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When they weren't partying up at Mount Olympus or playing Russian Roulette with thunderbolts, they could be found making out with mortals, resulting in the birth of demigods. Unfortunately, they often didn't wait for consent, or indeed even care. This comes from two rationale:
* '''[[If It's You It's Okay|Benevolent]]:''' Personal attention from a super-being you worship? Awesome. Getting to become the mother of a god or demigod? Lovely! Consent? Meh. A character in this position would have been deeply offended if anyone had tried to label them "rape victims". And this doesn't give any other supernatural entity the right to treat them the same way. That would be a violation.
* '''[[Might Makes Right]]:''' The gods can treat the mortals any way they please because they have [[Omniscient Morality License]] or simply because they are strong enough to get away with it.
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* Zeus was pretty much an [[Depraved Bisexual|equal opportunity rapist]]. He abducted the beautiful prince Ganymede in the form of an eagle so that Ganymede could become his eromenos. [[Just-So Story|Ganymede was made into the constellation Aquarius]] so that Hera couldn't hurt him. No, Zeus was never subtle about his infidelity.
== TypeIf I.It's You It's Okay examples ==
=== Film ===
* Toyed with in the French movie ''[[Immortal (film)|Immortal]]'' which involves the Egyptian god Horus forcing himself on [[spoiler:the only woman on Earth able to bear his child]] using mind control. The guy whose body he possessed to do this was less than pleased, and it remains a bitter point of their love triangle (since the possessed guy starts falling for her).
=== Literature ===
* Happens to Odysseus in ''[[Odyssey|The Odyssey]]''. After Circe had turned all his men into animals, Odysseus attacked her with his sword. She was surprised by this, but laughed at his futile attempt to fight and made him her lover. Afterwards his men were turned back into people and they all quite happily spent a year feasting on her island. The alternate myth (used in Homer's version), has Odysseus raping Circe (on the advice of Hermes) after using a magic plant to become immune to her powers.
=== Mythology and Religion ===
* [[Older Than Dirt]]: As king, [[The Epic of Gilgamesh|Gilgamesh]] (who was 'two thirds' a god) made it a rule that all women who were about to get married had to have sex with him first. This pissed off his subjects, and the gods sent Enkidu to wrestle Gilgamesh and give him an outlet for his pent up energy (and yes, we do realize that [[Ho Yay|can be taken more ways than one]], which was in the original myth too).
* When Hatshepsut was staking her claim for King of Egypt she said that she was actually the ̶d̶a̶u̶g̶h̶t̶e̶r̶ ''son'' of Ra who had slept with her mother in the guise of Thutmose II (her real father). Therefore in the context of the story, Hatshepsut's mum thought she was having sex with her husband when really it was Ra.
** Just to make it weirder: this was actually the standard conception story for the Pharaohs, it's just that normally, a boy was begotten. This meant that it was, in fact, quite possible that any woman married to a Pharaoh was hoping for this to happen: this, and not birth order, supposedly determined whom the heir was.
* Another example of this is the moon goddess Selene, who placed the lovely youth Endymion into an eternal sleep so that he could be immortal and proceeded to give birth to fifty daughters by him.
* Happens to Odysseus in ''[[Odyssey|The Odyssey]]''. After Circe had turned all his men into animals, Odysseus attacked her with his sword. She was surprised by this, but laughed at his futile attempt to fight and made him her lover. Afterwards his men were turned back into people and they all quite happily spent a year feasting on her island. The alternate myth (used in Homer's version), has Odysseus raping Circe (on the advice of Hermes) after using a magic plant to become immune to her powers.
* According to some sources, Poseidon raped Medusa—who was [[Disproportionate Retribution|punished for it]] by Athena, in whose temple it had happened, by being transformed into a Gorgon.
* In some versions of the [[Cassandra Truth|myth of Cassandra]], the curse that no one would believe her prophecies came about when she refused Apollo's advances. Mind you, the gift of prophecy was something he gave her in an attempt to make her consent, so arguably Apollo was nicer about this than the norm.
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* In Roman myth, Rhea Silvia was a Vestal Virgin who claimed she was violently raped by Mars, god of war. As a result, she conceived two twins, Romulus and Remus. Since she was a Vestal Virgin, she couldn't very well raise them, and so she left them on a hillside, where they were raised by [[Wild Child|a she-wolf]]. Long story short, [[Just-So Story|this is how Rome was founded]].
* [[wikipedia:Kurupi|Kurupi]] from Guarani mythology. The proof that [[Eldritch Abomination|eldritch monsters]] raping women is NOT a recent concept.
* Toyed with in the French movie ''[[Immortal (film)|Immortal]]'' which involves the Egyptian god Horus forcing himself on [[spoiler:the only woman on Earth able to bear his child]] using mind control. The guy whose body he possessed to do this was less than pleased, and it remains a bitter point of their love triangle (since the possessed guy starts falling for her).
=== Video Games ===
* In ''[[EverQuest]]'', Innoruuk, the God of Hate, disguised himself as a regular dark elf male and impregnated a woman on the night of the Blood Moon festival that the dark elves celebrate every so often. Ceremony states that the female is supposed to ritually kill her mate as a sacrifice in Innoruuk's name if they have sex on that night. Of course, Innoruuk could spare a mortal body of some random dark elf, but the woman eventually gave birth to Lanys T'Vyl, Innoruuk's daughter and future Demi-Goddess of Strife.
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