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This trope is strange in that it, in particular, unlike the [[Funny Foreigner]], is a [[Discredited Trope]] at best, possibly verging on a [[Dead Horse Trope]], and is most often used today in subversion, as a quick and easy way to tell that a character has a prejudice against another group, and that character is usually painted in a negative light.
[[No Real Life Examples]], please. There{{noreallife|here is a reason that the character who implements this trope is usually looked upon in a negative light.}}
See also [[The Pig Pen]].
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* In [[Tom Sharpe]]'s novels, the mutual respect with which the two kinds of white South Africans look upon each other... both British-descended and Dutch-descended Afrikaaners will use the trope of soap-innocence to describe each other...
== [[Live -Action TV]] ==
* ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'': Anya punishes a philanderer. When his girlfriend wishes he was a frog, Anya makes him French. Now he smells.
* The very first line in ''[[The Drew Carey Show]]'' was an [[Orphaned Punchline]] about this.
{{quote|'''Lewis''': ...and that's why the French don't wash.}}
* This appears in various iterations of ''[[Star Trek]]'' as a stereotype of Klingons; Starfleet crewmen make racist jokes about Klingon hygeinehygiene and body odor in ''[[Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country|Star Trek VI the Undiscovered Country]]'' and Q makes similar barbs about Worf in ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation|The Next Generation]]'', even in Worf's presence (he's a [[Physical God|god]], what could Worf do to him?).
== [[Radio]] ==
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