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World of Warcraft/Tropes I-P: Difference between revisions

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** Blackrock Spire is pretty bad in this respect too. The dungeon - supposedly a city inhabited mostly by orcs and dragons - is full of narrow bridges and easily-accessible ledges with no handrails whatsoever. While the bridges ''may'' be defensive structures a la [[The Lord of the Rings|Khazad-Dum]], where they aren't over lava they're over drops that you need a parachute to survive.
** Gilneas has several ''very high'' bridges with no railings whatsoever.
** Grim Batol, a high-end dungeon, prevents you from Mind Controlling enemies to prevent abuse of this trope, since there are pits everywhere.
** The Goblin city of Kezan was one of the worst. Never mind that the roads are on elevated platforms with no guardrails that the player can [[Drives Like Crazy| drive on haphazardly while mowing into civilians]], or the fact that EPA laws [[Gaia's Lament| are clearly nonexistent.]] In order to meet Trade King Gallywick's price for safe passage from the [[Doomed Hometown]], the player must set his own office on fire to collect insurance on it. This is done by overload the defective generator, turning on the leaky stove, and dropping a cigar on the flammable bed, and finally directing a Gasbot to enter. The claims adjuster is actually surprised to get "another" claim like this, even though he falls for it. Clearly justified, as Goblins [[Snake Oil Salesman| are the type who do this a lot.]]
* [[Noodle Incident]]: In "Mysteries of the Unknown", your future self tells you, "Listen, I'm not supposed to tell you this, but there's going to be a party that you're invited to. Whatever you do, DON'T DRINK THE PUNCH!" (Unfortunately, for most players, this does ''very'' little to narrow it down...)
* [[No Plans, No Prototype, No Backup]]: [[Word of God|According to the lore]], Gnomes are a complete aversion of this. They plan meticulously, taking more time to draw schematics of things than it takes to actually build them, and will often test, redesign and upgrade their inventions until they are perfect. Those tanks that go backwards and teleporters that get you to your destination but hundreds of feet in the air, those are the unperfected prototypes.
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