add in the blatant favoritism shown to the football players and popular kids by the school system, and Casper High is BEGGING for a lawsuit...
** In one episode, a teacher told Dash to get Danny into shape, and he replied "Is 'broken in half' considered a shape?", so it's not just that the teachers never see it.
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** On the other hand, there didn't seem to be anyone obstructing the giant public gay orgy used to protest the future immigrants. Those guys must have been violating at least a couple of indecency laws.
*** Unless actual violence or destruction of property is going on, police departments occasionally develop selective blindness when it comes to large, excitable crowds of people engaging in behavior that is technically illegal. For example, while walking down the streets of Chicago puffing on a marijuana joint is normally a good way to get acquainted with the county lockup, whenever they had a Grateful Dead concert around here virtually the entire audience would be full of tens of thousands of people puffing away -- and the Chicago PD, who were working crowd control, would repeatedly fail to notice anything. The reason, of course, is that trying to arrest an entire large crowd that isn't already in the process of rioting is a great way to ''start'' a riot, and the cops would rather not have the grief.
* So why hasn't Mr. Crocker of ''[[The Fairly OddParents]]'' been fired? Literally everyone in his class (except for AJ) is failing, he's thought to be mentally insane by pretty much everyone thatwho doesn't have fairies (and even those that do still think he has issues), and he's known to be out rightoutright abusive to his students (when March 15, the anniversary of the worst day of his life, rolls around you run). Also despite all of this, it's implied that he's got the highest salary he can get (it was used as a bit of a [[Hand Wave]] to explain why he could afford his fairy hunting gear, but still!).
** Wait, [[Julius Caesar|March 15?]]
** This was handwaved in one episode in which he mentioned in passing that he had tenure. This was his justification for going on with an experiment that would kill a human subject, to prove that Timmy's "parents" were fairies.
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** This is more a character flaw than anything really. They managed to convince her that all of that was just an accident and they really were trying to be good students, honest! She's always shown to be very forgiving and they really played the right notes with her. Noticeably, when she realizes what's going on and how she's been tricked she let's the girls rain down dodgeball-based vengeance upon them.
* ''[[Total Drama]]''. No matter how sadistic or life threatening the challenges get, Chris still gets away with abusing several teens on international television. No law enforcement official ever steps in, nor do the kids' parents. Even when he's shown ''killing interns'' onscreen, no one seems to care.
* Inverted in ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'', where it's usually the heroes, their family members, and their neighbors who do most of the things that buck social convention, cause massive property damage and endanger lives. Often without consequences beyond maybe having to make an apology and occasionally doing a few extra chores. Sometimes, they even get ''thanked'' after doing stuff like destroy a major social event.
** If you're referring to the Grand Galloping Gala, the person thanking them for destroying said major social event is the same person who invited them there specifically for the purpose of having their personal brand of chaos turn the place upside down. Admittedly, she didn't ''tell'' them that's what they were there for, but its entirely understandable that a person who deliberately schemed for a certain outcome then shows gratitude and pleasure at having received said outcome. One can only imagine that if the opinion of the ''rest'' of the Gala guests had been solicited, it would have been distinctly unfavorable.
** Equestria has a culture that makes forgiveness and tolerance two of its highest virtues, and holding onto a grudge past its (very short) sell-by date into one of its worst sins. Equestria also has a hostile form of magical wildlife that feeds off of lingering hatred and resentment and can rapidly reduce an entire country to a frozen wasteland if allowed to reproduce out of control, so denying them a regular food supply is a matter of critical importance. [[Fridge Brilliance|Fans have speculated that these two things are related.]]
[[Category:Sociology Tropes]]
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