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** The Nuclear Anomaly Perk allows you to set off a small nuclear explosion, killing anyone unfortunate enough to be standing to close to you, once your health drops below a certain point. Problem is that at higher difficulty levels, you take too much damage from enemy attacks to go off before you die.
** The Prototype Medic Power Armor. Sure, it boosts a cool Mister Gutsy-esque voice once you wear it, and does alert you when an enemy is near, but it's a double-edged sword when it comes to trying to be stealthy, because of said voice giving away your position when that happens. The enemy will know where you are even if you equip a Stealth Boy after that, and will promptly attack you. Also, once your health is down to about less than 50%, it will automatically administer Med-X to boost your damage resistance assuming you have some in your inventory. It really isn't that useful a feature in combat when you already some perks that boost your DR in combat. On the plus side, since it's power armor, at least you have some DR to begin with, so it isn't too impractical.
* [[Awesome McCoolname]]: Herbert 'Daring' Dashwood.
* [[Awesome Yet Practical]]: Dressing up as 'Slaver-hunting Zombie Lincoln' actually isn't ''that'' gimped a build.
** The Tesla Cannon. It can only fire one shot at a time, but two shots will kill damn near anything. Even better, the ammo is plentiful. It also has massive range, takes out Vertibirds in one shot and the shots will go exactly where you point them.
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