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Kyonyuu Fantasy Gaiden/Heartwarming: Difference between revisions

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* On 2 separate occasions, Cardinal Canossa tries to say that Lute's marriage to Shamsiel is the cause of misfortune to his people and kingdom. Even using scripture to justify his view. Which Lute promptly throws right back in his face both times. The first instance was when they first meet Canossa, Lute remarks how God teaches acceptance of those who have made mistakes in the past and those who are different. There's even a fitting reference to [[Bible|Mary Magdelin's]] story as a former prostitute that decided to follow the path of God, and that if the Cardinal condemned Shamsiel, Emeralia, or anyone simply for their past, then he would be implying that all forms of penance is futile. This shuts up Canossa pretty fast, and even Cardinal Fango thought Lute's words were spot on. The second instance is the morning when Lute and his group are going to visit Vunderbalt. Canossa claims that the recent attacks and misfortune befalling Edelland to be God's punishment cursing the people for Lute's marriage to "a devil". Lute then flips that back on him by saying that IF that were the case, why would God wait 2 years to punish him instead of immediately? Canossa just tries to say that the Lord's will is thus inscrutable. Lute then asks how he would know what God's thinking or decided? Canossa asks if Lute is trying to defy the Lord, so Lute responds that he only defies those who try using God as a means of judging/criticizing others. Lute then says an old saying about a "fox borrowing a tiger's authority" and thus he can't stand when a "fox" borrows God's authority (which is to say, using God's name for one's own benefit). Once again, this shuts up Canossa and impresses Cardinal Fango who agrees with him.
** Immediately following the first instance where Lute defends both Shamsiel AND Emeralia from the insults of Cardinal Canossa, they both embrace him and cheerfully tell Lute that they were so happy. Shamsiel remarks that she hadn't felt this happy since the day he married her and made her a queen. Emeralia said that she WAS happy the day he named her his prime minister, but that today (when he defended her) was what she considered to be the happiest day of her entire life. Then they decide to [[Coitus Ensues|further express their gratitude]].
* When Lute, Shamsiel, and Emeralia visit Vunderbalt, the soldiers are all thrilled to see them, even Shamsiel whom they had gotten to know since she had been their overseer for a while. Thus when Cardinal Canossa started slandering Lute and Shamsiel in front of them, the men started to get pissed. Then, Shamsiel changes into her queenly dress and returns to show off to everyone how queenly she is. Everyone is awestruck by her beauty, even the Cardinals. The soldiers actually start lining up to kiss her hand in reverence. Later that night, Shamsiel continues to be the center of attention, getting along well with the soldiers who were all eagerly trying to get a chance to dance with her in her queen dress. It's nice for both Shamsiel AND the ex-rebels that they not only get along well, but are happy to share the common trait of being former outcasts that were now being accepted.
* One of THE most impactful scenes in this entire story involves Shamsiel. There was a series of incidents occuring that made people start to question trusting Shamsiel: {{spoiler|The Ghoul incident in Boan, the appearance of a fake succubus in Bustenhalter and then Vunderbalt, and then a very vicious attack by an impostor that looked exactly like the real Shamsiel killing several soldiers in Bustenhalter. Each time this happens, pressure gets put on Shamsiel, but thankfully they manage to easily prove her innocence each time... Except for the last time: When Lute, Shamsiel, and the others return from Vunderbalt to Bustenhalter the day after the impostor Shamsiel's attack, the soldiers try to kill Shamsiel on-sight. Despite the generals and others vouching for her, the soldiers refuse to listen. Emeralia then steps forward and tells them that if they wanted to kill her highness Shamsiel, they'd have to kill HER first (this even shocks Shamsiel). She reminds them that it was Shamsiel who saved Lute and thus the Kingdom back when Lute was going to be executed by Bernstein. The soldiers still don't back down and charge toward Shamsiel, but stop at the last second. Why? Lute threw himself between them and her, and they almost kill him on the spot by mistake had they not stopped at the very last second (the spears actually poke into his clothes). Lute manages to finally calm the soldiers down and convince them to leave the matter to him. They stand down and leave Shamsiel alone. Later on, everyone is discussing what just happened. Lute says that if Schlamm and Zant said the attacker looked just like Shamsiel then it had to have looked like her. Shamsiel approaches Lute in tears claiming her innocence. Lute tells her that he believed her, and holds her in his arms. She starts trembling. This is one of the very few times Shamsiel has ever shown this level of fear, but it wasn't necessarily HER safety that she was worried about. The last time was when she was blaming herself for Lute's false imprisonment and near-execution in the previous game. She then starts to tell Lute that [[I Just Want My Beloved to Be Happy|perhaps they should divorce, she didn't want to cause him any more trouble, and that she would be content to go back to living in Boan if he came and visited her now and then]]. Lute pulls her closer and tells her that no matter what anyone says, she would ALWAYS be his queen. Lute even makes a joke that without her around, there'd be nobody to threaten to "squeeze him dry". She chokes up as she calls him a dummy and cheers up as he holds her. Meanwhile, the others in the room are watching this transpire, and it leads to Schlamm uttering a VERY heartwarming line: "A demon who can cry (like this) is no demon at all"}}. In other words, this scene is when everyone finally sees how "humane" Shamsiel really is, even if she isn't at all human.
** Another small part during this event is the morning {{spoiler|when Lute and the others are heading back to Bustenhalter, Cardinal Canossa starts to say that all of this WAS because Lute had married a "demon/monster". As he continues to berate Lute and Shamsiel's competence, Emeralia finally tells him that he better watch his mouth for his own safety's sake. Canossa asks if she was threatening him. Emeralia tells him that it is FOR his safety that he better shut up. Canossa looks around and all the soldiers (including Motaire) who have been listening are glaring daggers at him! He tries to say more, but they cut him off and warn him that if he says one more bad thing about their king and queen whom they owe their lives to... They'd cut him in half}}.
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