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* [[Not Worth Killing]]: One has to wonder why so many minor threats are allowed to exist in the starting areas, which are near major capitals, instead of being wiped out to secure the area. In the case of the Frostmane Trolls south of Anvilmar, the Dwarves simply don't consider them a major threat, focusing more on the Troggs, the still warring Dark Iron Dwarves, and the other Trolls.
** Arthas plays with this, as a necromancer he wants to kill the mightiest warriors in Azeroth, and raise them as part of his undead army; so unlike other cases of this trope where the killer doesn't feel the victim is worth the time or effort to kill, he spends a lot of time and effort looking for the strongest warriors, and using challenges to make them [[I Need You Stronger|as strong as possible]] before killing them.
* [[Number of the Beast]]: Hogger, an Elite who lurks around Elwynn Forest, has exactly 666 health. Of course, that really isn't much, but Hogger has been the subject of a lot of [[Memetic Mutation]], [[In -Universe]] and out. (As the first Elite likely encountered by Human characters, he has the reputation of killing beginner players' characters, as they can make the mistake of horribly underestimating him and get themselves killed quickly.) Same deal with Old Icebeard and Flat Tusk, who can be just as bad for Dwarf and Horde players, respectively.)
* [[Obvious Beta]]: A more mild example. The game was playable but there were still a lot of bugs and issues with balancing, and in some cases, the developers intentionally left things as an [[Obvious Beta]] so that they can go rework it or add more stuff in a later patch. Some of these include:
** The endboss of a lot of raids was intentionally made [[Unwinnable by Design|unwinnable]] so that players wouldn't storm through the dungeon so fast and be on the boards complaining that there's nothing to do. Nefarian was not even ''completely coded'' into the game yet, but when he was, it turned out to be worth the wait.
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{{quote|"I punched a penguin on my way in here."}}
** While he may suck at being evil, the Champion does go into confession just to tell the priestess that he punched a penguin. Not to apologize.
* [[Poisonous Person]]: Any Boss who has an attack involving Fel Sludge qualifies. This green slime is Chaos in liquid form, and touching it does a lot of damage. Some bosses can spew the stuff, making even getting near them difficult.
* [[Porn Stash]]:
** The ''Steamy Romance Novel'' series. The first one is innocent enough, a cheap paperback about a paladin ("Marcus") romancing a merchant, although the fourth page says, "the writing goes on for several hundred pages without advancing the point". Other books in the series show him being seduced by women of other races of Azeroth, some of them believable (where he's seduced by night blood elves and a draeni), but others of questionable taste (where the seducer is Forsaken, goblin, or Tauren) to the outright bizarre (succubus, naga, and robots). There's always something keeping you from reading the whole story, like requiring lvl 900 or the tome itself being ruined; in one case, it says you stop reading out of disgust.
** It's kind of an [[Easter Egg]], but {{spoiler|once you complete Icecrown Citadel with an Alliance player and unlock the gnome merchant Brazie Getz (you know, [[Shout Out|whatever you]] [[Lethal Weapon|whatever you need, Brazi gets]]) he sells something called "Brazie's Black Book of Secrets" with five such publications, and you can ''read'' them. It's pretty racy stuff. (It will [[Gold Sink|set you back 22K gold]], but much like real magazines of this type, [[https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/5889220727 you can read them on the web.)]] Unfortunately, the Horde equivalent has nothing similar.}}
* PortalNetwork: A fairly extensive one has slowly grown up over the years, allowing rapid travel around the game world. Typically, each expansion has a "capital city" with portals to all the main cities such as Stormwind and Orgrimmar, as well as the previous capitals (Ashran, from ''Draenor'', only had the original 3 main ones, due to being hastily pressed into this job - however, the ''Pandaria'' capitals still had all their old portals working).capitals. Stormwind and Orgrimmar also have portals to the major areas from ''Cataclysm'', and all cities have portals going to the original ''Burning Crusade'' version of Hellfire Peninsula. In ''Legion'', the updated Dalaran now has ''two'' portal areas - one with portals to all the original cities, along with the ''Pandaria'' capital, and one that has portals to plot-important areas, such as Wyrmrest Temple, Karazhan, the Caverns of time, Shattrath, and even the original Dalaran site (though for that one you materialize dozens of feet in the air, and land with about 99% of your health gone - fortunately, nothing around there can really hurt you). site. About the only place you can't get to is the original Northrend!Dalaran, which you shouldn't be able to anyway for storytelling reasons (the Wyrmrest portal is supposed to take its place, and the Pandaria capital still has the Northrend!Dalaran portal)
* [[Poor Communication Kills]]: Probably the main reason why the Alliance and the Horde are at war now. Of course, there are many renegade groups within both factions (but mostly within the Horde) who want just that to happen. The novels and the comics make that especially obvious.
* [[Potty Failure]]: Silverpine's orc sea dogs when intoxicated.
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