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Angels, Devils, and Squid: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[Sandman Slim]]''
* ''[[World of Warcraft]]'' similarly plays with this trope. It has Angels in form of the Naaru (who look like giant glowing wind chimes, but are still the good guys), the Burning Legion for the Devils (some of whom match the classic demon descriptions along with some original designs), and the Old Gods and Faceless Ones for the Squid.
* ''[[The Dresden Files]]'' actually ''does'' feature angels, devils, [[Eldritch Abomination]]s, the [[Fair Folk]], and the three Billy Goats Gruff.<ref>They're Titania's personal assassins, since you ask.</ref> This means they have to take time to specify the difference between ordinary demons and [[Fallen Angel]]s, and why demon-summoning is allowed under the Laws of Magic but summoning Outsiders is most certainly ''not''.
** Demon-summoning (as in calling up demons for information) is technically allowed, as is bargaining to get, for example, a squad of mercenary pixies for the day in exchange for a dozen pizzas. Enthralling (as in crushing free will) is one of the few laws that protects nonhuman entities, mostly because people who enslave demons do not make them volunteer at the soup kitchen. But even trying to ''learn'' about the things beyond the Outer Gates is an instant death penalty.
* ''C.J. Carella's [[Witchcraft]]'' RPG has this in full force, and it comes to a head with the sequel game ''Armageddon'' where the Angels and Devils [[Strange Bedfellows|have to join the Pagan Gods and other normal supernaturals]] to fight off a colossally powerful [[Eldritch Abomination]] and its [[Dark Messiah]]'s [[Religion of Evil]].
* The [[Nightside]] has this going on in droves, but with an emphasis on the "Squid" more than the other two. Book 2 has a blend of all three, and devils make more appearances than angels, but in a place where [[Eldritch Abomination]]s walk the streets... yeah.
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* Downplayed in ''[[Disgaea]]'' games. There are angels, devils, and aliens, but the angels might have faults, the devils might be not so evil, and the aliens aren't quite alien. All of them look very human, and the story usually revolves around a devil protagonist.
* In ''[[Kid Icarus: Uprising]]'', the player character, Pit, is the Angel, the Devils are {{spoiler|[[Card-Carrying Villain|Hades]] and [[Knight Templar|Viridi]]}}, and the Squid are {{spoiler|[[Starfish Aliens|the Aurum]]}}. Bit of a subversion, as the Angel and Devil factions [[Enemy Mine|team up against the squid]].
* ''[[The Dresden Files]]'' actually ''does'' feature angels, devils, [[Eldritch Abomination]]s, the [[Fair Folk]], and the three Billy Goats Gruff.<ref>They're Titania's personal assassins, since you ask.</ref> This means they have to take time to specify the difference between ordinary demons and [[Fallen Angel]]s, and why demon-summoning is allowed under the Laws of Magic but summoning Outsiders is most certainly ''not''.
** Demon-summoning (as in calling up demons for information) is technically allowed, as is bargaining to get, for example, a squad of mercenary pixies for the day in exchange for a dozen pizzas. Enthralling (as in crushing free will) is one of the few laws that protects nonhuman entities, mostly because people who enslave demons do not make them volunteer at the soup kitchen. But even trying to ''learn'' about the things beyond the Outer Gates is an instant death penalty.
==Tabletop Games==
* Possibly the case in [[Dungeons & Dragons]]. Originally there was no concept of good and evil, just order and chaos. The gods were opposed by infinite demons from a place called the Abyss, which wrecked all their works. They created angels to fight the demons for them and some of those angels, while remaining loyal to the concept of order, became as destructive and cruel as the demons they faced, seeing it as necessary to do their jobs. They became the first Devils. So now there were both [[Lawful Evil]] devils, who want to take over the universe, and [[Chaotic Evil]] demons, who want to destroy it. [[Unreliable Narrator|Or so the story goes, anyway]]; [[The Rashomon|it's just one of many versions of the creation myth]]...
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