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* Solymr to his master King Magnus in ''[[Heroes of Might and Magic]]'' ''IV''. Back when Magnus was still a good man, he freed Solymr from his prison. The grateful genie swore to serve Magnus for as long as he walked the world, not knowing that Magnus was immortal. Unfortunately, Magnus was unhinged by the destruction of their original world that forced the survivors to move to Axeoth. [[The Evils of Free Will|Blaming free will]], Magnus devoted himself to perfecting [[Mind Control]] [[Magitek]] that would give him power over all of Axeoth to ensure that the tragedy that destroyed his previous kingdom and world would never happen again. Solymr disagreed with this course of action, but remained loyal to Magnus out of lingering gratitude, sympathy, and the fact that he was bound by his oath. In the "Price of Freedom" campaign, Solymr eventually realizes that Magnus needs to be stopped and uses the loophole that [[Exact Words|Magnus technically isn't walking on their original world but on a new one]] to break free of his servitude and join [[The Hero|Emilia Nighthaven]].
* Both {{spoiler|Mr. Mach}} and {{spoiler|Baryl}} are this in ''[[Mega Man Battle Network]] 6''. Neither of them are evil, but they both owe a debt of loyalty to Dr. Wily; the former also serves out of loyalty to the latter.
* [[Red BaronSobriquet|Yellow]] [[Designated Villain|Thirteen]] in ''[[Ace Combat 04 Shattered Skies]]''. Through the [[Epilogue Letter|story told during the game]], you find out that he didn't agree with the occupation, but fought because of the [[Undying Loyalty|loyalty]] [[My Country, Right or Wrong|he had for his country.]] [[Anti-Villain|He protected a kid in the country that his had invaded,]] even letting him go when he found him aiding [[La Résistance|the Resistance.]] [[A Father to His Men|He watched over everyone in squad]], and bragged about not how many planes he shot down, but how he never lost anyone in his squad. [[Tear Jerker|Until you show up.]] You shoot down his [[Implied Love Interest|possible love interest]] [[Action Girl|Yell]][[Token Minority|ow 4]], because [[Smurfette Principle|her]] [[The Determinator|plane was damaged right before she went up.]]
* ''[[Fire Emblem Tellius]]'': the Black Knight/{{spoiler|General Zelgius}} thinks he's a Noble Top Enforcer, but despite his sympathetic motivations, he's still a crazed [[Blood Knight]] who cut down his teacher for no better reason than to see if he had surpassed him. His [[Co-Dragons|Co Dragon]], General Bryce of Daien is a straight example, being an [[Anti-Villain|Antivillainous]] [[My Country, Right or Wrong|patriot]] who fights to the death to protect a monarchy that no longer represents his beliefs. Ike himself notes that Bryce, unlike every other Daien soldier he's faced, fought fairly and honourably. In the sequel, The Black Knight's own Dragon, Levail, is one of these, being a naive young man who suffers from [[Honour Before Reason]] and [[My Master, Right or Wrong]], and honestly sees the Black Knight as a [[Knight in Shining Armour]] (something Levail himself is much closer to). Both of them are [[Optional Boss]]es and killing them is quite sad. Indeed, there are enough similarities (they even use the same [[Blade on a Stick]] as their [[Weapon of Choice]]) that one could argue Levail is an [[Expy]] of Bryce.
* The lightside Bounty Hunter in ''[[Star Wars: The Old Republic]]'' can come across as this, especially during the third chapter.
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