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Fallout 3: Difference between revisions

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* [[Irony]]: James just wanted you, his only son/daughter, to live a quiet, safe, and peaceful existence on your own while he snuck out of the vault into the wasteland in pursuit of his of shattered dreams. Too bad that the very act him leaving is what forced you out of the vault and into danger anyways.
** {{spoiler|Liberty Prime destroying the last remnants of the American Government.}}
** The Brotherhood of Steel's original mission in the Capital Wasteland was to recover lost technology and the Outcasts left because Elder Lyons made the decision that helping the local Wastelanders was more important than their original goal. By the end of the game (especially with the add-ons) the Brotherhood of Steel has made entirely new weapon systems, reactivated a super robot from the Pre-War period that single handily curb stomped the Enclave, and have recovered so much of the Enclave's advanced technology that they are practically swimming in it. No good deed goes unrewarded, eh?
* [[Item Crafting]]: With a workbench, some schematics, and delightfully [[Vendor Trash|random junk]], you can create some of the most powerful (and [[Rule of Cool|coolest]]) weapons in the game with no fuss.
* [[I Will Punish Your Friend for Your Failure]]: You can threaten the vault overseer if he doesn't give the key to the secret passage to the surface. Since he doesn't want Amata harmed...
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