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Killed Mid-Sentence: Difference between revisions

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== Live -Action TV ==
* Malcolm Reynolds from ''[[Firefly]]'' wasted no time in shooting Dobson while the latter was in the middle of a [[Put Down Your Gun and Step Away]] moment. [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|Without even breaking stride.]]
{{quote|I'm not playing anymore! Anyone so much as'''''BANG'''''}}
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* ''[[Angel]]''
** In the fifth season, {{spoiler|Wesley shot his father the moment dad began threatening Fred}}. Fortunately, {{spoiler|it was just a cyborg with an illusion to make it look like dear old dad}}.
** In the same season, {{spoiler|Wesley did this again. While Angel is monologuing about how they're the good guys so they have to protect any member of humanity, Wesley kills Knox}}.
{{quote|'''{{spoiler|Angel}}:''' Were you even listening?}}
* {{spoiler|Paul Ballard}} dies this way on ''[[Dollhouse]]''.
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* Emmett on ''[[Chuck]]'' is killed in the middle of [[Mugging the Monster|calling someone a pussy.]]
** In another episode, John Casey kills off a bad guy right in the middle of said baddie giving off [[Evil Gloating|a gloating speech]].
* This appears several times on ''[[24|Twenty Four]]''. The most recent{{when}} example coming from a private security goon holding a key witness at gunpoint. Jack simply dispatches him with a single shot mid-threat.
* {{spoiler|Stringer Bell}} from ''[[The Wire]]''.
{{quote|"Get on with it motherfu..."}}
** Also {{spoiler|Cheese: "There's just the street, the game, and what happen' here today. When it was ma uncle, I was wit ma uncle. When it was Marlo, I was wit him. But now, nigga..."}}
* On ''[[The West Wing]]'', in an almost painful [[Tempting Fate]], a secret service agent happens to walk in to a convenience store in the midst of a robbery. Only seeing one of two robbers, he gets him to drop his weapon, gets him on the floor, and then says the kid was smart, because he's secret serv--
** Actually, it didn't quite happen that way. They first screwed the audience into thinking he might actually, improbably get away with it because he ''does'' survive the tempting fate line about being secret service. Afterwards, when he's safe, he jokes to the clerk that he hates to be a problem customer, but if he doesn't get a Milky Way bar pretty soo--
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{{quote|"...you got a problem, Ronald. You got nobody to pull that trigger for you. This is a job you can't delegate. You gotta actually dirty your hands for once, and we both know that--" BLAM}}
* In the ''[[Doctor Who]]'' episode "World War Three", one of the Slitheen gets one, getting out half of [[Precision F-Strike|"Oh, bollocks."]] before getting blown up.
== Music ==
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