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World of Warcraft/Tropes I-P: Difference between revisions

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* [[Macross Missile Massacre]]: Several Alliance aircraft certainly qualify; Mages using [[Doppelganger Attack|Mirror Image]] are a slightly more arcane version.
** An early Alliance quest in Northrend requires the player to defend an excavation site from gargoyles. The plane's [[Macross Missile Massacre]] even [[Roboteching|Robotechs]] to the targets.
* [[Made a Slave]]: Happens to the player twice:
** In the Uldum questline, it happens to the player and Adarrah when you escort her caravan into the zone. Fortunately, Adarrah is able to pick locks and the Neferset are [[The Guards Must Be Crazy|too stupid to confiscate your gear.]] (Of course, you can escape via your Hearthstone if you're callous enough to abandon Adarrah, but completing the quest requires you to escape the old fashioned way.)
** In ''Legion'', it happens during the Azsuna quest line. After the player is used as an [[Unwitting Pawn]] (as always) by Athissa, she has the other Naga bring him/her to the Slave Pits. Unlike the example in Uldum example, the guards are rather competent, and the player ''cannot'' escape on his own. [[The Atoner|Prince Faronidis]] helps with that. (''Not'' a [[Deus Ex Machina]], as the player assumes the role of Farondis.)
** Naturally, Thrall's entire backstory revolves around this trope and winning his freedom. (His name is a pretty blatant indication.)
* [[Made of Explodium]]: Goblin Technology.
* [[Made of Phlebotinum]]: ''[[World of Warcraft]]'' seems more [[Made of Phlebotinum]] than most fantasy worlds, what with all its [[Magitek|magically-powered civilizations]] and [[Cool Starship|crystal planeships]] and such.
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* [[Metal Detector Puzzle]]: Digging fragments for Archaeology involves surveying a dig-site, which places a scope and indicator light on the ground. The scope's direction, and the color of the light give a vague idea where the fragments are.
* [[Miles Gloriosus]]: Kingslayer Orkus. {{spoiler|At least, at first. Thanks to some [[Character Development]], he [[Becoming the Boast|becomes the boast]] and performs a [[Heroic Sacrifice]] so the player can get Alliance war plans back to Horde command, thus becoming the hero he had always dreamed of being.}}
* [[Military Moonshiner]]: One quest line you undertake in the Nesingwary Base Camp involves you and the mess sergeant "inventing" a mana restoring potion called "Kungaloosh", which consists of bananas, oranges, and papayas boiled with rum in a homemade still. (Tamara compares it to engine degreaser, but it seems okay for everyone else.) {{spoiler|This unlocks a "hidden" quest to obtain the recipe for it from a drunk in the Dalaran sewers, where you can make it with easily-obtainable fruit from a vendor.}}
* [[Mind Control]]: Tons of examples among the various NPCs and bosses, both in the lore and in the game itself. There is also a spell available to the Priest class that lets them take control of other players/monsters for a short while.
* [[Minor Injury Overreaction]]: In Nagrand, Harold Lane gets a scratch and is found dying in his tent; the other members of his hunting party generally ignore him, and after players complete a number of quests for him, he [[Unexplained Recovery|miraculously recovers]].
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