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A lot of [[Eroge]] can be described as this. Even though a lot of them stick close to their tropes, especially female archetypes with the [[Harem Genre]] games, remember, [[Tropes Are Tools|tropes don't have to be bad]]. There are plenty of comedy works, but also a fair share of drama and romance. Some are better than others, and a few are considerably better than most. However, some people have a habit of grouping PWP with [[Hentai]] and [[Public Medium Ignorance|calling]] [[Did Not Do the Research|both of them]] [[Complaining About Shows You Don't Watch|the same thing]], even if the second "P" amounts to maybe one or two sex scenes hidden amidst hours of non-sexual gameplay (or worse, some non-intercourse ecchi scenes).
Contrast, of course, [[Porn Without Plot]]. Compare [[It's Not Porn, It's Art]]. See also [[PlayingFetish to The FetishesFuel]], which is when an otherwise clean work includes Fetish elements to attract an audience.
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