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In general, recent [[RPG]]s have some kind of "X system", where X is some entity or concept that, flavor-wise, drives the [[Game System]].
This trope describes what happens when X is ''also'' a key plot point. Those things you [[Gotta Catch EmThem All|have to find all of]]? Maybe there's a special one that could save or destroy the world. Maybe each time you get a [[Plot Coupon]], it comes with some new spells, abilities, or commands you can use. The point is, a single concept is central to both the gameplay or customization ''and'' the narrative at hand.
The following things shouldn't be in the examples list because they don't count, or because they're too general.
* Plots where the end goal (or at least one of them) '''is''' [[Gotta Catch EmThem All|collecting all of them]], as in ''[[Pokémon]]'', ''[[Valkyrie Profile]]'', or ''[[Suikoden]]''.
* Individual attacks, items, or other that are connected to the plot or characters, unless that thing is one-of-a-kind, like a limit break. Some of these things may be examples of a [[Sword of Plot Advancement]] or a [[Villain-Beating Artifact]], though
* General flavor and atmosphere are not plot. If a world is sci-fi, just having the magic system named "nanites" is too vague. What ''would'' work is if you had a grey goo scenario as the "villain" ''and'' nanites were the basis of the entire customization.
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