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Wolfenstein 3D: Difference between revisions

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* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]: Hitler is a boss! Once you blow up his [[Powered Armor]], he's only about 1/2th as tough as the regular bosses, but with [[More Dakka|extra dakka]]. He's still got several times as much health as the [[Elite Mooks]] and wields dual miniguns, though.
* [[Blatant Item Placement]]: With ammo and food found on the floor.
* [[Boss-Only Level]]: The only opponent in Level 9 of episodeEpisode 1 is the boss, Hans Grosse.
* [[Boss in Mook Clothing]]: The Hitler Ghosts in the last level of episodeEpisode 3. They have boss-like health (about 33% the health of a normal boss), which is probably meant to fool you into thinking the first one is really the final boss.
* [[Chest Blaster]]: The mutants in episodeEpisode 2 have guns implanted in their chests. The gigantic [[King Mook|Ubermutant]] boss from Spear of Destiny has upgraded it to a ''chaingun''.
* [[Combat Medic]]: Dr. Schabbs, a [[Mad Scientist]] and one of the bosses.
* [[Cut and Paste Environments]]
* [[Dog Food Diet]]: You can eat dog food for health.
* [[Dummied Out]]: "Call Apogee, Say Aardwolf!" It's still there (E2M8), if you know how to get to it.
* [[Easy Mode Mockery]]: The easiest level, "Can I play, Daddy?" , is symbolized by an icon of Blazkowicz in a baby bonnet.
* [[Elite Mooks]]: SS Guards and Officers.
* [[Every Ten Thousand Points|Every Forty Thousand Points]]
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* [[Gatling Good]]
* [[Ghostapo]]: Possibly subverted. The mutants, while undead-looking, are a result of scientific rather than supernatural experimentation, and the flying, fireball-shooting Hitler Ghosts are, according to the ''[[Return to Castle Wolfenstein]]'' manual, [[Doing In the Wizard|decoys hung from the ceiling by wires.]]
* [[Giant Space Flea From Nowhere]]: The Angel of Death in ''Spear of Destiny''.
* [[Glass Cannon]]: Attack dogs. Faster than other enemies, can deal high damage with their bites, but they only have a single hitpoint.
* [[Gratuitous German]]: See the [http://www.mac-archive.com/wolfenstein/talk.html list] for all of them.
*is shot* ''"MEIN LEBEN!"'' }}
** Fixed in the ''Spear of Destiny'''s "Lost Episodes" with actual German actors, swapped out for [[Just a Stupid Accent]] with a peppering of [[Poirot Speak]] in ''RtCW''.
* [[Hurricane of Puns]]: Just a quick glance at the list of potential titles id Software had considered before choosing the Wolfenstein name reveals several groaners, including ''Luger's Run'', ''Luger Me Now'', ''Tank You Very Much'' and ''[[Germans Love David Hasselhoff|Castle Hasselhoff]]''.
* [[Hyperactive Metabolism]]: Food restores health.
* [[Hyperspace Arsenal]]: Just barely counts as an example. The [[Knife Nut]], [[Handguns|Luger]], and [[More Dakka|MP40]] are all things you could reasonably expect someone to carry. The [[Gatling Good|Chaingun]]? Not so much.
* [[Idiosyncratic Difficulty Levels]]: "Can I play, Daddy?", "Don't hurt me!", "Bring 'em on!" and "I am Death incarnate!"
* [[Joke Level]]: E3M10, {{spoiler|a Pac-Man stage also known as "Wolf Pack".}}.
* [[Loading Screen]]: GET PSYCHED!
* [[The Maze]]: Quite a few of the levels have mazes, but the most extreme example is the Aardwolf maze in E2M8.
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* [[Nazi Gold]]: Collect it for scorepoints.
* [[No Fair Cheating]]: cheating for full ammo will deny you the chance to get a high score.
* [[Nonstandard Game Over]]: While it doesn't end your game, if Dr. Schabbs, the boss of episodeEpisode 2, kills you with his syringes, then instead of your head being all caved in and dead (see [[Shows Damage]] below), it turns gray and zombie-like (the stuff in the syringes turns you into a mutant).
* [[Path of Greatest Resistance]]: If a room is filled with bodies, you've already been there.
* [[Power Armor]]: Hitler has one.
* [[Puzzle Boss]]: The secret level in Episode 4 looks like a run, shoot and hope job. It's actually a maze - there's a path from start to finish that goes past the backs of the guards without any of them seeing you. (Followfollow the blood spatters on the walls.).
* [[Secret Level]]: [[Once an Episode]].
* [[Shareware]]
* [[Shout-Out]]:
** E3M10. {{spoiler|[[Pac-Man|Wakka wakka]].}}.
** A couple to id's previous game, ''[[Commander Keen]]''. Try inputting the cheat code from episodesEpisodes 4-6 and you'll get a message saying something to the effect of "Commander Keen is another great game from id Software, but you knew that already, didn't you, Cheater?"
** Related to the above one, the hint sheet for the game gives a brief biography of B.J. Blazkowicz, including revealing that he's Keen's grandfather.
* [[Shows Damage]]: As you soak up damage, the face in the status bar becomes more beaten and bloodied.
* [[Sigil Spam]]: Well, the real Nazis emblazoned swastikas onto everything too, although we're pretty sure they didn't actually create whole levels shaped like them (E6M3).
* [[Sound-Coded for Your Convenience]]: Each soldier uses a different [[Gratuitous German]] phrase, except for the [[Apple Macintosh]] port (Wherewhere they all share the same pool of phrases) and the [[SNES]] port. (Where, due to being [[Bowdlerise|Bowdlerised]], they don't even speak German. Like the Mac port, they all use the same generic sound pool, but with the thoughtful addition of having different human enemies will speak with different voice-pitches).)
* [[Soundtrack Dissonance]]: Surprisingly, the {{spoiler|Pac-Man}} music on E3M10 is quite sharply contrasted with you running for your life!
* [[Stupid Jetpack Hitler|Stupid Power Armor Hitler]]
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* [[Universal Ammunition]]: The three original guns all share the same pool of ammunition, though in the case of the first two it's justified (the Luger and MP40 do both fire 9mm bullets). The 3DO and SNES ports added a flamethrower and rocket launcher which had their own ammo pools.
* [[Unwinnable by Design]]: Whatever you do, in the pushback mazes of E2M8 and E4M2, don't box yourself in! If you do, let's hope you saved at the start of the level, otherwise you have to start the episode all over again.
* [[Yeah! Shot]]: The ending of episodesEpisodes 1 and 5.
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