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*** Though, since Thrall has become more and more of a blatant [[Creator's Pet]] throughout Cataclysm, more and more players are changing their minds about this, and now there is a new outcry starting {{spoiler|now that the creators have stated their intent to reinstate Thrall as Warchief at the end of [[Mo P]].}}
** Some fans see Lor'tbemar as this to Kael'thas as leader of the Blood Elves. It didn't help when Kael got [[Killed Off for Real]].
** Anduin seems to have the undeserved reputation as a wimp, be mostly because [[Tough Act to Follow| his dad was so goddam awesome.]] His reluctance to lead and more pragmatic approach to doing so (as in, he resolves most conflicts without fighting) is seen as a wekness. While some characters claim he is [[Wise Beyond Her Years]], players often regard him as a weak leader who has done ''nothing'' for the Alliance. Of course, [[Fan Dumb| most fans forget]] about how close the Alliance came to a bloody civil war that Varian would likely have caused (during ''Cataclysm'', no less) [[What Measure Is a Non-Badass?| had his son not stopped him]] from killing Magni...
* [[Rescued from the Scrappy Heap]]: Arguably happens to Garrosh in Cataclysm. Then he is a villain in the next expansion.
* [[Ruined FOREVER]]: Former forum user Palehoof gives a good rundown [http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=20677635725 of all of the various changes Blizzard has made to the game that supposedly ruined World of Warcraft forever] (up to and including paid-for vanity pets). He was a [[Ascended Fanboy|Forum MVP]] for good reason.
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