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Fallout: New Vegas/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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(Bonus Feature Failure is NOT a YMMV trope)
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** Mr House.
** Caesar as well.
* [[Broken Base]]:
* [[Broken Base]]:* Not only the regular old versus new shtick, but also hardcore mode versus standard mode is emerging.
** ''Dead Money'' has also been causing a debate. Both parties agree that the voice acting is amazing and it's much harder than any other sections of the game, but that's all they agree about. Either it is a brilliant, atmospheric, fun, strategic, [[Survival Horror]] adventure, or a frustrating, ugly looking, linear path filled with [[Trial and Error Gameplay]], [[Fake Difficulty]], and [[Demonic Spider]] enemies (the Ghost Trappers and speakers in particular get a lot of hate).
** While most love the game, there's a faction that dislikes the massive amount of assets recycled from ''Fallout 3'', to the point ''New Vegas'' has been called an expansion of ''3'', or even a glorified fan mod.
* [[Cargo Ship]]: The Boomers. They REALLY like guns, and bombs, and cannons...or anything else that uses gunpowder at all.
* [[Cargo Ship]]:
* [[Cargo Ship]]:* The Boomers. They REALLY like guns, and bombs, and cannons...or anything else that uses gunpowder at all.
** Can't forget that one of the customers in Atomic Wrangler is asking to have sex with a robot. I mean real (metal) robot, not [[Robot Girl]] or humanoid-looking things.
*** Right. A customer. Not the owner. [[Suspiciously Specific Denial|He was very clear about that.]]
** Oddly, the Stealth Suit and the ''Light Switches'' in ''Old World Blues'' appear to have crushes on the Courier. Hell, the switches even act like catfighting girlfriends.
* [[Complete Monster]]:
** Vulpes Inculta. He pretty much razed Nipton to the ground, enslaved most of its people, and put the remaining group through a lottery to determine their fates. The one winner got to go free. The losers suffered various fates, crucifixion being one of the lighter punishments. Admittedly, [[Wretched Hive|Nipton]] [[Asshole Victim|probably had it coming]], but it is implied this is not the first (or last, if you decide to tolerate his existence) time this has happened. Later dialogue reveals he is also the guy who arranged the chlorine bombing of New Vegas. Not even the Legate approves of his tactics. Put simply, Inculta is one of those rare characters who is ''right'' on the line between standard (if rather bloody) villain and [[Complete Monster]]. Of course, one must remember that he is part of a Roman-themed army, and Rome used similarly brutal tactics when integrating people they conquered. Rome was able to set up a large, relatively safe, civilized empire because these methods are actually effective in integrating people into their society (after a few generations, the integrated tribes would have lost their old tribal identity and consider themselves Roman). The Legion has the same goals as the Roman Empire and has been getting the same end result based on Raul's comments. It's tricky to determine if Inculta is using brutal, but historically proven methods to reach the end goal of Legion or if he is legitimately a [[Complete Monster]] using Legion as an excuse to brutalize people.
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