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Lovable Rogue: Difference between revisions

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* Jerry of ''[[Tom and Jerry]]'' was supposed to be this, but [[Your Mileage May Vary]] on the lovable part.
* The Ant Hill Mob from ''[[The Perils of Penelope Pitstop]]'' may not be the most ''competent'' of rogues, but they still fit.
* Stan from ''[[Gravity Falls]]'' is a charlatan, con artist, [[Snake Oil Salesman]], and often a common thief, and gets away with a lot of it because most folks in Gravity Falls are too dumb to notice. Still, he remains a good-hearted person in the long run, valiantly opposing Bill Cipher's machinations.
** Wendy, to a lesser extent. While regarded as a [[Nice Girl]] overall she's done a few shady things like abusing her authority as a lifeguard (eventually she was fired for filching from the snack bar, and managed to steal three more bags of chips on the way out), vandalism, and in one of the shorts, stealing a police car.
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