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* A ''[[Dungeons & Dragons]]'' adventure, ''Vecna Lives!'', has the PCs run through a dungeon playing high-level pregenerated heroes... who are promptly slaughtered by the godlike villain, whereupon the players' own low-level characters pick up the adventure.
** Likewise, in the adventure ''Death Triumphant'', the conclusion of the ''Grim Harvest'' trilogy, the party of heroes manage to infiltrate Azalin's castle with the intention of stopping him from using the energy of thousands of souls harvested throughout the trilogy to [[Sealed Evil in a Can|unseal the can he was stuck in]]. As it turns out, they don't quite make it in time. The flavor text is meant to suggest that [[Total Party Kill|everybody's dead]]. However, it turns out that the unleashed energy has turned the party, along with everybody else in a twenty-mile radius, into various forms of the undead. Which ''does'' technically make them dead, mind you, but...
*** The ''Tomb Of Horrors'' has illusions and traps galore, but the most insidious of these (serious spoilers) {{spoiler|1=is the false tomb. The players find a trinket that acts as a powerful holy weapon against a false [[Big Bad|Acererak]], and when the fake's defeated the room and, indeed, the entire tomb itself [[Load-Bearing Boss|seems to collapse]]. It's all an illusion. The text of the adventure states that if the PCs panic and leave the tomb that the DM should ''end the session''.}}
* The ''[[Mutants and Masterminds]]'' adventure "A More Perfect Union" uses this to great effect. The players are given generic police officer characters and told to investigate reports of shouting coming from a house in the suburbs {{spoiler|this is actually because the residents have been infected with a sort of mind-control virus and have slowly assimilated everyone inside into a hive mind. Next on their list? The police that come to investigate. Once the players have lost all of the police to [[The Virus]], play picks up again with their own characters.}}
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