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See also [[The Cameo]] and [[A Boy and His X]]. Compare [[Mons]] and [[Summon Magic]], where the entire point is summoning others to fight for you. Contrast [[It's Up to You]], where you do everything without any kind of help.
== [[Fighting Game]]s ==
* The [[Ur Example]] is in Data East's ''[[The Avengers (Comic Book)|Avengers]] in Galactic Storm''.
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** ''[[Marvel vs. Capcom Clash of the Superheroes]]'' has several dedicated Assist Partners taken from both Marvel and Capcom libraries. In the arcade and Dreamcast versions, they can be chosen as the third team member and had a limited number of assists that varied by character. In the [[PlayStation]], you can choose an assist from the main roster or the assist roster as your second partner, because of the 1on1 battles. Aside from this, [[Captain Commando]] is assisted by Mac, Ginzu and Baby Head; [[Cyberbots: Full Metal Madness|Jin]] is assisted by [[Humongous Mecha|Blodia]] and ''[[Mega Man (video game)|Mega Man]]'' is assisted by Rush.
** In ''[[Marvel vs. Capcom 2]]'' along with the Sabretooth, [[Captain Commando]], Jin and [[Mega Man (video game)|Mega Man]] examples, [[Resident Evil|Jill Valentine]] can summon [[Eldritch Abomination|Tyrant]] and zombies; [[Mega Man Legends|Tron Bonne]] is assisted by her Servbots; and Servbot is assisted by... more Servbots.
** In ''[[Marvel vs. Capcom 3]]'', Tron is again assisted by Servbots, [[Viewtiful Joe]] is assisted by Sexy Silvia and Felicia can summon little cat girls. In ''Ultimate'', there's also [[Hawkeye]], who's assisted by Ant-Man/Giant-Man in his Level 3, Firebrand, who summons a Red Arremer in his level 3(similar to the example of Felicia), and [[Ace Attorney|Phoenix Wright]], who can summon Maya with several of his moves and the Judge in one of them.
** In ''[[Capcom vs. SNK Millennium Fight 2000]]'', [[Samurai Shodown|Nakoruru]] is assisted by her hawk Mamahaha.
** In ''[[Capcom vs. SNK 2 Mark of the Millennium]]'', aside of Nakoruru, [[Rival Schools|Kyosuke]] is assisted by Batsu and Hinata; [[The King of Fighters|Chang]] shares his moveset with Choi; [[Street Fighter III|Yun]] is assisted by Yang; (carried over to ''[[Street Fighter Alpha|Street Fighter Alpha 3 MAX]]'') and Rolento is assisted by El Gado. (Akin to his ''[[Street Fighter Alpha]]'' incarnations)
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* Several characters in ''[[Darkstalkers]]'' have friends they can summon using special moves:
** Felicia: The [[Cat Girl| catgirls]] who appear in her Please Help Me special. They each even have [[All There in the Manual| names, home states, and a couple sentences worth of backstory]].
** Anakaris: Khaibit, the toothy-grinned restligeist who appears in several of his attacks and animations; also, he can summon a team of mummified harem girls with one of his Super Combos.f
** Lord Raptor: Le Malta, who appears during his Hell Dunk and Dark Force moves.
** Sasquatch: He has a whale, explosive penguins, and a pack of dogs, who appear in some of his moves.
** Huitzil: In ''Vampire Savior 2'', one of his specials consists of three other Huitzil units coming down to assist him with [[Beam Spam]] moves.
** B.B. Hood: John and Arthur, the two bulky hunters that appear in her Dark Hunt Super Combo.
* ''[[Kinnikuman: Muscle Fight]]''
** Mr. Nakano can call upon his wife, Kimiko, in one of his supers. Kimiko proceeds to slap the hell out of her foe, which hurts a lot.
** Since Jean Steamboard and Emperor Mode Beauty Rhodes are a tag team during the American Tour arc, they can call each other in some of their moves in Muscle Fight.
