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Fallout 4/Characters/Commonwealth Residents: Difference between revisions

Added lots more details that I thought were worthy of note.
(Added lots more details that I thought were worthy of note.)
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=== Institute Members ===
==== Father ====
The Sole Survivor knows them by another name - {{spoiler|Shaun I}}. The mysterious Director of the Institute, who has a very personal & hidden relationship with the Sole Survivor.
* [[Affably Evil]]: He's very polite and always cordial to the Sole Survivor, even when he's likely facing down the literal barrel of a gun in their first meeting.
* [[Alas, Poor Villain]]:
* [[Ambiguous Disorder]]: He shows off some mild traits of sociopathy during his reign as the Institute's Director.
* [[Ambiguously Evil]]: Easily one of the most morally ambiguous Institute members the organization has to offer.
* [[Antagonistic Offspring]]: {{spoiler|An optional case}}.
* [[Anti-Villain]]: He's never seen taking that much pleasure from the Institute's more morally ambiguous actions, and genuinely thinks he's helping create a better world.
* [[Big Bad]]: Is one for the Brotherhood and Minutemen questlines.
* [[Big Bad Ensemble]]: Forms one with Elder Maxson for the Railroad questline.
* [[Big Good]]: Is this for the Institute's questline.
* [[The Chessmaster]]:
* [[Complexity Addiction]]:
* [[Foil|Contrasting Sequel Antagonist]]: To [[Fallout: New Vegas|Caesar/Edward Sallow]].
* [[Even Evil Has Loved Ones]]: In a twisted sense, as he still genuinely loves and cares for {{spoiler|the Sole Survivor, his only surviving parent}}.
* [[Everyone Has Standards]]:
* [[Foil]]:
* [[Foreshadowing]]:
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: {{spoiler|His racism towards Synths and dislike of cyborgs is due in part to his hated of Kellogg for killing one of his parents and leaving the other imprisoned in Vault 111}}.
* [[Gameplay and Story Segregation]]: In-Universe, Father is a scientific genius, and he actually does prove himself to be very intelligent throughout the Institute's questline. However, his S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats aren't anything to write home about, with him only having an Intelligence score of ''4'' according to them.
* [[Innocently Insensitive]]: He's very casual and breezy when talking to the Sole Survivor about {{spoiler|the death of their spouse at the hands of Kellogg}}, [[A Million Is a Statistic|dismissing the event as "collateral damage."]] The Sole Survivor [[Discussed Trope|can express]] horror/disgust at Father's dismissive attitude, and he then defends himself by pointing out how {{spoiler|he's had sixty years to come to terms with the loss of his mother/father, and they were also lost when he was only an infant}}.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|Jerk With A Heart Of Gold]]: Silver rather than gold, but it still counts. For all his flaws, Father still means well, is dedicated to making the world a better place, {{spoiler|and still genuinely loves the Sole Survivor}}.
* [[Kick the Dog|Kick The Dog]]:
* [[Knight of Cerebus]]: ''Fallout 4'' wasn't exactly sunshine & rainbows even ''before'' Father showed up, but the huge [[The Reveal|Reveal]] around his identity is '''shockingly''' dark and has the story plunge into some truly uncomfortable places.
* [[Mad Scientist]]: Like all of the Institute.
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]:
* [[Nerves of Steel]]:
* [[Non-Action Big Bad]]: He's {{spoiler|an elderly man slowly dying of cancer}}, so he's never going to be seen on the battlefield.
* [[Pet the Dog|Pet The Dog]]:
* [[Reality Ensues]]:
* [[Villain Has a Point|Villain Has A Point]]: His near-pathological fear of the surface world is rather cruel and short-sighted...but isn't exactly unmerited, especially given just how much of a [[Crapsack World]] the Wasteland generally is.
* [[Walking Spoiler]]:
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: He will massacre entire towns if he feels it's needed to make the world a better place.
* [[Younger Than They Look]]: Heavily downplayed. On the one hand, he still looks and acts like an elderly man regardless of his actual age. However, his {{spoiler|cancer}} has prematurely aged him, to the point where looks more like a man in their late seventies rather than a {{spoiler|sixty-year-old}}.
* [[Your Days Are Numbered]]:
==== S9-23 ====
This Synth goes by another name - {{spoiler|Shaun II}}.
Line 90 ⟶ 123:
==== Dr. Brian Virgil ====
==== Liam Binet ====
==== Rosalind Orman ====
==== Dr. Clayton Holdren ====
==== Dr. Allie Fillmore ====
==== Dr. Justin Ayo ====
The current Acting Director of the Synth Retention Bureau, and is tasked with helping control the Commonwealth while making sure escaped Synths are returned "home" to the Institute.
* [[Ambition Is Evil]]: He's one of the darkest members of the Institute, and many other characters note he's just using his position to further his goals.
* [[Asshole Victim]]: {{spoiler|As a named Institute character being killed by the Sole Survivor is one of the possible requirements for the "Banished From The Institute" quest, many players have used this as an excuse to bump off Ayo "on their way out the door," so to speak.}}.
* [[Big Bad Wannabe]]:
* [[Call Back]]:
* [[Dark Is Evil]]:
* [[Faux Affably Evil]]:
* [[Frame-Up]]:
* [[Hate Sink]]: One of the most obnoxious and arrogant characters in the entire game. If you want a singular example of all the Institute's flaws and sins, look no further than Justin Ayo.
* [[Jerkass]]:
* [[Jerkass Has a Point]]: For all of his obnoxious flaws, his fretting about security risks can be vindicated by a non-Institute play-through of the main quest.
* [[Karma Houdini]]:
* [[Kick the Dog|Kick The Dog]]:
* [[Laser-Guided Karma]]:
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]:
* [[Number Two]]:
* [[Smug Snake]]: He's a pretty good manipulator...but still not a [[The Chessmaster|Chessmaster]] on the level of someone like Father or the Sole Survivor is.
* [[Stealth Insult]]:
==== Dr. Alana Secord ====
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