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Space Quest: Difference between revisions

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* [[Betting Minigame]]: The slot machine in the bar in the original game.
** Turned into a frustrating [[Luck-Based Mission]] due to the fact that you could randomly get three skulls, which ''[[Have a Nice Death|kills you]]''. You are ''literally required'' to [[Save Scumming]] to get past this part. There's a device you can use to cheat it in the VGA remake (which, of course, robs you of the points you get for doing it legitimately).
* [[Big Bad]]: Sludge Vohaul; he is behind the [[Evil Plan]] in the first game, but does not appear in person until the second.
* [[Bling Bling Bang]]: In his fantasies as a macho space ranger in the Space Quest Companion Roger always carries a pair of pearl-handled laser guns.
* [[Body Horror]] - The poor souls wandering the streets of Xenon in [[Space Quest]] 4, given a lobotomy and fixed with headgear that keeps their eyes permanatly wired open. All they can manage for speech is a scream. A second example is the pukoid mutation of Space Quest 5.
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* [[Earthshattering Kaboom]]: The Star Generator in the first game, in itself a subtle take on the more famous Death Star. Of course, as originally envisioned, the Star Generator would do just that: generate stars. It was designed ( {{spoiler|actually cribbed from a weapon designed by Vohaul}}) to save Xenon, as the planet's sun was burning out.
* [[Easter Egg]]: There is at least one hidden in most of the games.
* [[Evil Cripple]]: Vohaul had a habit of [[Professor Guinea Pig| testing his experiments on himself]], and the repeated mistakes had taken their toll, reducing him to a barely mobile, deformed, and obese creature on life support.
* [[Explosive Breeder]]: The Space Monkeys from ''Space Quest V'', when mixed with alcohol.
* [[Explosive Decompression]]: [[Have a Nice Death|Sudden decompression sucks]].
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* [[Fan Sequel]]: plenty of them, too.
* [[Fantastic Voyage]]
* [[Fat Bastard]]: Describes Sludge Vohaul perfectly. Both Roger and the [[Interactive Narrator]] tend to sling fat jokes at him a lot.
* [[Fungus Humongous]]: The fungus world in Space Quest V.
* [[Genetic Engineering Is the New Nuke]]: "Genetix -- we play God, so you don't have to."
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* [[Nonstandard Game Over]]: Deleting ''Space Quest IV'' from the supercomputer immediately quits to operating system, with no warning. Also, trying things the game designers didn't anticipate.
* [[Press Start to Game Over]]: Provides the page quote.
* [[Professor Guinea Pig]]: The reason Sludge Vohaul is an ugly, deformed, cripple.
* [[Product Placement]]: The Sprint logo in communication transmissions in ''Space Quest V''.
* [[Recycled in Space]]: The series is the snarkier, raunchier, and somewhat [[Darker and Edgier]] little brother of [[King's Quest]], [[Zig-Zagging Trope|taking on sci-fi tropes]] where King's Quest took on fantasy ones.
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* [[Ridiculous Future Sequelisation]]: ''Space Quest IV'', with its [[Time Travel]] theme, labelled its various time periods using sequel numbers. The post-apocalyptic future into which Roger was initially thrown is identified as "Space Quest XII"; the galactic mall in the "Space Quest X" period also tosses a reference to ''King's Quest XXXXVIII: The Quest For More Disk Space'' (back in the days before CD-ROM drives) stated to be by "Roberta Williams III".
* [[Right Man in the Wrong Place]]: Pretty much sums up Roger's place in most of the games.
* [[Save Scumming]]: The hint book recommends you do this as frequently as possible, and it's easy to see why.
* [[Series Continuity Error]]: Whether it's deliberate is debatable, but the Terminator-style robots in 3 and 5 are out to kill Roger because he forgot to pay for a mail-order whistle he received for free in the second game. With compounded interest (and the fact that Roger went into cryogenic sleep between games 2 and 3), the bounty on Roger's head is stated to be over 400,000 buckazoids.
** ''The Space Quest Companion'' [[Hand Wave|Hand Waved]] the coupon as a gift for a public television pledge which Roger (obviously) never followed through on. The Gippazoid Novelty Company which advertises the whistles also makes the "death slot machines" which the player was required to beat in the first game; not exactly the most trustworthy company in the galaxy....
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