** Specialman shows up in some of Canadianman's attacks and even has a combination attack with him.
** Buffaloman calls upon the other Devil Choujin during one of his supers. They viciously attack the foe before Buffaloman ends the move by launching Springman at the foe with a Spring Bazooka. Springman can call Buffaloman in, so Springman can perform the Spring Bazooka attack.
** Puripuriman does the same thing with his fellow Devil Choujin in one of his supers. Puripuriman can also call Springman in another super move.
** Pentagon can summon Black Hole since they're a tag team during the Dream Tag Tournament arc.
** Dr. Bombe can call upon Geronimo, Warsman, and Mongolman in a few of his supers.
** Dirty Baron can call upon his fellow Goku'aku Choujin for a few of his attacks.
** Kinnikuman Zebra can summon Parthenon. Parthenon can be thrown as a projectile, can be used as an assistant for the Canvas Presser attack, or can be used as a way to change forms.
** Haniwaman can call upon Haniwa Satan in a few of his attacks.
== Other [[Video Games]] ==
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** ''[[Endless Frontier]]'' has the Personal Troopers who can perform assisting attacks to any character, and also helps in some of Haken's [[Limit Break]]s. ''EXCEED'' adds even more characters that join the party but aren't playable. But they can be "equipped" to perform assist attacks.
* ''[[Lunar]]'' games has the party accompanied by a baby dragon - Nall in the first game, Ruby in the second. Rather than directly participating in fights, they fly back and forth in the background of the battlefield, and occasionally jumps in at the end of a turn to assist in some way. Specifically, Nall sometimes revives fallen party members, and Ruby sometimes attacks enemies. If anyone in the party is suffering a status effect at the end of a fight in the first game, Nall also cures them automatically.
* The first ''[[X-Men]]'' video game for the Sega Genesis had four playable characters: Wolverine, Cyclops, Gambit, and Nightcrawler. However, the players could also summon Rogue, Iceman, Archangel, and Storm once per level as backup. Most of them had attacks that cleared the screen or did devastating damage to a single enemy; however, Iceman would build ice bridges across gaps or dangerous areas. If you fell off the screen anyway (or got too far separated in a two-player game), Jean Grey would appear and use telekinesis to fly you to safety, or your partner's side (though in the former case, there would be a significant cost to your health).
* The [[Gundam vs. Series]], starting with ''Gundam vs Gundam'', adds Mobile Assists, with the number of uses being determined by how powerful the assistance is. ''Gundam Extreme Vs.'' retains assists, but they're non-standard; typically a unit has one only if it doesn't have enough standard weapons to fill out its moveset. Additionally, in ''Extreme Vs.'', some machines regain Assists over time (just like standard ammo "reloading" in these games) while others only get X uses per life.
* [[Scott Pilgrim (video game)|The Scott Pilgrim videogame]] has this with Knives Chau. If you beat her father as a bonus boss, you can summon him too.
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* In ''[[Captain America and The Avengers]]'', [[The Wasp]] appears to assist during the [[Unexpected Shmup Level]]s.
* In the Famicom ''[[Star Wars]]'' game by Namco, R2-D2, Obi-Wan, C-3PO, Leia, Chewbacca and Han Solo can be summoned for assistance after being rescued.
* ''[[Rockman 6: Unique Harassment]]''
** [[Mega Man 3|Spark Man]] summons an evil doppleganger of Mega Man during his second phase.
** [[Mega Man 4|Pharaoh Man]] summons Search Snakes in his first phase and Sunstar during his second phase.
** [[Mega Man 6|Tomahawk Man]] and the Tomahawk Assist ability lets Mega Man and Tomahawk Man summon birds to assist them in combat.
** [[Mega Man 5|Napalm Man]] summons two Boobeam traps during his second phase.
** [[Dragon Quest IV|Estark]] summons a pair of Healies in his second phase.
** The Giant Metool summons Metools during its boss fight.
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