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Fallout 3: Difference between revisions

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*** Influence from Chinese Remnant forces, most likely.
* [[Grenade Tag]]: Reverse pickpocketing grenades. There's even an achievement for it.
* [[Grey and Gray Morality]]: The central theme in ''the Pitt'' DLC: you're faced with a real kicker of a choice. You can aid the slave rebellion, which wants to destroy the raider army oppressing them (who really are evil jerks) and kidnap the boss' baby daughter so they can try to create a cure for a massively degenerative disease from her. However, the raider army's the only thing bringing food into the Pitt other than the meat of 'Trogs', the degenerated semi-humans created by the disease, and they have no scientific or medical knowledge and won't treat that baby well. Or you can side with the genuinely good intentioned Lord Ashur, who leads the slaves and raiders so that he can create an industrial powerhouse that'll be free of disease so he can conquer the surrounding area to provide food, shelter and medicine for everyone. Complicating the matter is that the future of The Pitt's people isn't examined, and the player's actions to aid either side could lead to the city prospering or perishing either way through circumstances not explored.
* [[Grimy Water]]: Dirty, irradiated water is the norm rather than the exception.
* [[Guilt Based Gaming]]: Tell Clover to get lost. She (almost) starts to cry and asks, "But... but what did ''I'' do?"
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