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[[File:images_2_5976.jpg|frame|You[[Revenge of the Sith|"Did you ever hear The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?"]]]]
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* [[The Force]]: The prequel films mention repeatedly that the Force is imbalanced and that the dark side is ascending. The origin of the imbalance begins in this book.
* [[Foreshadowing]]: An Itkotchi prophetess foresees the ensuing Clone Wars, Order 66, Galactic Empire, Death Star, and Galactic Civil War. Needless to say Plagueis moves quickly to [[Have You Told Anyone Else?|silence her]]; Palpatine reminds Anakin that he will monitor his career with great interest; Master Sifo-Dyas is persuaded that the Republic needs an army....
* [[Foregone Conclusion]]: Any fan who has seen Star''[[Revenge Warsof Episodethe IIISith]]'' knows what happens to Darth Plagueis at the end. Luceno even opens with the immediate aftermath of the murder, refusing to play it as a twist or give it a sense of false suspense. {{spoiler|What the reader doesn't realize until the climax is that how Palpatine killed Plagueis isn't important. It's ''where'' and more importantly, ''when''.}}
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: Unambiguously averted. Unlike his predecessor Bane, young Palpatine's feelings towards his family are a little...''extreme''. To elaborate, Palpatine's father does hate him, but for the simple reason that Palpatine has transparently hated ''him'' from the moment he was born (though his dad covering up his crimes did help Palpatine develop an "I can do no wrong" mentality).
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: Darth Gravid.
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'''Cosinga''': Precisely. You're an animal at heart.
'''Palpatine''': King of the beasts, Father. }}
* [[Ironic Fear]]: Plagueis' motives come from his fear of death.
{{quote|'''Palpatine''': It's ironic. He could save others from death, but not himself.}}
* [[Lone Dalek]]: It's hard not to feel sorry for Darth Venamis.
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