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{{quote[[File:knklio box1244.jpg|frame|Trust me, this is a lighter moment. {{spoiler|<ref>The person in this picture is Lio Shirazumi the true antagonist of the Murder Study/Speculation arc.</ref>}}]]}}
{{quote box|Trust me, this is a lighter moment. {{spoiler|<ref>The person in this picture is Lio Shirazumi the true antagonist of the Murder Study/Speculation arc.</ref>}}}}
Oh, [[Nasuverse|Nasu]], sometimes he can outdo [[Neon Genesis Evangelion|FREAKING]] [[Hideaki Anno]] in terms of sheer messed-up-ness. Overall dark coloring and [[Nothing Is Scarier|constant use of silence]] doesn't help things either. Ghosts that make people commit suicide, human puppet, bizzare carnivorous murderer, and a girl who has a very twisted sense of morality and constantly repressed desire of murder; [[Sarcasm Mode|clearly what you see in a kid friendly series!]]
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* In the second movie
** while taking a walk, Shiki finds a corpse lying on a massive pool of blood. Her reaction?
{{quote| ''She bends down and touches the blood flowing on the ground; streaks it across her lips. -->The blood drips down and her body trembles in ecstasy. The first lipstick Shiki has ever worn.''}}
** And some of the details of the murders are really horrifying, especially the one where the corpse got dismembered and the limbs were set around the head to look like a flower.
** Later, when Mikiya goes to visit Shiki, he stops. The camera focuses on the path for a second, then cue scare chord and blood flowing down the cracks and at the end of the path, stands {{spoiler|Shiki}} in front of a corpse, with possibly one of the most horrifying [[Dissonant Serenity]] ever.
** After Mikiya spies on Shiki's house one last time, {{spoiler|Shiki shows up right behind him, wearing a blood-red kimono, [[Hidden Eyes]], no expression, and a knife on her hand.}} Mikiya runs, keep tripping himself and strains his ankle, with {{spoiler|Shiki}} [[The Slow Walk|walking very slowly toward him.]]
{{quote| '''{{spoiler|Shiki}}:''' I want to kill you. }}
* In the third movie
** Asagami Fujino's power itself; it can twist anything clockwise and counterclockwise, and she only used it against human limbs {{spoiler|except the bridge in the end}}. Special points for a poor chap in the dock: he got his limbs twisted off, one by one and the accompanying sound effect of both screaming and limbs torn off is just so unsettling that I actually had to touch my limbs, just to make sure they were still attached.
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** When Shiki and Tomoe visit {{spoiler|Tomoe's real apartment}}, they are greeted with the pleasant sight of {{spoiler|Tomoe's parents' rotting corpses and an equally-disgusting kitchen. The flies don't make the scene any better.}}
** The mere thought of the viewers putting themselves in Tomoe's shoes is scary enough. How would you feel if you {{spoiler|realize you're just a carbon copy of your former, ''dead'' self and had to [[Fate Worse Than Death|relive your death]] every day for the rest of your artificial life?}}
*** How about the scene in the basements of the apartment: {{spoiler|piles and piles of [[BraininaBrain In a Jar|Brain Jars]]. Tomoe's expression after finding his.....}}and {{spoiler|his arms falls off, revealing clock-cogs mashed with flesh}}. Seriously, Nasu, did you have the script proof-read by [[Hideaki Anno]] or something?
** The scene where {{spoiler|Mikiya is getting tortured and having his head bashed into a wall}} doesn't make it any less painful to watch knowing that the character performing the deed is an [[Expy]] of Alex Delarge from ''[[A Clockwork Orange (Filmfilm)|A Clockwork Orange]]'' and Willy Wonka.
*** The former character's influence is more prominent, seeing as how [[Shout -Out|he hums]] [[Soundtrack Dissonance|Ode to Joy]] as he's approaching Mikiya.
*** How about his {{spoiler|[[Karmic Death]]}}? He gets {{spoiler|torn apart by what can only be described as an [[Eldritch Abomination]] that looks like centipede with a lots of mouth}}? The moral of this chapter: You do not, under any circumstance, {{spoiler|fuck with Touko}}.
** Let's just say the fifth movie as a whole is a pure undilluted [[High Octane Nightmare Fuel]].
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** That doesn't even ''begin'' to do him justice. Just remembering some of the shit he did makes me feel like my soul is being ''raped.''
{{DEFAULTSORT:Garden of Sinners, The}}
[[Category:Nightmare Fuel (Anime)]]
[[Category:Kara No Kyoukai]]
[[Category:High Octane Nightmare Fuel]]
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